Selasa, 28 Februari 2017


Heart palpitations  are the feelings of having rapid, fluttering or pounding heart. Heart palpitations can be triggered by stress, exercise, medication or, rarely, a medical condition.
Although heart palpitations can be worrisome, they're usually harmless. In rare cases, heart palpitations can be a symptom of a more serious heart condition, such as an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), that may require treatment.
Causes- Often the cause of your heart palpitations can't be found. Common causes of heart palpitations include:-Strong emotional responses, such as stress or anxiety,Strenuous exercise,Caffeine,Nicotine, Fever,Hormone changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy or menopause,Taking cold and cough medications that contain pseudoephedrine, a stimulant,Taking some asthma inhaler medications that contain stimulants
Occasionally heart palpitations can be a sign of a serious problem, such as an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia). Arrhythmias may include very fast heart rates (tachycardia), unusually slow heart rates (bradycardia) or an irregular heart rhythm.
Symptoms-Heart palpitations can feel like your heartis:Skippingbeats,Fluttering,Beating too fast,Pumping harder than usual
You may feel heart palpitations in your throat or neck, as well as your chest. Heart palpitations can occur whether you're active or at rest, and whether you're standing, seated or lying down.
ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30- Acute sudden and violent palpitation . It cures functional disorder and does not produce any tissue change. Anxiety, fear and tingling in the fingers
AGARICUS MUS 30- Palpitation from sudden noise or on coughing. Nervous palpitation
AMYL NITROSUM 3 – Palpitation of heart at slightest excitement with flushed face
ARNICA MONTANA 30- Palpitation of heart due to overexertion  . Numbness of left shoulder and left arm often accompanies with palpitation
BELLADONNA 30- Palpitation after least exertion with headache and a flushed face
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS 3X- Intense palpitation and fluttering sensation about the heart .Inability to lie downDyspnea. It is specially useful in girls at puberty and at menstrual period and in heart weakness of patients suffering from arteriosclerosis  
CARBO VEG. 30- Palpitation on account of acidity  and excessive flatulence in stomach
CIMCIFUGA RACEMOSA 30-Palpitation with sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach. Uneasiness and restlessness
COCA 30- Palpitation due to climbing on a hill or high places
CRATAEGUS OXY. Q, DIGITALIS PUR 30-Palpitation on account of threatened heart failure
GLONOINUM 30-Palpitation with dyspnea. Beats of heart are very strong and each beat is heard in the ears
IGNATIA AMARA 30- Hysterical palpitations
LACHESIS 200- Palpitations on least excitement , specially during menopause
LILIUM TIG. 30- Palpitation on account of nervousness and in the women with uterine diseases
MOSCHUS 30-Nervous palpitations or nervous excitement . There may not be any organic diseases of the heart
NATRUM MUR 200- Palpitations in anemic patients  due to weakness
NUX VOMICA 30-Palpitations after eating, indigestion and from flatulence
OXALIC ACID 30-Palpitations with dyspnea in organic heart diseases , worse when thinking of it
SPIGELIA 30-Violent palpitation with pain in the chest, worse movement . Dyspnea must lie on the right side with head high
STROPHANTHUS Q- Palpitation due to anemia and dilated heart
SULPHUR 200-It is indicated when it appears that there is too much blood in the heart producing palpitation , gasping for breath and a sensation as if the heart is too large for the chest
TERMINALIA ARJUNA  Q- Palpitations in heart diseases , may be due to any heart disorder, dyspnea, nervousness etc
THYROIDINUM 30- Palpitation due to abnormal rapidity of the heart action
VIPERA 30-Palpitation due to inflammation of the veins. Fullness, pain and bursting sensation in veins

VISCUM ALB. 30- Palpitation during coition


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, sputum production and wheezing. It's caused by long-term exposure to irritating gases or particulate matter, most often from cigarette smoke. People with COPD are at increased risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer and a variety of other conditions.
Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two most common conditions that contribute to COPD. Chronic bronchitis is inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. It is characterized by daily cough and sputum production. Emphysema is a condition in which the air sacs (alveoli) at the end of the smallest air passages (bronchioles) of the lungs are destroyed as a result of damaging exposure.
Causes- The main cause of COPD in developed countries is tobacco smoking. In the developing world, COPD often occurs in people exposed to fumes from burning fuel for cooking and heating in poorly ventilated home
·         Emphysema. This lung disease causes destruction of the fragile walls and elastic fibers of the alveoli. Small airways collapse when you exhale, impairing airflow out of your lungs.
·         Chronic bronchitis. In this condition, your bronchial tubes become inflamed and narrowed and your lungs produce more mucus, which can further block the narrowed tubes. You develop a chronic cough trying to clear your airways.
Symptoms-Symptoms of COPD often don't appear until significant lung damage has occurred, and they usually worsen over time, particularly if smoking exposure continues. For chronic bronchitis, the main symptom is a daily cough and sputum production at least three months a year for two consecutive years.
Other signs and symptoms of COPD include:
·         Shortness of breath, especially during physical activities
·         Wheezing
·         Chest tightness
·         Having to clear your throat first thing in the morning, due to excess mucus in your lungs
·         A chronic cough that produces sputum that may be clear, white, yellow or greenish
·         Blueness of the lips or fingernail beds (cyanosis)
·         Frequent respiratory infections
·         Lack of energy
·         Unintended weight loss (in later stages)
People with COPD are also likely to experience episodes called exacerbations, during which their symptoms become worse than usual day-to-day variation and persist for at least several days.
ANTIMONIUM ARS 30—It is an excellent remedy for this condition. Excessive dyspnea and cough with much mucus secretion, worse on eating and on lying down.
ASPIDOSPERMA Q- It is considered as a tonic for lungs. Removes temporary obstruction  to the oxidation of blood by stimulating respiratory centres. Want of breath during exertion is  a guiding symptom. Give 10 drop doses
ANTIMONIUM TART. 30- Emphysema of the aged. Coughing and gasping , consequently. Great rattling of mucus in the lungs. Rapid , short, difficult breathing
BRYONIA ALBA 30- Frequent desire to take a long breath, must expand lungs. Dry, barking cough worse at night. Quick, difficult repiration with pain in the chest
COCA 30- Want of breath or shortness of breath . Especially useful for aged sports men and alcoholics. Hoarseness or loss of voice and dyspnea. Give 5-6 drops doses every 2 hours, in severe cases
NAPHTHAINUM 30- Dyspnea and sighing respiration. Emphysema of the aged with asthma. Long and continued paroxysms of coughing . Tenacious expectoration
SENEGA 30-Respiration increased . Excessive dyspnea. Sharp, contractive pains in the muscles of chest. Persistent cough
LOBELIA  Q- Coughing with vomiting, asthma preceded by prickling all over, hyperventilation, panting, threatened with suffocation , fear of death , chest feels constricted, worse from any movement

I Have Sciatica Why Are You Grabbing My Foot

It is 5 am in Badwater, CA. There are approximately 100 runners toeing the chalked line. There is 135 miles, over 10,000 ft in elevation gain and 120 degree heat under the Death Valley sun between them and the finish line. I see my runner crossing the horizon towards our support car, his stride looks shortened, but smooth for mile 60. Over the next 75 miles we take turns passing off race essentials. At 4 am, as a team, we cross the finish line at Whitney Portal.

So how did this journey begin?

From the moment I met him I could hear the “thud”. It was the sound that his foot made as it he walked through the clinic.  He tells me he is a runner, but not just a runner, but he is running in the Badwater Ultramarathon in July. 135 miles of “thudding” into the ground! To bring the pressure up a notch, this is going to be his 11th consecutive finish. As I watched him move and walk, I can't stop focusing on the stiffness of his foot which is causing the "thud". But how do I explain his lack of foot mobility is contributing to what he is actually coming to see me for… SCIATICA?

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a general term used to describe inflammation of the sciatic nerve or nerve roots which comprise it. Sciatica can be caused by a disc injury or stenosis (narrowing of spaces of the spine), which puts pressure on the nerve roots. When our foot hits the ground force is transferred up the leg and into our lower back. Our foot is designed to pronate upon impact to allow for shock absorption.  The bony anatomy of our foot and ankle causes a biomechanical chain reaction. This generates a rotation in the leg then into the pelvis which helps to recruit the gluteals to provide the stability of the back. However, if the foot remains supinated, ground reaction force is transferred into the spine instead of being absorbed through the foot and leg. When the mobility of the foot is limited, the lower back is forced to move more to compensate for the lack of motion. The increase motion of the back decreases the amount of space the nerve has to pass through the spine.

When the foot pronates it causes a rotation up the leg which
helps to dissipate force and maintain good motion of the back.

When the foot remains supinated the foot remains rigid forcing
the back to rotate more which decreases space for the nerves.

To improve his foot mobility I begin to facilitate pronation of his foot. IT worked! His sciatic pain decreased.  I worked on it some more and his pain was gone! He was able to walk and jog in the clinic without his symptoms. 

From the moment I helped his foot become more supple and pronate, his sciatic pain got better.

So when you foot hits the ground: is it supple (pronated) or rigid (supinated)?


You can even see from the pictures above the difference in the position of the pelvis.


The technique is performed to increase mobility of the foot to reduce stress to the lumbar spine. This will help minimize your risk of sciatica. Stenosis is narrowing of the canal in which the nerves exit the spine. If you have a herniated disc, this is NOT a technique for you.

For forefoot runners, it is also important to have a mobile foot. The motion of supination and pronation occurs in the forefoot instead of the mid and rear foot.

After mobilizing the foot, it is important to retrain the muscles and joints in this new motion. This allows the newly acquired motion to be recognized as a movement path. If your body doesn't use this motion, the foot and ankle will become stiff again.

Here are examples of exercises which use the muscles and joints in all 3 planes of motion to retrain the body.

Please consult with a health care professional prior to performing these exercises. If it increases your pain, STOP!


                                                   SEBORRHOEIC DERMATITIS.

                This type of dermatitis that occurs consequent upon excessive secretion of sebum (seborrohoea). Obviously, it occurs at places where sebaceous glands are numerous (e.g. scalp, axillae and the glands). The dry form is characterized by the presence of patches covered with fine, browny and creasy white scales. When this type of seborrhea is associated with erythema and follicular papules, the condition is called seborrhoeic dermatitis.


                 Excessive secretion of sebum may be due to several factors. Such a person has large sebaceous glands especially around the nose, face and the axillary folds.
Some of predisposing factors for these conditions are below.
-          Hormonal imbalance.
-          Continued anxiety.
-          Excessive consumption of fat and carbo hydrates.
-          Infections with micro organisms over the skin surface.


1.       GREASY FORM:-

The greasy form (seborrohoea oleosa) affects the face and the scalp. The affected person has large sebaceous glands at these sites. Patchy erythematosus areas covered with greasy scales or crusts are present over the affected site. Hair roots, especially those over the vertex and the eyebrows are affected resulting in patches of alopecia. Acne vulgaris may be associated.

2.      DRY FORM:-

The dry form (seborrohoea sicca) is characterized by the presence of patches covered with fine, browny and greasy white scales. When this type of seborrohoea is associated with erythema and follicular papules, the condition is known as seborrhoeic dermatitis.

 Seborrhoeic dermatitis usually occurs at 3 different sites – the scalp (seborrhoeic capitis), face and the flexures.

-          Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp is full of white scales (commonly known as dandruff or scurf).
-          The scales are in fact, exfoliations derived from the horny layers of the epidermis. When scaling is associated only with erythema, the condition signifies a milder form of seborrhoeic dermatitis.

-          In more severe type of seborrhoeic dermatitis, the erythematosus patches are greasy due to oozing of sebum.

-          In the severest type, greasy erythematosus patches covered with crusts are spread all over the scalp.
-          Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the face affects the eyebrows, nose and the ears.

-          Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the flexures affects the axillary folds, groin and the under surface of the breasts. Greasy erythematosus papules are present at these sites.

-          In chronic seborrhoeic dermatitis the lesions are more erythematosus and more oozing than simple seborrhoeic dermatitis.

-          The lesions are covered with greasy crusts that separate out as flakes. Oozing from the scalp lesions may be so profuse that the pillow is soaked with greasy discharge that occurs during the night.


-          The affected part should be kept dry and non- greasy. In case of seborrhoeic capitis, the scalp should be washed with a shampoo twice a week.

-          In acute stage, soothing and astringent are advisable along with a systemic antibiotics and ant histaminic drugs.

-          In chronic cases, local application of an ointment containing salicylic acid, sulphur precipitate, liquid carbonis detergens in a non- greasy base are advisable.

-          Certain dietary items particularly sweets, chocolates, ghee and dried fruits should be avoided.


Some of the medicines which acts well on seborrhoeic dermatitis are below.

1.       CHAMOMILLA.
2.       HEPAR SULPH.
3.       MERC SOUL.
4.       PULSATILLA.
5.       RHUS TOXI.
6.       SILICEA.
7.       ACONITE.
8.       APIS.
10.   AURUM MET.

16.   SULPHUR.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

Adenoids – Guards of the lungs


CHILDREN DISEASE – Adenoids – Guards of the lungs

Nose – the prominent attraction of the face – works as a passage, a filter and a humidifier of the air entering into it. It is a very sensitive part with rich source of blood supply, sensitive nerve endings, sinuses and glands. It further aids in phonation and smelling the odour which enhances taste. The action of the nose usually gets altered with environmental factors (i.e. temperature, high altitudes, humidity, etc.) and infection. Enlarged adenoids – one among the common nose complaints – often distract nose functions and can distort nose shape too in due course.
Adeno is the Greek word for gland. Medically, Adenitis is meant for infection of the gland (for eg – Lymph adenitis refers to an infection in the lymph gland) and adenopathy refers to diseases of the gland.
Adenoids are a pair of glands present normally in every one during childhood. It is placed between the nose and throat in the end of soft palate. Adenoids can be considered as the natural guards that protect our lungs from entry of disease or its agents, as tonsils do in the mouth. Adenoids, the tonsils of the nose, are also called Pharyngeal tonsils. It is mainly made of lymphoid tissue which works for immune/defense mechanism. Usually, adenoids shrink and get atrophied after the age of 8 and so it is considered of no use after that.

Adenoid’s functions are supposed to be:
  • It monitors the quality of the air which enters our body
  • It plays a major role in body immune mechanism, but most probably in childhood
  • It traps the germs that enters into the body by its antibodies and drains it into the lymph vessels for drain or elimination
  • By becoming a swollen inflamed mass, it alerts our body when any infection enters our body
  • It is helpful in forming lymphocytes (white blood cells) which protect our body as defense mechanism.
Even though adenoid could do all these functions with its lymphoid tissue, our modern scientific era go on excising adenoids when it gets enlarged to show any symptoms. This shows our rudimentary knowledge in science still hasn’t realised its significance.
Hope, nature will teach us later. Nature never put anything as a waste or makes it useless.
Incidence – Adenoids are more common in children than adults since adenoid glands get atrophied after a certain period of life (mostly after the age of 8). Male children have higher incidences than female children. The reason is unknown. Also, it is more common in children who have allergies.
Causes – Usually, enlargement of the gland certainly indicates increased working of the gland i.e. reaction towards the disease or infective agents (bacteria or viruses or fungi). Sometimes even without any infection, the adenoid gland may remain swollen obstructing the airway. It also occurs as an allergic reaction to allergens, for example, pollens, cold stuff, food preservatives, drugs, etc.
Symptoms – The most common complaints of adenoids are repeated attack of cold, cough and nose block. The other symptoms of enlarged adenoids are:
  • Difficulty in breathing – due to the blockage of airway by enlarged adenoid. This may lead to snoring. Whistling snore can be heard loudly at night due to more relaxed adenoid during sleep.
  • Nasal discharges and nasal phonation
  • Mouth breathing mostly at night, but in advanced cases, in daytime also
  • Restlessness at night due to sleep apnoea (large pause between two breaths)
  • Attention deficit and tiredness – due to restless sleep at night, there will be more tiredness during day time.
  • Poor growth and development with air hunger and lack of appetite or aversion.
  • Excess salivation and dribbling of saliva when mouth breath predominates to avoid dry mouth.
  • Bedwetting
Children suffering from enlarged adenoids should be treated with immediate attention, since it often happens to persist as infective pockets which keeps spreading infection to the nose (to cause sinusitis), throat (to cause throat ulcers, tonsillitis) and ears (to cause pain and hearing loss). Normally, children outgrow the adenoids over time as adenoids usually get atrophied or shrunk (regress) in the second decade of life.
Complications – When infected adenoids are left untreated, infection can enter/spread to sinus or lungs or ear or digestive tract. Also due to constant nose block, oxygen quotient of the body will be lowered which will reflect in nutrition, growth and health status of the child. The sidetracked breathing technique (mouth breathing) in the long run will cause dull face or facial distortion like elongated face, high arched palate, protruding and prominent teeth, pinched nose with loss of furrows where it joins lips, etc. Sleep apnoea (i.e. pause of breath in sleep) can also occur rarely and threatens one’s life with chocking. Recurrent cold, cough, ear pain (CSOM – chronic suppurative otitis media) can cause tinnitus and hearing loss.
Diagnosis – Highly enlarged adenoids can be seen deep in the nose, when the nose is widened and examined with torch. Or otherwise (for small to moderate size) adenoids can be seen only with the help of special mirror designed to visualise the upper back of the throat. The following tests may be necessary to confirm it clinically.
  • Endoscopy
  • X-ray
  • CT scan or MRI scans
  • Blood analysis – Tc, Dc, Esr, Hb% to evaluate infection and its intensity
Prevention – Treating infections then and there and avoiding continuous allergic sneezing with proper medication will surely help prevent the occurrence or recurrence of adenoids.
Also caring for general health with nutrituous diet and good ventilation will make one stay away from infection, inflammation and enlargement of adenoid glands. Further, for prevention,
  • Blowing nose vigorously
  • Acidic drinks like cold beverages
  • Tin-packed foods with preservatives
  • Direct blow of air from fan or air-conditioner
  • Room Humidifier when room heater is often used.
  • Nasal spray to moisten the nose when it seems to be dry and irritated
General treatment – Nature and intensity of the adenoid complaints will usually vary from child to child. Generally, each and every child requires treatment according to the presentation of the complaints. Allopathy works mostly towards
1. Focus on infection – Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics
2. Relief of pain or symptoms
a. For relief of pain – analgesic
b. For allergic conditions- Anti-histamine drugs
These methods of drug selection will always be followed to manage the situation or condition. In course of time, when the disease becomes resistant to antibiotics or any medicines, then as a last resort, to root out recurrent infection, doctors advice removal of the enlarged adenoids (adenoidectomy). Surgery has its own complications like weakening of immune mechanism, nose bleeding and rarely regurgitation of food / fluids into the nose. And in any way, before the age of 8, adenoids removal should be strictly avoided, since it plays a main role in immunity of the children. But after that, if the condition is absolutely necessary, i.e. mass is in huge size and fibrosed, obstructing the whole passage of respiration and doesn’t respond to any medicines at all, then it is better to go in for surgery to ease and free the respiration.
Homeopathic approach – Enlarged adenoids are not a pure surgical complaint. They can be cured in 70 – 80 per cent of cases. In Allopathy itself, there is a lot of controversy in removing adenoids and tonsils. They also switch over to surgical option only when complaints recur in uncontrollable intensity with resistance to antibiotic and other drugs.
Homoeopathy always follows Nature’s rule, so it never admits removal as a cure. It means healing as making healthy, not as removing. If you are going to remove, it is just like removing the guards who often get attacked by burglars while safeguarding us, which is not wise. The right way is that we have to make them strong to fight infection in a better way without any sensitiveness or allergic tendency. Homeopathy often provides it.
Homeopathy treatment is patient-oriented (i.e. not disease-oriented). It enhances and stimulates the immune mechanism of the sufferer to fight against disease or its agent on its own. It can also avoid allergic reaction in nose and adenoid enlargement, focusing and treating the patients with characteristic symptoms of patients i.e. in Homoeopathy, medicines are not selected to act against the disease or to kill the bacteria directly, but for increasing resistance, giving no chance for recurrence. Properly selected remedy quickly supports the body mechanism and clears the complaints at the earliest. Homeopathy reduces the size of the adenoids after controlling the infection and congestion.
Homeopathic Medicines commonly used in cases of enlarged and infected adenoids are Agraphis Nutans, Bacilllinum, Baryta carb, Baryta Iod, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc carb, Calc flour, Calc Iod, Causticum, Cistus can, Hepar sulph, Hydrastis, Kali bich, Lemna minor, Lycopodium, Merc sol, Nux Vom, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Silicea, Thuja, Teucrium, etc. These medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.

for new hope

Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)

Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001

Tel:  +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
E-mail: /

(Disclaimer - The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

Thyroid Hormone Problems And Nerve Damage

Today's short post from (see link below) follows up on an earlier post this week concerning thyroid gland problems and the links with neuropathy. The article rightly points out that neuropathy as a result of thyroid hormone under-production is relatively uncommon but nevertheless with thyroid problems now becoming easier to diagnose, there are more and more cases of nerve damage emerging as a result. As with many forms of neuropathy, damage to the nerves because of hypothyroidism, is often the last link in a whole chain of diagnoses that begins with symptoms of another condition or problem. That it remains relatively rare may be because it is so rarely diagnosed as other illnesses take priority. This article just touches the surface really and if you suspect, or are told that you have thyroid hormone problems, it may be worth talking to the doctor about any other symptoms of neuropathy you may have noticed. That discussion alone may cut corners, get more quickly to the nub of the problem and save a lot of time.

Can hypothyroidism cause peripheral neuropathy and, if so, how is it treated? 
Answers from Todd B. Nippoldt, M.D.  March 29, 2017 

Hypothyroidism — a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone — is an uncommon cause of peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy is damage to your peripheral nerves — the nerves that carry information to and from your brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) and the rest of your body, such as your arms and legs.

Peripheral neuropathy may be caused by severe, long-term, untreated hypothyroidism. Although the association between hypothyroidism and peripheral neuropathy isn't fully understood, it's known that hypothyroidism can cause fluid retention resulting in swollen tissues that exert pressure on peripheral nerves.

One of the more common areas this occurs in is the wrists, because the nerve serving the hands goes through a "tunnel" of soft tissue, which can swell, pressing on the nerve, resulting in carpal tunnel syndrome. The vast majority of carpal tunnel syndrome cases are not due to hypothyroidism, but this would be the most likely area for this to occur with hypothyroidism.

Signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may include pain, a burning sensation, or numbness and tingling in the area affected by the nerve damage. It may also cause muscle weakness or loss of muscle control.

See your doctor if you know or suspect you have hypothyroidism and you're having troubling or painful symptoms in your limbs.


Treatment of peripheral neuropathy due to hypothyroidism is directed at managing the underlying hypothyroidism and treating the resulting symptoms. This may include:
Levothyroxine (Synthroid, Unithroid, others), which is a medication for hypothyroidism that often improves the symptoms of neuropathy
Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight, which can help minimize stress on your body as well as strengthen affected limbs

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Its Plantar Fasciitis!

You get out of bed one morning and your foot hits the ground. "OUCH!" What's causing this pain? You walk around getting ready for work and the pain seems to be disappearing. "Phew", you have to go for your 10 miler after work. The next day the same thing happens. Eventually, you feel the pain every time you stand. AND even when you are running! Finally, after a week you decided to do a Google search - plantar faciitis.
You roll, you ice, you wear a sock thing at night, but nothing changes.

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar Fascitis is the inflammation of the fascia (connective tissue) on the bottom of your foot. It spans from the heel to the toes. At the beginning stages,  the tissue gets stretched with weight bearing however over time, with each step the tissue gets more inflamed.

What are the risk factors plantar fasciitis?

A systematic review of journal articles on plantar fasciitis was performed in 2008 and revised in 2014. The big risk factors for getting plantar fasciitis are being a runner, a person who stands for work and limited ankle dorsiflexion. We all all know you're not going to stop running or working, so let's focus on what we can change.

Limited ankle dorsiflexion
This means the ankle joint has a limited mobility to flex the foot towards the body. Ankle dorsiflexion is required to have proper mechanics while running. When ankle dorsiflexion is limited, the sequence of movement of the foot is changed, putting more stress onto the plantar fascia.
Tightness of the calf muscles ( gastrocnemius and soleus) can also contribute to limited dorsiflexion. Connective tissue from the calf spans down into the heel and blends into the plantar fascia. Limited mobility of the calf muscles can contribute to increase stress of the plantar fascia.


Ball Roll on Calf 

Most people with plantar fasciitis know to roll the bottom of their foot on a tennis ball or golf ball. However, there is a myofascial pain referral zone at the base of the calf where the muscle becomes tendon. This zone is slightly to the outside of the center of the muscle tendon junction. In a long sit position, use a roller or a lacrosse ball to roll out the area for 2-5 minutes depending on tolerance.

'X' marks the spot

Ankle Mobilization

Lace Lock method
When you can't have a therapist to follow you around, you have to improvise. Using a running shoe is the perfect substitute to assist in self mobilizations. Tie shoes using the lace lock method. Thread the lace on the same side through the last hole. Pull the opposite lace through the hoop. Tie the shoes really tight across the front of the ankle. In standing, put one foot in front and rock forward allowing the knee to bend to mobilize the ankle. Angle the knee to go over the pinky toe. Then angle the one to go over the big toe.
5 times each direction
*** Only tie the shoes laces very tight when mobilizing!!

Calf Stretch with Tri- Plane Tweak

This is a tri-planar tweak on the standard calf stretch. Stand with one foot forward and use knee to drive the motion forward. Then twist left and right. Lastly sway your hips side to side.
Perform 10-15 repetitions

Out of the box

In normal mechanics, the hip and thoracic spine absorbs lateral and rotation motion respectively as the arms swing back and forth. However, if those regions are stiff, the motion is transferred to the ankle. The ankle is forced into an over supinated position. In the supinated position the foot is unable to absorb shock putting more stress on the plantar fascia. Improving mobility in the hips and thoracic spine will take the stress off the plantar fascia.
Please refer to earlier post on stretching the hip and thoracic spine.

By addressing limitations locally in the ankle and globally at the hip and thoracic spine, you achieve a more comprehensive treatment plan.

I believe

I really believe,

that if we start gathering together

again, not just to eat,

but to feast on homemade goodness

of all kinds;

foods, crafts, knowledge, art,


and in the affirmation of friendship we form

alliances of wealth

through sharing

through teaching,

through doing,

the momentum of community will

gain force


and power.

And the more powerful the people

and families are in their hearts,

their homes,

the less we fall

prey to consumption, despair.

I really believe that when we gather with

those who ignite our curiosity,

respect, and compassion,

that it's a fine gift given

of sharp tools

to make a structure we

can hinge our future on,

all while baking bread in a room

filled with side-splitting laughter.