Minggu, 25 Desember 2016


                                                        HERPES ZOSTER (SHINGLES)

                Herpes zoster is caused by VZV virus which is the same as the chicken pox virus (varicella zoster virus).it appears shiny, pearl like vesicular eruptions typically situated along the course of one or more peripheral nerves (more commonly those in the dermatomes T3 to L3).

                Herpes zoster occurs due to reactivation of virus lying dormant in the dorsal root ganglia over since an attack of chicken pox a few years back.


-          Clinically, herpes zoster is characterized by appearance of one or more groups of shiny, pearl like vesicular eruptions typically situated along the course of one or more peripheral nerves (more commonly those in dermatomes T3 to L3).
-          A zone of inflammation or redness surrounds a group of vesicles or an individual vesicle. The vesicles look like shiny pearls spread over a red velvety surface.
-          Prior to eruption of vesicles, there is burning pain followed by hyperalgesia in the area of distribution of the affected peripheral nerves.
-          The vesicles usually appear 3 – 4 days after the start of these symptoms and are likely to get confluent and subsequently dry up during the following two weeks leaving behind small scars.
-          However, the concerning cutaneous nerves remain badly injured causing severe burning pain in the affected area (as if powdered chillies have been spread over a raw area).
-          The commonest site of involvement is the thoracic region in the area of distribution of one or more spinal nerves. Involvement is usually unilateral or bilateral.
-          The ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve may be involved (herpes opthalmicus). In this condition, vesicles first appear over the upper part of the nose and then spread over to the conjunctiva and the cornea.
-          The geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve may be involved by eruptions situated inside the auditory meatus resulting in facial palsy (Ramsay hunt syndrome).
-          Vesicles may appear over the palate and the tonsil in case the glossopharyngeal nerve is involved.

The diagnosis can be confirmed by isolation of the virus by tissue call culture or demonstration of specific antibody by immunofluorescent technique or by ELISA test.


-          5% solution of idoxuridine may be applied locally but the effect is not as specific as in case of herpes simplex.
-          Application of alamine lotion may be soothing; an antibiotic ointment is advisable for preventing or combating a possible secondary infection.
-          Prednisolone given orally may help to decrease inflammatory reaction and may possibly lessen the severity of the oncoming post herpetic neuralgia.
-          An analgesic drugs such as aspirin, phenacetin should be used in case of post herpetic neuralgia.
-          Acyclovir, an antiviral drug may be useful in herpes opthalmicus (500 mg daily, orally for 5-7 days.)


              Some of the homeopathic medicines for herpes zoster are given below.

2.       IRIS.
3.       MERC SOUL.
4.       MEZERIUM.
6.       RANANCULUS.
7.       RHUS TOXI.
8.       CANTHARIS.
9.       CAUSTICUM.
11.   KALI BICH.
12.   SEPIA.
13.   THUJA.


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