Selasa, 13 Desember 2016


Nephritis: Inflammation of the kidney, which causes impaired kidney function. Nephritis can be due to a variety of causes, including kidney disease, autoimmune disease, and infection.
It may present with isolated hematuria and/or proteinuria (blood resp. protein in the urine); or as a nephrotic syndrome, a nephritic syndrome, acute renal failure, or chronic renal failure. They are categorised into several different pathological patterns, which are broadly grouped into non-proliferative or proliferative types. Diagnosing the pattern of nephritis  is important because the outcome and treatment differs in different types. Primary causes are ones which are intrinsic to the kidney, whilst secondary causes are associated with certain infections (bacterial, viral or parasitic pathogens), drugs, systemic disorders, etc.
APIS MEL . 30- Burning in urine. Rash on skin. Puffiness and paleness of face. Pain in the head , back and limbs. Urine contains casts
ARSENICUM ALB30- Tubular nephritis. Urine contains albumin and other casts. Dropsy. Thirst for water in small quantities and at smaller intervals. Restlessness and anxiety
CANTHARIS 30- Inflammation of the kidneys. Urine is passed in drops with burning. Acute pain in the lumbar region. Urine may or may not be bloody
CARBOLIC ACID 30- To reduce blood urea
CUPRUM ARS 30- A specific remedy for kidney complaints. If spasm is present due to increased blood urea
EEL SERUM 3X- Hypertension, oliguria without edema
FERRUM MET 30- Pale, bloated face. Chilly. Vomiting of food or passing stools containing indigested food particles
FERRUM PHOS 6x- Fever, headache. Irritation of the bladder and a frequent desire to urinate
MERCURIUS COR. 30- For albumin in urine and inflammation of the kidneys in pregnant women
SOLIDAGO Q-Chronic nephritis. Kidney sore and tender to slightest touch. Pain in kidneys extend forwards to abdomen, bladder, down the thighs . Urine red brown scanty thick, voided with difficulty .Urine contains albumin, mucus and phosphates
TEREBINTHININE 30- When congestion is prominent with dropsy. If detected early this remedy is very useful. Pain is very severe and extends to the urethra . Urine is bloody and scanty or suppressed

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