Minggu, 25 September 2016

Will it go away ever

From Dr Spitz at the Foot Pain Center. It's the question we all want answered but may not be happy with what we hear. If it's true what he says, learning to deal with neuropathy is of vital importance and that requires a huge mental adjustment for people who are used to taking a pill to cure what's wrong with them. Your ideas and tips for not letting neuropathy dominate your life please! They will help someone, somewhere!

Will my neuropathy pain and numbness ever go away completely?
The question reminds us of one who asks the “magic eight ball” a question-something like-will I ever become rich? The answer is usually vague-something like-“it’s a possibility.” In answering the question-can my neuropathy ever be cured-I also have to give a vague answer….”it’s possible, but not likely.” In rare instances, neuropathy can be reversed. In some instances when a specific nerve is injured, it can regenerate slowly. For example, in my 36 years of practicing podiatry in Orange County, Ca, I have seen neuropathy from nerve injury from surgery or trauma completely resolve. Nerve entrapments (nerves that bound in scar tissue) such as carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome are often “treatable” by physical therapy, custom-fitting wrist or ankle braces, or surgery. Still in other cases, when a patient develops medication-induces neuropathy, especially from chemotherapy, complete reversal of symptoms may occur.

These examples are very rare. In actuality, in most instances neuropathy cannot be cured. From a positive perspective, new treatments make neuropathy more tolerable and livable. Diabetes, a major cause of neuropathy, can be better controlled with oral and insulin medications. There is also greater availability and effectiveness of oral and topical medications that can relief neuropathy symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling and burning of the feet. New light therapies including infrared and cold laser, has been shown to be effective in reducing the discomfort of neuropathy. Finally, the medical community has a greater appreciation, knowledge and acceptance of nutritional supplements as a means to control symptoms and slow the progression of the condition.

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