Common cold | |
Incidences – Though kids suffer more often from cold than adults, no one is immune to common cold. It recurs often in people whose defence mechanism is very weak. Further, since there are more than 200 varieties of viruses which cause common cold, getting vaccination or gaining resistance against all the viruses will be very tough. Causes – Common cold is primarily caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses (of more than 200 varieties). Even though it is seasonal, it is not because of cold exposure or weather. Actually, in those climates, viruses have more virulence and the environment is more favourable for them. Common cold gets transmitted through the air (by coughs or sneezes as aerosols containing viruses) and through nasal secretions. Naturally, to clear infective viruses, nasal mucosa produce excessive secretions to wash away them but those virus-containing secretions infect others easily with the contamination of hand/towels/things. Main cause for spreading is sharing and close contact. Factors favouring repeated infection
Symptoms – can occur in an overnight period after infection. The suffering period may be commonly between 3-5 days. Anyhow, sometimes, it can also last up to two weeks. In all those days of suffering, it is contagious. Most often, symptom of cold starts with running nose or sneezing or tickling in throat. Common symptoms are
Diagnosis is very important to cut short the course and spread of the underlying disease. Usually discharge/sputum give a clue for diagnosis with quantity, consistency, colour, odour and thickness. One needs to rush for treatment in case of purulent or blood-stained sputum. Yellow or green discharge with odour indicates added bacterial infection. Investigations - If cold and cough persist for more than a week, it is better to go for proper analysis and treatment with following tests.
Do ü Cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing (with kerchiefs or towels and not with hands as it can contaminate further on touching other things). Avoid Ø Contact with infected persons Ø Smoking and dust exposure Ø Working in areas of noxious fumes or polluted air Ø Cold/frozen food items Clean ü Hands often with soap, especially after blowing nose and before taking food ü House with vacuum cleaner than by sweeping or dusting ü A/C air filters periodically ü Damp places to reduce moulds and dust mites ü Bedspreads, pillows, blankets, mattress, rugs, every week ü Carpets frequently with vacuum cleaner Management Take
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States has also cautioned against the use of over-the-counter drugs and cough syrups for serious side-effects (especially in children). In Allopathy, using nasal decongestants and antihistamines can give temporary relief from nasal congestion, but one should aware that they can bring a rebound of complaints with much intensity in due course. In case of repeated infection, desensitisation or immune therapy will be provided to combat infection and allergic responses. Homeopathic approach – Some patients continuously use nasal decongestant sprays and cough syrups to control cold. They should be aware that it cannot eradicate cold and further arresting cough or running nose instantly is like adding disease to the complaint. Hence, there will be chances of complication or re-infection which may be felt as continuous or repeated attacks of cold. In spite of a wide variety of viruses, to remain healthy, tolerance (i.e., raised immune mechanism) and good health are must. For that, Homeopathy can surely help, so if you feel “always sick with cold” try Homeopathy. In Homeopathy, we treat patients (symptoms of the patients) and not the disease or viruses. Homeopathy treats the constitution and improves immunity. For remarkable improvement and overall immunity, if one happens to take Homeopathy treatment, recurrence as well as the sufferings (cough, running nose, sneezing) can be reduced drastically. Homeopathy can help improve school/college/office attendance of the sufferer. Homeopathic medicines commonly used in complaints of common cold are Aconite, Ars Alb, Ars iod, Anti-tart, Bacillinum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc carb, Corallium, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Kali bich, Kali-mur, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sabadilla, Senega, Silicea, Nat-sulph, Nux vom, etc. These medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath. for new hope Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo) Laxmi Homeo Clinic 24 E. New Mahalipatti Road Madurai, TN 625 001 India Tel: +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob) Fax: +91-452-233-0196 E-mail: / (Disclaimer - The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.) |
Kamis, 03 November 2016
Common cold
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