Today's post from (see link below) is another personal story about life with neuropathy and how you can deal with it. I'm a firm believer that people's own stories often carry more weight with the neuropathy sufferer than the somewhat dry and impersonal scientific explanations. Other people's experiences can be identified with because you know they have been, or are going through the same things as you. Of course, as in this case, you may not agree with everything that's said but you at least know that the writer is talking from experience and may have some helpful tips and hints which you have not thought of yourself.

Living with Neuropathy & Other Chronic Pain Conditions
By MarcyL04You are not alone
There are so many people that live with debilitating pain each and every day. It seems as if there are more and more of us all the time.
I live with severe Peripheral Neuropathy, I have chronic pain 24/7. It may not be severe all the time but it is most of the time. But one thing is for sure, I cannot remember when the last time was I was not in pain. Anyone living with chronic pain knows how it not only affects us but it affects everyone around us.
There are ways to help cope with the pain. It does not matter what kind of pain, you are in, it is nice to know you are not alone. Chronic pain can be very difficult to cope with on a daily bases. So I hope that this Hub will help you find comfort and help with dealing with your pain.
I live with severe Peripheral Neuropathy, I have chronic pain 24/7. It may not be severe all the time but it is most of the time. But one thing is for sure, I cannot remember when the last time was I was not in pain. Anyone living with chronic pain knows how it not only affects us but it affects everyone around us.
There are ways to help cope with the pain. It does not matter what kind of pain, you are in, it is nice to know you are not alone. Chronic pain can be very difficult to cope with on a daily bases. So I hope that this Hub will help you find comfort and help with dealing with your pain.
Managing Pain Can Be Very Difficult
It seems as though getting the right pain relief is very difficult. I have been back and forth to different doctors for the past 6+years. Either they want to under medicate or over medicate. There is no happy medium for pain relief.
I don't want to turn into an addict but, cannot seem to get around being medicated. I have started studying natural remedies but to be honest it is hard to find anything that helps with nerve pain. My doctor tells me to stay away from herbal remedies because of the amount of medications I do take.
But to be honest I have gotten much worse since I have been treated with traditional medicine. So, I am looking for alternatives.
Anyway, I have found a few things that have helped me or are suppose to help so I thought I would share. Just wanted to note I am not a medical professional. This article is intended for information only; not to take the place of medical advice or treatment.
Vitamin B with folic acid is suppose to be very good to help repair damaged nerves. I am now on 4 a day, 2 in the a.m and 2 in the p.m (of course talk to your medical professional before using). I have not noticed any change yet but it took me many years to get in this shape so it will probably take a lot of time to get any results.
Very warm baths is also great, I spend a lot of time in the bathtub with Epsom salts and lavender. The Epsom salt helps draw out impurities that are in your body. The lavender helps you relax.
Drinking lots of water helps flush out your system this is good whether you have neuropathy or not. I have read many times that distilled water is good because it grabs onto the bad stuff in your system and helps flushes them out.
If you can handle it, drinking unfiltered vinegar you can get from natural health stores (not the regular white or cider we see at the grocery stores) will help rid your body of impurities and that are in our food, toiletries, smoking, water and in our environment.
The best way (for me anyway) to take it is a tablespoon or so in a glass of apple juice, twice a day.
Also, even if you are not diabetic (I am not) you should cut down or out the sugar in your diet. This is a hard one for me because I use a lot of sugar in my coffee and I have read many times that artificial sweeteners are not good for your nervous system. I did purchase some vegetable glycerin to sweeten my coffee and it is okay but kinda expensive.
Stevia is another great one. It is a natural plant that comes from Africa. It is all natural and of course a bit expensive but it takes less of it to sweeten that it does sugar.
Surround yourself with happy positive people. It will help lighten your mood and take your mind off of your pain. Laughter is a wonderful thing!
Join a support group if you have one in your area or online.
Pace yourself, let your body tell you when it is time to slow down and take a break from the everyday responsibilities. I stop in my tracks sometimes and put my feet up and try and relax. You need to take care of yourself because if you don't you will not be any good to anyone else.
On the days you don't feel well take it as easy as possible.
Read and educate yourself about your condition no matter what it is. As they say: 'Knowledge is power".
I don't want to turn into an addict but, cannot seem to get around being medicated. I have started studying natural remedies but to be honest it is hard to find anything that helps with nerve pain. My doctor tells me to stay away from herbal remedies because of the amount of medications I do take.
But to be honest I have gotten much worse since I have been treated with traditional medicine. So, I am looking for alternatives.
Anyway, I have found a few things that have helped me or are suppose to help so I thought I would share. Just wanted to note I am not a medical professional. This article is intended for information only; not to take the place of medical advice or treatment.
Vitamin B with folic acid is suppose to be very good to help repair damaged nerves. I am now on 4 a day, 2 in the a.m and 2 in the p.m (of course talk to your medical professional before using). I have not noticed any change yet but it took me many years to get in this shape so it will probably take a lot of time to get any results.
Very warm baths is also great, I spend a lot of time in the bathtub with Epsom salts and lavender. The Epsom salt helps draw out impurities that are in your body. The lavender helps you relax.
Drinking lots of water helps flush out your system this is good whether you have neuropathy or not. I have read many times that distilled water is good because it grabs onto the bad stuff in your system and helps flushes them out.
If you can handle it, drinking unfiltered vinegar you can get from natural health stores (not the regular white or cider we see at the grocery stores) will help rid your body of impurities and that are in our food, toiletries, smoking, water and in our environment.
The best way (for me anyway) to take it is a tablespoon or so in a glass of apple juice, twice a day.
Also, even if you are not diabetic (I am not) you should cut down or out the sugar in your diet. This is a hard one for me because I use a lot of sugar in my coffee and I have read many times that artificial sweeteners are not good for your nervous system. I did purchase some vegetable glycerin to sweeten my coffee and it is okay but kinda expensive.
Stevia is another great one. It is a natural plant that comes from Africa. It is all natural and of course a bit expensive but it takes less of it to sweeten that it does sugar.
Surround yourself with happy positive people. It will help lighten your mood and take your mind off of your pain. Laughter is a wonderful thing!
Join a support group if you have one in your area or online.
Pace yourself, let your body tell you when it is time to slow down and take a break from the everyday responsibilities. I stop in my tracks sometimes and put my feet up and try and relax. You need to take care of yourself because if you don't you will not be any good to anyone else.
On the days you don't feel well take it as easy as possible.
Read and educate yourself about your condition no matter what it is. As they say: 'Knowledge is power".
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