Kamis, 09 Maret 2017


The coccyx is the very bottom portion of the spine. It represents a vestigial tail (hence the common term "tailbone") and consists of three or more very small bones fused together. The coccyx is made up of between three and five separate or fused vertebrae.
While it was originally thought that the coccyx is always fused together (with no movement between the coccygeal vertebrae), it is now known that the entire coccyx is not one solid bone but often there is some limited movement between the bones permitted by the fibrous joints and ligaments.
The coccyx articulates with the sacrum  through a vestigial disc, and is also connected to the sacrum with ligaments . There is very limited movement between the coccyx and the sacrum
ANTIMONIUM TART 30- Sensation of weight and feeling that the coccyx  is hanging down.
ARNICA MONTANA 30- Bruised pain in the coccyx
BOVISTA 30- Itching in the coccyx
CARBO ANIMALIS 30- Burning in the coccyx on touching it
CAUSTICUM 30-Bruised pain in the coccyx
CICUTA VIROSA 30- Tearing and jerking pain in the coccyx. Back is bent backwards like an arch. Pain is worse during menses. Vertigo, gastralgia and muscular pains may accompany the pains
EUPHORBIUM OFF. 30- Pain like electric shocks in the coccyx
HYPERICUM PERF. 12X- Pain due to a fall or an injury to the coccyx
KALI BICH 30- Pain in coccyx when sitting
LACHESIS 200- Pain in the coccyx and sacrum.Worse rising from a sitting position
PAEONIA OFF. 30- Ulcer at the end of the coccyx
PLATINUM MET. 30- Numbness in the coccyx
RUTA GRA. 30- Bruised  pain in the coccyx
SILICEA 30-Sensation of pressure on the coccyx
XANTHIUM 30- Patient cannot sit on hard surface and keeps a cushion below while sitting. Pain in the coccyx all the time

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