Senin, 09 Januari 2017

Magnesium For Neuropathy Vid

Today's short video from (see link below) by Dr. John Hayes Jr follows on from yesterday's video and talks about the benefits of magnesium in the diet of neuropathy sufferers. If you're concerned about any vitamin or mineral deficiencies in your system, a simple blood test via your home doctor should be able to highlight any deficiency problems you might have. If your levels are normal, there really is no need to supplement. A general, good quality multi-vitamin will be enough for most people unless you have a shortage in one particular area.  Different doctors will have differing opinions about supplementation but with regard to neuropathy, this sort of video will arm you with extra information to help your decision making.

Episode 32 – Magnesium
Posted by John Hayes Jr Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

Dr. Hayes discusses magnesium, how common this deficiency is, and foods we can consume to increase magnesium levels. This is important for Neuropathy and chronic pain patients in particular! Magnesium is an aid in sleep, energy and many forms of chronic pain like fibromyalgia and back pain. Watch and learn more!

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