Rabu, 14 September 2016


Stress can be defined as the brain's response to any demand. Many things can trigger this response, including change. Changes can be positive or negative, as well as real or perceived. They may be recurring, short-term, or long-term and may include things like commuting to and from school or work every day, traveling for a yearly vacation, or moving to another home. Changes can be mild and relatively harmless, such as winning a race, watching a scary movie, or riding a rollercoaster. Some changes are major, such as marriage or divorce, serious illness, or a car accident. Other changes are extreme, such as exposure to violence, and can lead to traumatic stress reactions.
Not all stress is bad. All animals have a stress response, which can be life-saving in some situations. The nerve chemicals and hormones released during such stressful times, prepares the animal to face a threat or flee to safety. When you face a dangerous situation, your pulse quickens, you breathe faster, your muscles tense, your brain uses more oxygen and increases activity—all functions aimed at survival. In the short term, it can even boost the immune system.
However, with chronic stress, those same nerve chemicals that are life-saving in short bursts can suppress functions that aren't needed for immediate survival. Your immunity is lowered and your digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems stop working normally. Once the threat has passed, other body systems act to restore normal functioning. Problems occur if the stress response goes on too long, such as when the source of stress is constant, or if the response continues after the danger has subsided.
There are at least three different types of stress, all of which carry physical and mental health risks:
·         Routine stress related to the pressures of work, family and other daily responsibilities.
·         Stress brought about by a sudden negative change, such as losing a job, divorce, or illness.
·         Traumatic stress, experienced in an event like a major accident, war, assault, or a natural disaster where one may be seriously hurt or in danger of being killed.
The body responds to each type of stress in similar ways. Different people may feel it in different ways. For example, some people experience mainly digestive symptoms, while others may have headaches, sleeplessness, depressed mood, anger and irritability. People under chronic stress are prone to more frequent and severe viral infections, such as the flu or common cold, and vaccines, such as the flu shot, are less effective for them.
Of all the types of stress, changes in health from routine stress may be hardest to notice at first. Because the source of stress tends to be more constant than in cases of acute or traumatic stress, the body gets no clear signal to return to normal functioning. Over time, continued strain on your body from routine stress may lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.
Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. You may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the culprit.
Common effects of stress
Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Common effects of stress on your body
·         Headache
·         Muscle tension or pain
·         Chest pain
·         Fatigue
·         Change in sex drive
·         Stomach upset
·         Sleep problems
Common effects of stress on your mood
·         Anxiety
·         Restlessness
·         Lack of motivation or focus
·         Feeling overwhelmed
·         Irritability or anger
·         Sadness or depression
Common effects of stress on your behavior
·         Overeating or undereating
·         Angry outbursts
·         Drug or alcohol abuse
·         Tobacco use
·         Social withdrawal
·         Exercising less often
ARSENIC ALBUM 200-Arsenic alb is another remedy for stress. There is great anguish and restlessness. The patient changes place continually. Feras of death, of being left alone.

AURUM METALICUM 200-Aurum Met is an excellent Homeopathic medicine  for stress due to  anger when contradicted.  The persons who will benefit most from this medicine are the ones who get angry over the slightest contradiction. Such persons are sensitive to contradiction which leads to a sudden, explosive outburst from them. In addition to this, such persons may be melancholic in nature, suffer lack of self-worth and a very low self-esteem. Hopelessness and self reproaching behavior is also observed. Aurum Met is also the best among Homeopathic medicines for anger linked with chronic depression.Aurum met patients  have  suicidal thoughts.

BRYONIA ALB 200-Bryonia alb is an effective remedy for stress. They always think about their business and money. Bryonia people are hard workers , ambitious and competitive. They have a deep insecurity about not having enough money, a real fear of poverty. So their stress levels can go through the roof. The stress manifests most typically as physical pain or stiffness.

CALCAREA CARB 200- Calcrea carb is another remedy for stress due to over work. People need this remedy are good steady workers but they get especially concerned about being observed or stressed by being hurried towards a deadline of some sort.Calcarea carb patients are fat and flabby. Sweating of head is seen in these patients and they have a craving foe eggs.

GELSEMIUM 200—Gelsemium is an effective remedy for stress with anxiety,  trembling and palpitation.The palpitations lead to the patient being in constant motion because of the feeling that not moving will result in the heart stopping to function. The anxiety attacks that come after a sudden fright, exciting news, sudden emotions and when a person has to attend an interview with consequent trembling of the whole body calls for the use of Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium . The anxiety attacks accompanied by dizziness, dullness, weakness and diarrhoea can also be effectively tackled with this Homeopathic medicine.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200-Argentum Nitricum is the top  Homeopathic medicine for stress due to   anxiety attacks where the person gets anxious while getting ready for some engagement or before travel.The anxiety disappears as soon as the person reaches the engagement venue or sits in the car. The anxiety in almost all patients who can greatly benefit from Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum is accompanied by the most troublesome fear and diarrhoea. Another important symptoms are  irritability, nervousness and impulsiveness. This makes the affected person walk very rapidly and constantly till fatigue sets in.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200- Lycopodium Clavatum is an excellent natural remedy for stress  when the patient has to appear in public for making a speech or otherwise with the fear that he or she will make mistakes, or will forget. However, such a person completes the task very efficiently once he or she gets started. The anxiety appears only in the beginning of a task and vanishes as the task proceeds. Lycopodium patients desire hot foods and drinks and have a craving for sweets.

KALI PHOS 200-Kali phos is a effective remedy for stress in those people who work hard. Indisposition to meet people. Extreme lassitude and depression. Slight labor seems a heavy task. Great despondency about business.

IGNATIA AMARA 200- Ignatia amara is another excellent remedy for stress due to grief. The patient has a changeable  mood, introspective and saliently brooding.They are not communicative , melancholic , sad and tearful.Frequent sighing and sobbing.

NATRUM MUR200- Natrum mur is an effective remedy for stress due to grief. Natrum mur patient is depressed in chronic disesaes. Consolation aggravates the complaints. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter .

NUX VOMICA 30-Nux Vomica is one of the top Homeopathic medicines for  stress  due to anger .Nux vomica  is the best  medicine for persons who get offended easily and will become angry over non-issues. They are averse to conversation and could be offended by the most harmless words. They turn violent and abusive during anger episodes. Other features of their constitution include a strong will, fault finding nature, ambition and workaholism. Nux Vomica is also recommended for persons who develop an angry disposition after loss in business.

SEPIA OFFICINALIS 200- Sepia Officinalis is an effective remedy for stress accompanied by flushes of heat on the face and head. The other symptoms  are irritability,anxiety in evening time and faintness during anxiety.

STAPHYSAGRIA 200-Staphysagria is an effective l Homeopathic medicines for stress due to  anger, especially where the person has long suppressed anger and is now given to violent outbursts. There are periods of suppression, followed by periods of angry outbursts in persons who need  Staphysagria. Such persons may throw or break things during their anger outbursts. Some history of mental/physical abuse, humiliation can usually be traced to persons who need Staphysagria.

TARENTULA HISPANIA 200-Tarentula hisp. Is another effective remedy for stress due to  anger is attended with destructive behaviour, Tarentula Hispanica is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for anger control and management. There is a tendency to throw things when angry. Such persons tend to strike themselves or others in anger. Impatience, obstinacy and high levels of irritability are other traits to look out for in persons for whom Tarentula Hispanica will be the most suitable choice among Homeopathic medicines for anger. Such people may be impulse, lack emotional control and be excessively restless as well.

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