Sabtu, 19 November 2016


There are many reasons to have surgery. Some operations can relieve or prevent pain. Others can reduce a symptom of a problem or improve some body function. Some surgeries are done to find a problem. For example, a surgeon may do a biopsy  , which involves removing a piece of tissue to examine under a microscope. Some surgeries, like heart surgery , can save your life.
Some operations that once needed large incisions (cuts in the body) can now be done using much smaller cuts. This is called laparoscopic surgery. Surgeons insert a thin tube with a camera to see, and use small tools to do the surgery.
After surgery  there can be a risk of complications, including infection, too much bleeding, reaction to anesthesia, or accidental injury. There is almost always some pain with surgery
Homoeopathic medicines are found to be very effective for most of the complications after surgery

ABROTANUM 30- A sense of pressure after operation of the chest for pleurisy or other chest diseases
ACETIC ACID 30- It removes weakness after surgery
CAUSTICUM 30-Retention of urine after an operation
CHAMOMILLA 30-Nausea and vomiting after surgery  due to the by use of morphia
CHINA OFF. 30- Flatulence with pain after an operation. There is no relief after passing gas
COLLINSONIA CAN. 30- It is of special value , when giver before surgery for rectal diseases. Does not allow complications to arise after the surgery
COLOCYNTHIS 30-Spasmodic contractions of the urinary bladder after operation of an orifice , entrance or outlets to any aperature. Agonising pain in the abdomen, compelling the patient to bend double
HYPERICUM PER. 30- Relieves pain after surgery.Often subsides the use of morphine
MILLIFOLIUM 30-For complications after surgical removal of stones
OHOSPHORUS 1000- A single dose given a day before the abdominal surgery will prevent nausea and other distress after the operation
RAPHANUS 30- Post operative, gas pains are removed by the use of this remedy
RHUS TOX 30, PYROGENIUM 30- Post operative complications . Look for other symptoms of this remedy
STAPHYSAGRIA 30- Abdominal pain, after its operation
STRONTIUM BROM 30- It relieves shock after an operation and revives the patient , who may have a cold  with profuse perspiration and other symptoms of collapse

STROPHANTHUS HISP. 30- It may be used with advantage after any operation to remove the weakness occurring from bleeding . It tones up the heart also. 10 drops three times daily

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