Today's post from (see link below) may at first seem like a typical Sunday post that has little to do with neuropathy problems but read on. This very aggressive 'stop putting bad things into your system' article is not just a rant against smokers or additives in food - there are direct links to nerve disease, damage and problems and even if it just tickles your conscience just a little bit, it may have done its job. This especially applies to people already living with neuropathy - almost all of the things mentioned below will make your condition worse. Just saying!

No Apparent Author September 2015
According to a study in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy, the use of aspartame increases pain for people who have fibromyalgia. Women who decreased their intake of aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate) experienced decreases in pain, and then, when the additives were introduced back into their diet, the pain levels increased immediately. Jump-start the healing process by eliminating “excitotoxins,” or poisons, from the diet. Many chemical food agents and additives lead to neurotoxicity when used in excess, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. Neurotoxicity is an umbrella term which covers nearly every single symptom listed under fibromyalgia. Natural remedies may include using magnesium, vitamin D, and natural supplements that boost dopamine and serotonin levels. Vitamin B complex is important for balancing the central nervous system. Look into herbs as natural remedies also. Passion flower helps with stress and anxiety. Licorice aids in digestion. Milk thistle, dandelion and reishi mushroom are excellent for cleansing organs like the liver and kidneys, and also for boosting immunity. In other words, cover your nutritional needs first and always remember, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” — Hippocrates.
Cigarettes: Begin phasing them OUT when you finish reading this article – and you will end your habit within 14 days
Ever heard of organic tobacco? You will now. Ever heard of mucuna, the legume that raises your dopamine levels naturally, instead of using nicotine, which destroys your cleansing organs??? This is the inside turned out on chemicals and how they are affecting your moods and your motivation. This is THEIR curtain call. End them. Understand that certain superfoods can replace your cravings and then simply buy them and eat them. You are in a great place now to understand what diet soda and MSG do to the body, and artificial sweeteners in general. Keep reading.
Before tobacco was polluted with somewhere between 1,000 and 4,000 chemicals, anyone could quit the habit, even cold turkey without help, but because today’s premium brands have juiced up the nicotine so high, it seems to take a small miracle to cure someone of smoking.
In fact, the majority of smokers light up just to feel normal, and catch a little bit of stimulation or relaxation; however, even after quitting, a smoker’s organs and central nervous system remain poisoned from the chemicals for up to 12 months. This sickened state is what drives smokers back looking for relief, not the “nicotine addiction.” The history of commercial tobacco production in the United States dates back to the 17th century when the first commercial crop was planted. But why do the chemicals in cigarettes have so much more to do with the smoking addiction than nicotine? Most cigarette smokers do not understand it’s the chemicals in cigarettes that wreak havoc in their central nervous system, fueling the need for the short-lived relief nicotine brings.
History proves that the premium brands contain more chemicals than others, and that is why they rule the marketshare, and most of their “loyal smokers” will not even smoke the competition’s brand because the “kick” or “taste” just isn’t the same. What most fail to realize is that this desired kick and taste comes with a very steep price – that being more pesticides, more ammonia and a richer toxic cocktail that does damage to the lungs and nervous system in the short term.
Diet soda kills you slowly
Most people who smoke a pack a day of cigarettes know they are treading on thin ice regarding their health, but how many people realize that drinking 30 or more ounces of diet soda each day could prove to be more lethal than a pack of cigarettes? And how can diet soda be worse than regular soda? Even though there are over 4,000 chemicals in one commercial cigarette, the leading chemical in diet soda may actually be breeding more cancer cells in human beings, and thus leading to malignant tumors sooner in life, according to recent research. Cancer thrives in an acidic body where the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Yet, even worse than cigarettes are artificial sweeteners, which fool the body into ingesting them, as if they are food, and polluting the cleansing organs with mutagens. Some research shows the body never excretes all of the aspartame, sorbitol, sucralose or saccharin. When a human consumes Equal, Splenda, Nutrasweet, Sweet-n-Low, etc., their cleansing organs, like the liver, kidneys and pancreas, are overworking and malnourished. You cannot live without these organs. Aspartame is GMO, so the blood is infected with synthetic carcinogens (which it does not release properly, if ever) which cause central nervous system (CNS) disorders and make you hungrier! That’s right, synthetic sugars drive hunger and actually make most people put on weight. How ironic, right?
There is no prescription drug, and there never will be one, which cures the problems that artificial sweeteners create
Over 70 percent of reported cases of fibromyalgia, chronic depression, IBS and acid reflux are caused by consuming chemical agents which have been approved by the FDA. The good news is that there are natural cures for both diet soda addiction and cigarette addiction.
Monosodium glutamate – “MSG” – drives inflammation immediately – chronic migraines and irritability
Monosodium glutamate, better known as MSG, is a form of concentrated salt added to foods to enhance flavor. This salt version of glutamic acid is related to an amino acid that the body can produce on its own, but the MSG we find on store shelves is processed and comes from fermented sugar beets. Because this kind of MSG is processed, it can cause many adverse reactions, including skin rashes, itching, hives, nausea, vomiting, migraine headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression, central nervous system instability and even seizures! Because MSG is so cheap, the food industry can use much lower quality foods and simply add MSG as a flavor enhancer. Currently, there is a huge investment by the food giants in MSG medical research to convince consumers of its safety. Monsanto, the giant biotech company that creates genetically modified corn, soy and canola, as well as the toxic chemicals that they’re doused in, also controls more than 90 percent of the sugar beet industry. Consumers who don’t filter MSG out of their diet are catching a double dose of toxicity. Foods which contain the largest doses of MSG are spicy corn chips, many soups, certain Chinese foods, ranch dressing, sausages, hot dogs, barbecued meats, smoked meats, processed deli meats and sauces. Also included are most powdered packets like chili, gravy, taco seasoning, French onion dip and dried dip mixes.
Tap water: Most USA tap contains toxic FLUORIDE CHEMICALS
Per Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor of Natural News:
Fluoride-pushing doctors and dentists who try to contaminate your water supply with fluoride are promoting their deadly agenda with a clever lie… a lie you will see obediently repeated in every fluoride push. Here’s how it sounds:
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in the water. Our city’s water is unfortunate enough to have a low level, so we are simply adjusting the fluoride in the water to its optimum levels to improve public health.
This lie is repeated almost verbatim, across every city that seeks to poison its citizens with fluoride. Why is it a lie? Here are the five false deceptions found embedded in the statement:
Deception #1) The fluoride ADDED to the water is not “naturally occurring fluoride.” It’s a chemical byproduct often purchased from chemical plants in China (see below).
Deception #2) The false idea that ingesting fluoride is somehow good for your teeth. At best, fluoride is a topical treatment which should be swished around your mouth and then spat out. And that’s only if it’s truly natural (mineral) fluoride, not the fluosilicic acid toxins being pushed as fluoride.
Deception #3) What cities call “fluoride” is actually a toxic cocktail of over 100 deadly industrial chemicals and heavy metals, many of which are purchased in bulk from China, where industrial processing plants are trying to get rid of their excess toxic waste by labeling it “sodium fluoride.”
Deception #4) There is no such thing as a “low” level of fluoride or an “optimum” level of fluoride in drinking water. Pure drinking water should contain NO fluoride whatsoever.
CoQ10 – the essential nutrient depleted in smokers – time to replenish!
What’s so great about CoQ10?? We can tell you. It is perfectly legal to understand how nutrition and supplements can change your life and help you find ideal health. So keep reading. CoQ10 is a naturally occurring substance, like the vitamins our body produces, but this may need some help to be optimal, and that’s what you want and need right now. You may be experiencing oxidative stress, and that would halter your production of CoQ10. You may just be ill from what you eat, drink and put on your skin daily, and these could be the three MAJOR FACTORS contributing to your insufficient CoQ10.
“In fact, maintaining high CoQ10 levels is so critical to sustaining health, I recommend supplementation to most of my patients, particularly those who are over 40, battling fatigue or who are dealing with cardiovascular issues.” — Dr. Frank Lipman.
Top reasons to maintain optimal CoQ10 levels in your body:
CoQ10 is absolutely vital for maintaining good health, as it creates energy for every organ, tissue and cell in the body, enabling them to perform optimally.
CoQ10 is an antioxidant and is present in every cell, as our bodies create it continuously. As we age, we produce less, so you MUST get more from food, supplementation or both!
You add PROTECTION for your brain and heart by optimizing your levels of CoQ10.
CoQ10 improves short- and long-term health.
CoQ10 functions as your “home security system” for defending against the most common “life” and “health” thieves – those being cancer, heart disease and diabetes. CoQ10 is your ’round-the-clock monitoring system and the WEAPON OF CHOICE for fighting inflammation and you guessed it – fibromyalgia, that “mystery disorder” that Big Pharma and the AMA just can’t seem to figure out, help with, solve or prevent. What a coincidence you just found out about CoQ10!
A study demonstrated that a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and CoQ10 leads to a longer lifespan. It’s also been shown to reduce heart attacks and overall heart failure by 50 percent.
HEALTH NEWS FACT: Cancer patients regularly have low CoQ10 levels.
As reported by IodAaron at
[L]ow CoQ10 levels have been observed in cancer patients, while treatment with CoQ10 has been shown to be effective against cancer. The lack of CoQ10 can cause Rhabdomyolysis, which is muscle fibers breaking down, which leads to the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. Myoglobin is known to cause kidney damage. Notably, Rhabdomyolysis has been observed often in patients who take statin drugs.
Inadequate CoQ10 levels have also been noted in incidences of chronic heart failure, end stage AIDS and other overwhelming illnesses.
Organic foods rich in CoQ10 are easy to find!
If you still eat meat, look for grass-fed, organic meats, including fish like mackerel and herring. For the rest, look for organic walnuts, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, organic garlic, cauliflower and lots of AVOCADO!
Make sure any supplements you take contain NO SYNTHETIC ingredients. Don’t buy your vitamins or supplements from Wal-Mart, for instance. Check out the Natural News Store or David Wolfe’s Longevity Warehouse. These are the world’s leading expert nutritionists who know all the good, bad and ugly about supplementation and will steer you on the right, organic, healthy path! Your Naturopathic Physician is also an excellent source for guidance. Ask lots of questions. You can find more clean health products by searching via, the world’s first search engine to filter out corporate propaganda and government disinformation.
Health freedom and free speech
Remember, you have the right to free speech, freedom of the press and optimal health. Follow the Natural News Tracker and keep up with the professional opinions of the top articles on Current events, national events, international events and world health news are all covered at these sites:
This is your key to optimal health – truth news and smart choices. Always consider all food, water, personal care products, household cleansing products and all other consumer products as your choice to be healthy and organic. Exercise regularly at a pace you can enjoy. Look forward to your life as a non-smoker. It’s about to start.
Free trailer to the video with nutritional guide:
“Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days”
Want MORE information on CoQ10? You got it:
And… great organic clean-eating info here:
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