Treatment of cervical spondylosis, also called Cervical Osteoarthritis by physical rehabilitation modalities. Cervical Osteoarthritis may be treatable in physiotherapy department by various means like:
Heat Modalities
Neck Exercises
Manipulative Therapy
Postural Awareness
cervical traction
neck support
Aims of Cervical Spondylosis Treatment
To alleviate pain
To provide support towards the neck
To restore the neck movements entirely range
To re-educate the individual for posture correction
To bolster the cervical muscles
To analyse the fundamental precipitating causes of the patient's problem and are designed for alleviating those causes.
Strategy to Cervical Spondylosis
Heat Modalities
Heat is an efficient mean of reducing and relieving pain in cervical osteoarthritis. The modalities you can use are:-
a)Hot packs for moist heat.
b)SWD (pulsed or continous) for dry heat.
When the pain subside to some tolerable limit, then exercises ought to be started and progressed gradually based on the conditions and requirements from the patient.
Static Contractions and Strengthening Exercises
Isometric contractions from the cervical muscles improve the muscle endurance and tone because the contractions improve the blood supply thereby the nutrition towards the muscle is increased and therefore muscle strengthening is performed.
The basic technique of this being active is that both Physiotherapist and patient exert equal pressure to ensure that static; non dynamic action happens in the cervical muscles. During all of the movements, shoulder girdle ought to be stabilised so as to avoid trick movements. Pressure can be applied by the physiotherapist or through the patient himself after teaching him the strategy properly.
Soft tissue technique
Kneading helps you to release tightness of upper fibre of trapezius. Obtaining, wringing and skin rolling will help with relieving the tightness of scalene muscles, interspinous ligaments, paravertebral muscles and trapezius.
Oscillatory traction is regarded as effective in mobilizing the stiff neck. Continuous traction can be used to relieve nerve root pressure.
Traction is definitely given in comfortable position with minimum weight that ought to be graduated slowly when it comes to patient's recovery. This relies on the frequency of remissions and exacerbations from the condition. It can be succumbed sitting or lying position. The traction could be given either in the type of manual traction or positional traction.
Float support lying in tepid to warm water is best for total relaxation and therefore gain relief of muscle spasm. To unwind the upper fibres of trapezius, patient is taught to push one hand then your other towards the feet within the float support lying position.
For that lower fibres of trapezius and serratus anterior, looking at the float with both of your hands holding down the float may be the preferred position. This stimulates the muscles and also the receptors of the neck and shoulder joint to keep the head in a good position.
Postural Awareness
Because the condition progresses, the abnormality of posture also increases, thus in the initial stage itself, postural awareness through proper advice and education ought to be planned and initiated through the physiotherapist.
The ideal posture is straight neck with chin tucked in and back straight without any compensatory actions or any trick movements. While sitting a higher backed chair is supplied to the patient with head, neck and shoulder supported; a little pillow in the lumbar spine, feet properly supported and arms sitting on a pillow within the lap or around the arms of the chair.
During sleep, side lying is easily the most preffered position, supine lying can also be adviced. A single pillow under head for head support is allowed. A Butterfly pillow is the greatest support for a patient of cervical osteoarthritis, because it is flattened in the middle in which the head rests and also the elevated ends offer the head on the sides.
Support for that neck are crucial to keep the neck steady and also to relieve the pain. A strong neck collar is extremely beneficial especially during activities or during travelling. While patient is resting or sitting, the collar ought to be removed but then even the neck should be based on pillows or head rest.
Because of pain and spasm of cervical muscle, patient is definitely in discomfort and uneasiness. To alleviate these undesirable situations, relaxation techniques are taught in a variety of positions that is during rest, work or play.
While lying on bed, patient is adviced to loosen his system and stretch for rare occasions so as to reduce the muscular tension low. While relaxing the entire body should be fully based on pillows. He is then asked to think of something pleasent that will facilitate comfortable and relaxed sleep.
might be necessary for a patient struggling with cervical osteoarthritis if he/she has severe pain that doesn't improve from other conservative treatments. It ought to be the last resort while there is always a risk factor involved.
Heat Modalities
Neck Exercises
Manipulative Therapy
Postural Awareness
cervical traction
neck support
Aims of Cervical Spondylosis Treatment
To alleviate pain
To provide support towards the neck
To restore the neck movements entirely range
To re-educate the individual for posture correction
To bolster the cervical muscles
To analyse the fundamental precipitating causes of the patient's problem and are designed for alleviating those causes.
Strategy to Cervical Spondylosis
Heat Modalities
Heat is an efficient mean of reducing and relieving pain in cervical osteoarthritis. The modalities you can use are:-
a)Hot packs for moist heat.
b)SWD (pulsed or continous) for dry heat.
When the pain subside to some tolerable limit, then exercises ought to be started and progressed gradually based on the conditions and requirements from the patient.
Static Contractions and Strengthening Exercises
Isometric contractions from the cervical muscles improve the muscle endurance and tone because the contractions improve the blood supply thereby the nutrition towards the muscle is increased and therefore muscle strengthening is performed.
The basic technique of this being active is that both Physiotherapist and patient exert equal pressure to ensure that static; non dynamic action happens in the cervical muscles. During all of the movements, shoulder girdle ought to be stabilised so as to avoid trick movements. Pressure can be applied by the physiotherapist or through the patient himself after teaching him the strategy properly.
Soft tissue technique
Kneading helps you to release tightness of upper fibre of trapezius. Obtaining, wringing and skin rolling will help with relieving the tightness of scalene muscles, interspinous ligaments, paravertebral muscles and trapezius.
Oscillatory traction is regarded as effective in mobilizing the stiff neck. Continuous traction can be used to relieve nerve root pressure.
Traction is definitely given in comfortable position with minimum weight that ought to be graduated slowly when it comes to patient's recovery. This relies on the frequency of remissions and exacerbations from the condition. It can be succumbed sitting or lying position. The traction could be given either in the type of manual traction or positional traction.
Float support lying in tepid to warm water is best for total relaxation and therefore gain relief of muscle spasm. To unwind the upper fibres of trapezius, patient is taught to push one hand then your other towards the feet within the float support lying position.
For that lower fibres of trapezius and serratus anterior, looking at the float with both of your hands holding down the float may be the preferred position. This stimulates the muscles and also the receptors of the neck and shoulder joint to keep the head in a good position.
Postural Awareness
Because the condition progresses, the abnormality of posture also increases, thus in the initial stage itself, postural awareness through proper advice and education ought to be planned and initiated through the physiotherapist.
The ideal posture is straight neck with chin tucked in and back straight without any compensatory actions or any trick movements. While sitting a higher backed chair is supplied to the patient with head, neck and shoulder supported; a little pillow in the lumbar spine, feet properly supported and arms sitting on a pillow within the lap or around the arms of the chair.
During sleep, side lying is easily the most preffered position, supine lying can also be adviced. A single pillow under head for head support is allowed. A Butterfly pillow is the greatest support for a patient of cervical osteoarthritis, because it is flattened in the middle in which the head rests and also the elevated ends offer the head on the sides.
Support for that neck are crucial to keep the neck steady and also to relieve the pain. A strong neck collar is extremely beneficial especially during activities or during travelling. While patient is resting or sitting, the collar ought to be removed but then even the neck should be based on pillows or head rest.
Because of pain and spasm of cervical muscle, patient is definitely in discomfort and uneasiness. To alleviate these undesirable situations, relaxation techniques are taught in a variety of positions that is during rest, work or play.
While lying on bed, patient is adviced to loosen his system and stretch for rare occasions so as to reduce the muscular tension low. While relaxing the entire body should be fully based on pillows. He is then asked to think of something pleasent that will facilitate comfortable and relaxed sleep.
might be necessary for a patient struggling with cervical osteoarthritis if he/she has severe pain that doesn't improve from other conservative treatments. It ought to be the last resort while there is always a risk factor involved.
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