Senin, 31 Juli 2017


A nerve is an enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons (nerve fibers, the long and slender projections of neurons) in the peripheral nervous system. A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs.
In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts. Neurons are sometimes called nerve cells, though this term is potentially misleading since many neurons do not form nerves, and nerves also include non-neuronal Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin.
Each nerve is a cordlike structure that contains many axons. Within a nerve, each axon is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the endoneurium. The axons are bundled together into groups called fascicles, and each fascicle is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the perineurium. Finally, the entire nerve is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the epineurium
ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30- Suuden inflammation of the nerves due to anxiety or fear worse with noise and light
APIS MEL 30- Optic neuritis in the first stage
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30- Inflammation of the nerves. Loss of control and want of balance anywhere- mental and physical
BELLIS PRENNIS 30- Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance to cold bathing
CARBONEUM SULPH 30- For atrophy of optic nerve and  optic disc
CHENOPODIUM AN. 30- Affections of auditory nerve . Hearing better for high pitched sounds. Comparative deafness to  the sound of voice. Burning in ears. Numbness of the auditory nerve
CIMCIFUGA RACEMOSA 30- Inflammation of nerves due to reflex disorders
CINNABARIS 3X –Pain in the ciliary nerve causing redness of the eyes, canthi and lids. Pain around the eyes to templates and orbit of the eyes
CYPRIPEDIUM 30- Nerves shortened by long illness or excessive tea or coffee drnking
GLONOINUM 30- Inflammation of nerves due to heat of sun. Better by motion and uncovering the head. Pulsations all over the body
HYPERICUM PERF. 3X- Crushing injuries to the nerve sheaths of the spine and other nerves causing tearing , burning and stinging pains. Slight paralysis caused by enlargement of nerves in the sacrum. Numbness of parts affected and constant drowsiness
KALI PHOS 6X – An excellent nerve tonic
LYCOPERSICUM ESCU. 30- Tingling along the right ulnar nerve
MAGNESIUM PHOS 12X- It is a remedy of nerve tension as exhibited in pulse. In severe nerve tension , the wrists also become tense. If it is in both wrists , it shows that the whole nervous system is involved. Three tablets given with hot water 2 hourly will remove the tension. Pain is on the right side, better by heat and pressure
NAPHTHALINUM 30- Paralysis of the optic nerve causing blindness and opacity of the cornea
PHOSPHORUS 200-Atrophy of the optic nerve with cataract and due to paralysis
RHUS TOX 30, HYPERICUM 30, KALMIA LAT. 30- Pain along the ulnar nerve , according to symptoms of the remedy
SAPONARIA OFF. 30- Affections of the 5th nerve. Pain or loss of sensation in the face, forehead, temple and eyes. Deviation of jaw

Was The Cuban Neuropathy Crisis Solved By Vitamins

Today's post from (see link below) is nothing more than a press story with exaggerated headlines that will undoubtedly lead people to think that vitamin supplements are the answer to all their neuropathy problems. That's nonsense of course but the story is fascinating none the less and makes you think. It talks about the embargo on trade with Cuba during the cold war years and how  enormous numbers of neuropathy patients were faced with little choice but to be given vitamin injections for their nerve damage because all other drug options were simply not available. The crux of the story claims that despite this limitation in treatment, up to 50,000 people were cured of their neuropathy. It's all extremely debatable but does raise questions as to whether the treatment we currently receive could be boosted by vitamins or other supplement options to achieve better results. The problem with current neuropathy treatment is that it does little to 'cure' the problem and at best, subdues the symptoms. Whether we believe the Cuban story or not, the point is that current medications are little more than stop-gap treatments and combination treatments are probably far more effective. The problem is finding the right combinations.

Fifty Thousand Cured of Epidemic Nerve Disorder with Vitamin Supplements
By Kerri Knox, RN on September 27, 2010

For those that do not think vitamin supplements are effective, all one has to do is to look at he U.S. embargo of Cuba between 1991 and 1993. This embargo caused more than just economic consequences for the tiny island nation; it also caused interesting medical consequences that wealthier nations could learn from. The medical consequences of the embargo included an ‘outbreak’ of a painful nerve problem called ‘neuropathy’ that ended up affecting over 50,000 people.

While it was determined that this ‘epidemic’ was caused by a virus, this virus was not treated with antiviral medications, antibiotics or any other pharmaceuticals. This epidemic was completely stopped in its tracks and the more than 50,000 people affected were CURED simply by taking vitamin supplements. This phenomenon of nutritional deficiencies leading to viral infections is not new, and has been shown to be the case with a type of Heart Failure from Selenium Deficiency, known as Keshan disease, is actually caused by a viral infection that is ‘cured’ with selenium supplementation as well.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve condition that causes pain and decreased sensation in many parts of the body but typically affects the lower extremities where it is called Peripheral Neuropathy. However, it may also affect the hands, the hearing, the face and even the nerves of the eyes causing not only pain and decreased sensation, but also deafness and blindness as well. The Cuban Neuropathy Epidemic, as this outbreak was later called, affected a combination of the extremities, the hearing and the eyes – sometimes in the same person. Young and old alike were affected and medical care was scarce due to many factors related to the embargo:

The poor economic conditions
The limited medical supplies entering the country and
The vast numbers of people that were seeking medical attention for the epidemic

But in this environment of minimal funds in a so-called ‘third world’ country, the majority of the 50,000 people affected were completely cured of their neuropathy with nothing more than plain Over the Counter Vitamin Supplements. Even those who were so severely affected that they required hospitalization simply received intravenous vitamin infusions in the hospital while the government instituted a free multivitamin distribution program for the rest of the population. Those with neuropathy were ‘cured’ and the neuropathy ‘epidemic’, except for a few isolated cases, ended completely.

Today in the US, there are tens of thousands of people – primarily diabetics and the elderly – who are suffering with neuropathy and are told that there is no cure. They have blood tests, CT scans, perfusion scans, electrical muscle tests and nerve conduction tests. In the end, they are given pain pills and told that they will have to live with excruciating nerve pain and decreased sensation for the rest of their lives. For diabetics, this decreased ability to feel their feet can mean wounds that don’t heal and amputated limbs; for the elderly, the ever-present risk of falling and breaking a bone is compounded.

Certainly not ALL cases of neuropathy can be cured with Multivitamin Supplements, but as the Cuban Neuropathy Epidemic teaches us, there certainly are some cases that CAN be improved or cured with vitamin supplements. Yet there are almost no doctors in ‘first world’ countries that will discuss vitamins for neuropathy despite the lessons from Cuba and from some liberated prisoner-of-war camps where the same phenomenon has been observed. Doctors in western countries require formal double-blind placebo-controlled trials to perceive a therapy as being worthwhile.

So the lack of studies using vitamins to treat Peripheral Neuropathy ensure that people in western countries with this debilitating life-altering illness will not be given the same option of simply trying a safe and inexpensive multivitamin supplement as they would be if they lived in a third world country.


Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs.
Lupus can be difficult to diagnose because its signs and symptoms often mimic those of other ailments. The most distinctive sign of lupus — a facial rash that resembles the wings of a butterfly unfolding across both cheeks — occurs in many but not all cases of lupus.
Some people are born with a tendency toward developing lupus, which may be triggered by infections, certain drugs or even sunlight. While there's no cure for lupus, treatments can help control symptoms.
Causes--Lupus occurs when your immune system attacks healthy tissue in your body. It's likely that lupus results from a combination of your genetics and your environment. It appears that people with an inherited predisposition for lupus may develop the disease when they come into contact with something in the environment that can trigger lupus. The cause for lupus in most cases, however, is unknown. Some potential triggers include:
Sunlight. Exposure to the sun may bring on lupus skin lesions or trigger an internal response in susceptible people.
Infections. Having an infection can initiate lupus or cause a relapse in some people.
Medications. Lupus can be triggered by certain types of anti-seizure medications, blood pressure medications and antibiotics. People who have drug-induced lupus usually see their symptoms go away when they stop taking the medications
Symptoms--No two cases of lupus are exactly alike. Signs and symptoms may come on suddenly or develop slowly, may be mild or severe, and may be temporary or permanent. Most people with lupus have mild disease characterized by episodes — called flares — when signs and symptoms get worse for a while, then improve or even disappear completely for a time.
The signs and symptoms of lupus that you experience will depend on which body systems are affected by the disease. The most common signs and symptoms include:--Fatigue and fever, Joint pain, stiffness and swelling, Butterfly-shaped rash on the face that covers the cheeks and bridge of the nose, Skin lesions that appear or worsen with sun exposure (photosensitivity), Fingers and toes that turn white or blue when exposed to cold or during stressful periods (Raynaud's phenomenon), Shortness of breath, Chest pain, Dry eyes,Headaches, confusion and memory loss
ALUMINA 30- Pale face . Blue lips with lupus on the nose
APIS MELLIFICA 30- Lupus like characteristic effect like stings of the bees with rosy swelling and stinging pains and intolerance of heat and slightest touch
ARSENICUM ALB 30- Great debility , restlessness, burning sensation,  better by hot application and worse by cold application. Unquenchable thirst
AURUM MURIATICUM 3X- If the nose of the nose seems to be involved and there is very offensive discharge from the nose
BACILLINUM 200-The treatment should be started with this remedy and the indicated remedy should be given after seven days
CISTUS CANADENSIS 30- Lupus with hard and indurated glands. Skin hard , dry , fissured with deep cracks Itching all over. It can be used locally in tincture 5 drops in one ounce of water to wash and arrest the fetid discharge
GRAPHITES 200- Lupus of nose when there is obstruction of the nares , cracked skin and every injury tend to ulceration
GUAREA Q-Lupus with red , yellow or brown pigmentation of the skin . Yellow spots on the temple
HYDRSTIS CANADENSIS Q- Lupus. Ulceration of the skin with thick yellowish ropy secretion. It should be applied locally mixed with glycerine in the ratio 1: 4
HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA Q- Dry eruptions with great thickening  of the epidermal layer and exfoliation of scales. Lupus without ulceration. There is profuse ulceration
KALI BICHROMICUM 30- Papular or vesicular eruptions resembling small pox with itching and burning
NATRUM CARB 30- Worse going in the sun. Disseminated erythematous lupus
RADIUM BROMATUM 30- Inflammation and swelling of the skin with ulceration and redness. Burning of skin and itching
SCROPHULARIA NODOSA Q- An excellent remedy  in cases of lupus ulceration. It can also be used externally
SEPIA 30- Brown saddle across the nose. Aversion to loved ones and family members
STAPHYSAGRIA 6X- There are ulcers inside or outside the nose with bruised pain in the arms and legs
THUJA OCC 1000- Treatment may be started with this remedy. Next indicated remedy be given after 24 hours of its use. In some cases this remedy alone in 30 potency can be used for long period  may cure the disease


Cancer,also known as a malignant tumor or malignant neoplasm, is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. Possible signs and symptoms include: a new lump, abnormal bleeding, a prolonged cough, unexplained weight loss, and a change in bowel movements among others While these symptoms may indicate cancer, they may also occur due to other issuesThere are over 100 different known cancers that affect humans
CARCINOSINUM 1000- It should be given in all cases of cancer in the beginning  of the treatment
ACETIC ACID 30- Epithelial cancer and cancer of layers lining the cavities of the alimentary canal
PHOSPHORIC ACID 1X- It iscellent remedy for relieving the pain of cancer and mental and physical debility
ARSENICUM IODIDE 3X- - Cancer of breasts when ulceration has started
ARSENICUM ALB 1M- Cancer of testicles. Give two doses a day, when no other general symptom of the remedy is present
ASTERIAS RUB. 1X- Cancer of breasts , especially left breast. Breasts are hard and painful. Patient is fleshy with a red face. It has a great influence in cancer diseases
BELLIS PERENNIS 1X- Cancer of the stomach with burning pain in the esophagus
CADMIUM PHOS 30- Cancer of testicles
CADMIUM SULPH. 30- Cancer of stomach with persistent vomiting of a black fluid and constant bleeding. Also for cancer of prostate gland
CISTUS CAN. 3X- Cancer of prostate gland. Cancer of glands of the neck wth sensation of coldness in various parts
CALCAREA SULH.30- Fibroma of uterus with very offensive , yellowish bleeding and cystic tumors
CALENDULA OFF. Q- It has a remarkable power to produce local bleeding of a cancer and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free. Use it as an inter current remedy when ever healing is required after exudation
CARDUS MAR. Q- Cancer of the liver.It reduces pain of cancer also reduces the inflammation of the liver. Diarrhea due to cancer, especially that of the rectum
CHININUM SULPH. 30-Cancerous ulcers due to suppression of malaria
CHOLESTERINUM 3X- Cancer of the liver
CHOLINUM Q– It is an excellent remedy in the treatment of bladder cancer
CINNAMOMUM  Q- Used as an antiseptic agent for washing of cancer parts when the skin is intactUse 3-4 drops in about 2 liters of water, orally 5 drops three times daily.It is specially useful when an offensive odor is present. It also reduces pain of cancer
COBALTUM MET. 200--Cancer of the lungs
CONIUM MACULATUM 1M- Cancer of breasts and testicles
CONDURANGO Q-Cancer of esophagus and stomach. Relieves pain of cancer. Even touch of a finger on the affected  site gives pain
CROTALUS HOR. 30- Cancer of stomach with vomiting of bloody, slimy mucus
ECHINACEA  Q- 10-15 drops in little warm water reduces the pain of cancer in the last stages. Bleeding is foul smelling
EUPHORBINUM 30- It acts as a palliative  for reducing the pain of cancer. It also removes the bad odor coming out of the cancer. Ulcerating carcinoma and epithelium of the skin with biting , burning pains  in bones due to cancer
FICUS REL. Q- Intractable bleeding from fibroids
GALIUM APARINE 30- For cancerous ulcers and nodulated tumors of the tongue
GRAPHITES 30- Cancer of pylorus and duodenum
HECLA LAVA 3X- Cancer of the bones
HEPAR SULPHURIS  1000- When the patient becomes weak due to copious discharges from the opening of a cancer, this remedy in higher potencies dries the discharges and helps to remove the weakness
HOANG NAN Q- It is useful in cancer of any gland whether bleeding or not. Start with 5 drops thrice daily and gradually increase the dose to 25 drops. It removes foul smell and revives the healing process
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 30- Cancer of breasts before start of ulceration. Cancer of the uterus . It can be used for douching . 10 drops in a tumbler of luke warm water
HYDROCOTYLE AS. Q- Palliative in pains of cervical cancer
KALI ARS 30- Skin cancer without any visible symptoms. Many small nodules under the skin
KALI CYN 3X-  Cancer of the tongue
KALI PHOS 30- When cancer has been removed surgically and the healing process has started but the skin is drawn tight over the wound  causing inconvenience , use of this remedy eases the patient
KREOSOTUM 30- Cancer of the vagina and prostate. Dribbling of urine. Cannot control the urine the urge to urinate
LEMON JUICE- Palliative in pains of cancer of the tongue. Use 5ml in 8 ounces of water
MALANDRINUM 1M- It is efficacious in clearing the remains of cancerous deposits. Only one dose is given at the end of the treatment when cancer has been cured
MORHINUM 30- Pain of cancer is relieved when the patient is very sensitive nd restless, jerks the limbs. Convulsions are threatened
NITRIC ACID 30- Cancer of tongue
ORINITHOGALUM Q- Cancer of intestinal tract especially of stomach in its lower part and at the start of the intestines. Depression of spirits , complete prostration. Painful contraction and duodenal distension. Pains increases when food passes through the pyloric outlet. Cancer of abdomen.Give a single dose of 10-15 drops and repeat only after seeing results
OVA TOSTA 3X- Relieves pain of cancer anywhere when backache is present
PHOSPHORUS 30- Excessively bleeding fibroids and cancer especially in the stomach.Cancer of pancreas or of bones specially lower jaw and tibia
RADIUM BROMIDE 30- Cancer of skin with itching, great burning and restlessness, better by hot bath and moving about
SCIRRHINUM 1M– To be once only as an intercurrent remedy
SCROPHULARIA NODOSA Q- For intestinal cancers
STRICHINOS  Q- Removes offensive odor and hemorrhage of cancer
SYMPHYTUM OFF. 30- Cancer of bones, periosteum specially of bones
TARAXACUM  Q- Cancer of bladder
TARENTULA CUB.–It reduces the pain of cancer
THUJA OCC 200- Ill effects of vaccination resulting in cancer of face with rapid emaciation
USTILAGO MAY. Q – Cancer of cervix with a sensation as if boiling water is flowing along the back. Bleeds easily
VIBURNUM PRUN. Q- For cancer of tongue

Minggu, 30 Juli 2017

Tremor – Hands more in trouble

Tremor – Hands more in trouble

NERVOUS SYSTEM – Tremor – Hands more in trouble
Tremor means shaking or trembling or being unstable. Medically it is termed as paralysis agitans. Even though tremor is a simple and a non-life threatening disorder, it can make one’s mind collapse like the tremor of the earth. The sufferers who just will not be able to hold a cup of coffee to drink or who cannot sign will have that sort of mind. Nature will be appreciated for its coordinated movements when one loses them.
Tremors are shaky involuntary movements (occurring on their own) occurring just like tic, twitch, epilepsy, chorea, dyskinesia, myoclonus, etc. You cannot find a technique to stop it. It can occur in anyone at any time. It may be persistent or occasional, regular or irregular and usually has oscillatory character. It can occur in any part of the body or in the whole body, i.e., head, neck, hands, legs, trunk, tongue, etc. But its effects are more pronounced in the fingers/hands, since they are not always supported like other parts and also used for very fine movements. It may be accompanied by rigidity (tightness of the muscle) or flacidity of muscle.
Commonly, one will tremor when facing a new, tensed situation, unfamiliar circumstance or event, etc, i.e., while going for exam, attending an interview, meeting high officials, hiding the truth, signing important documents, etc. Having tremor at that time makes one feel embarrassed for fear of failure in task execution/skilled performance, even though they know and can do everything. In due course, they will be avoiding those occasions, making themselves functionally disabled or handicapped to that specific task. Most often, youngsters feel tremor as a part and parcel of sexual weakness which has been rewarded to them for their over sexual indulgences. Of course, tremor can alarm. But it need not to be related to that. Tremor occurring in cold temperature, i.e., shivering, is a compensative mechanism of the body to produce heat to combat cold.
Assessment –One would have tremor for very fine movement – like threading a needle, aiming for
a win in games like golf, billiards, carom board, shooting gun, etc. These should be considered as normal just like our oscillating mind. Medically, tremor will be associated with various activities and movements (with and without support), i.e., writing, lifting, touching tip of the nose by index finger of extended hand with closed eyes, standing erect with closed eyes, etc.
Incidences and causes – In olden days, tremor was more commonly seen in elderly people, but nowadays, worries, anxiety, tension, overtime job, sleeplessness pushes even youth to suffer from tremors. Additionally, the habit of stimulants, i.e., coffee, alcohol, smoking, drugs, adds fuel. Also using chemical medicines has this sort of tremor as side-effect. All incidences are seen more in people over the age of 50, irrespective of sex. It can occur due to unstable joints / movements and weakened muscles. Even though tremor can occur in the head, legs, body, vocal cord, etc., its incidences are more in the hands.
Regarding ultimate cause – most often it is found to be multi-dimensional with facets of age,
stress, tension, anxiety, sleeplessness, sugar level, genes, injury, stroke, paralysis, other diseases, etc. In broad spectrum it can be classified as
  • Physiological tremors – that occur in everyone at any time, i.e., due to age, anxiety, fear, fatigue, tension and shouting with anger, lowered sugar levels, dehydration, alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms of alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc. They will go off once the situation or circumstance gets adjusted or with withdrawal of stimulants or drugs.
  • Pathological tremors – occurs due to diseases like diabetes, neurological disorders, thyroid dysfunction, etc.
  • Psychological tremors – are often induced to attract others for betraying their weakness – It will not be there during their sleep and while they are distracted.
  • Essential tremors – are the most common tremors where one cannot find a cause. It may or may not progress to cause difficulty in day-to-day activities. It is more common in adults and often
    misdiagnosed in children.
Pathology – Tremor is supposed to be the oscillation between the coordination of mind and body. Stability and movement is usually carried out by our cerebellum i.e., hind brain. Our body positions are kept informed to the brain by vestibular apparatus in the ear. Scientific evidences have now proved and identified certain specific parts of brain which cause these tremors. They are thalamic nucleus, globus pallidus and basal ganglia. They are collectively called as central (neural) oscillators. Disorders in basal ganglia generate ‘Parkinsonism’. Dysfunction of cerebellum, thalamic nucleus and globus pallidus make other tremors.
Symptoms – usually vary depending upon the nature of disease and age of the sufferer. Commonly:
  • Shaking or vibration or oscillating fingers/hands causing difficulty in performing day-to-day activities like writing, eating, drinking, shaving, dressing, etc.
  • Needs support to stop tremors
  • Stammering speech depending upon the disease caused and parts affected
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Depression and sleeplessness
Types – There are many types of tremors. Its nature, intensity and possibility of cure vary according to the disease or cause. The different types of tremor are
  • Action / intention tremor – occurs while starting / when intending to start / while doing functions / movements. It may be for fine or coarse movements or for specific task
  • Resting tremor – most commonly it will be a symptom of Parkinsonism. Even though it can affect all parts of the body, most often it is noted in hands as pill rolling tremor.
  • Cerebellar tremor – occurs due to alcohol intake, stroke, sclerosis, can be drug induced, etc. It can cause stammering and instability with lack of coordinated movements.
  • Postural or orthostatic tremor – occurs due to instability or weak joint / muscles
  • Familial tremor – are inherited. Here genes play a major role
  • Dystonic tremor – occurs due to impairment in muscle tone. It will usually have betterment by support and rest.
  • Senile tremor – occurs in aged persons
Diagnosis and investigation – Commonly, the patient himself comes with diagnosis or with suspicion of cause for actual complaint (when it is related to his habits or anxiety or tension). But the patient needs to be analysed with CT or MRI scan and EEG (if necessary) to rule out involvement of the brain. Also the patient should go for routine blood tests, urine tests and hormonal assay to analyse anaemia, thyroid dysfunctions, metal poisoning, etc. With detailed case taking or history, laboratory investigations and physical or neurological examinations, the patient can be diagnosed for the specific condition and treatment plan can be aimed at.
Complications – Feeling disabled or handicapped to do specific tasks in spite of having all the body parts makes one depressed. Also in severe cases, difficulty in coping with day-to-day activities makes the sufferer think if it is worth living.
Prevention and management – One needs to monitor stress, sleep, diet, medication and stimulants for preventing as well as managing tremor.
  • Open minded and share your feelings or fears
  • Busy with work or job to forget all sort of illnesses
  • Active and do physical exercises regularly
  • Regular with medications
  • Racing against time
  • Circumstances which favour anxiety
  • Overloading brain / mind anticipating trouble
  • Addictives – drinking alcohol / coffee, smoking and drugs
  • Being more cautious about it since it makes the complaint progress
  • Unnecessary medicines
  • Stopping stimulants all of a sudden – better to taper it
General treatment – If tremor occurs only during fine movements, people usually manage by themselves without going for any treatment but if it disturbs day-to-day activities, one will get depressed soon and go for treatment at the earliest. One should be aware that it will be always worth attending a dysfunction in the start-up itself.
Commonly, neurotransmitters blockers or anti-seizure medicines or beta blockers, mild tranquilisers or calcium channel blockers with supplements are prescribed to treat tremors according to the causes. Actually, with treatment, many drugs can help but nothing seems to cure it ultimately. Also side-effects of the drugs can frustrate.
In rare cases, as a last resort, surgery (deep brain stimulation or thalamotomy) will be advised. Even though there are a good number of success stories in these cases, occasional failure or side-effects like loss of speech, paralysis, fatality, etc., make the sufferer think about it in extreme condition only.
Homeopathic approach – Suppressing a tremor can be done by any means, i.e., simple support can suppress the tremor, alcohol can suppress tremor, anti-seizure drugs can suppress tremor, sedative medicines can suppress tremor. But, their dependency, inconvenience, side-effects and increasing dosage in due course makes one seek alternative treatment to get rid of tremors. Stress reduction is crucial to have good effect, but constant suffering makes the sufferer more annoyed and would often increase it. In spite of it all, stress reduction certainly helps in getting out of tremors without side-effects.
With any system of medicine, early treatment is the best; if it is opted very late or in advanced condition, then any system will only be able to reduce it to a limit. Homeopathy is in no way
an exception to this. One would be compelled to accept this. But sometimes, with proper Homeopathy treatment, it can be minimised even to near normal without any side-effects. Selection of Homeopathic medicines usually depends upon the cause of the disease, nature of the illness, its progress and symptoms presentation. Also, the patient needs to be educated about the complaint, need for lifestyle changes (if any) and management, to meet life’s challenges easily without any dejection. Homeopathy can surely ease their condition further by supporting nerves, muscles, brain and coordinating their function for comfortable living.
Homeopathic medicines commonly used in cases of tremors are Agaricus, Ambra grisea, Apis mel, Aur met, Arg nit, Ars alb, Avena sativa, Belladonna, Calc phos, Cannabis indica, Causticum, Damiana, Ferrum phos, Gelsemium, Heloderma, Hyosyamus, Hypericum, Kali phos, Lachesis, Lathyrus, Lycopodium, Natrum mur, Nux vom, Physostigma, Plumbum met, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Selenium, Silicea, Stramonium, Strychinum, Tarentula, Valeriana, Zinc met, etc. These Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.

for new hope

Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001

Tel:  +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
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(Disclaimer - The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)