Kamis, 05 Januari 2017


It is the growth of terminal hair in a male pattern in a female. It should be distinguished from hypertrichosis, which describes the excessive  growth of terminal hair in either sex in a non- androgenic distribution. Hirsutism is often racial eg Mediterranean Caucasians and Asians, and familial. Some degree of hirsutism is common after the menopause. The cause of most cases of hirsutism is unknown and only a small minority have a demonstrable abnormality
Homoeopathic remedies
1.       Thuja occ. 1M -- Head remedy for luxuriant growth of hair on parts , otherwise not to be naturally covered by hair
2.      Oleum jecoris 30 – A specific remedy

Oleum jecoris 30 potency in summer, 3x potency in winter along with Thuja. This medicine is not to be given before and after giving Thuja

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