Kamis, 08 September 2016


Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Malaria produces recurrent attacks of chills and fever. Malaria kills an estimated 1 million people each year worldwide.
While the disease is uncommon in temperate climates, malaria is still prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries. World health officials are trying to reduce the incidence of malaria by distributing bed nets to help protect people from mosquito bites as they sleep. Scientists around the world are working to develop a vaccine to prevent malaria.
Causes- Malaria is caused by a type of microscopic parasite that's transmitted most commonly by mosquito bites.
Mosquito transmission cycle
·         Uninfected mosquito. A mosquito becomes infected by feeding on a person who has malaria.
·         Transmission of parasite. If you're the next person this mosquito bites, it can transmit malaria parasites to you.
·         In the liver. The parasites then travel to your liver — where they can lie dormant for as long as a year.
·         Into the bloodstream. When the parasites mature, they leave the liver and infect your red blood cells. This is when people typically develop malaria symptoms.
·         On to the next person. If an uninfected mosquito bites you at this point in the cycle, it will become infected with your malaria parasites and can spread them to the next person it bites.
Other modes of transmission
Because the parasites that cause malaria affect red blood cells, people can also catch malaria from exposures to infected blood, including:-From mother to unborn child, Through blood transfusions, By sharing needles used to inject drugs
Symptoms-A malaria infection is generally characterized by recurrent attacks with the following signs and symptoms:- Moderate to severe shaking chills, High fever, Profuse sweating as body temperature falls
Other signs and symptoms may include:Headache, Vomiting,Diarrhea
Malaria signs and symptoms typically begin within a few weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, some types of malaria parasites can lie dormant in your body for months, or even years.
CHINA OFFICINALIS 1x- An excellent remedy for malaria. Fever may return , every week. Chill generally in the afternoon, thirst before chills, drinks little but often. Easy perspiration. Symptoms, worse every  alternate day
ARSENICUM ALBUM 30-A great remedy for malaria. Great prostration anxiety, restlessness, intense burning thirst with irritability of the stomach, bitter taste. The chill is usually preceded by a restless night. Alternate chill and heat. Severe shaking chill which may last all day. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. During the chill stage he feels as if the blood flowing through the vessels ice cold and no thirst.During the heat stage he feels as if boiling water is flowing through the blood vessels with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. Thirst for large quantities of water during sweat stage. Abuse of quinine. Suitable when three stages are not distinct.
CHININUM ARS 30- It is used in prolonged malarial fevers with neuralgia. It cures such fevers.
CHININUM SULPH. 30- Chill daily at 3 pm. Painful swelling of various veins during chill. Shivering even in a warm room or with blanket on
EUPATORIUM PER. 30- Heavily coated tongue. Bitter taste. Great pain pain in the bones. No thirst, during chill. Frontal headache. Violent shivering.
FERRUM ARS 6- In the later stages of malaria when the liver and spleen are enlarged.
MALARIA OFFICINALIS 200- A dose in the beginning when the fever is not high, either cures malaria or cuts short its course and avoids further complications
NATRUM MURIATICUM 200- Fever returns from 9-11 am. Continued chill and constipation. It should be given during fever, else the fever will increase . Before fever when the temperature is not more that 98F, a dose or two at an interval of an hour reduces the chances of fever, coming on.
NUX VOMICA 30- Violent , long lasting and shaking chill of the fingers and face, especially the lips and tips of fingers. Very irregular. No thirst for during chill and very thirsty during the stage of heat. Pain in the limbs which are relieved by sweat. Giddiness as if drunk. Craps in the muscles of abdomen and the calves of legs.

GELSEMIUM 30-When the chill runs up the spine or starts from the feet.Headache in the nape of the neck. Chill in middle of the day. Drowsiness, dullness and dizziness. No thirst. Suits children

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