Rabu, 01 Maret 2017


Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes episodes in which you feel as if you're spinning (vertigo), and you have fluctuating hearing loss with a progressive, ultimately permanent loss of hearing, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), and sometimes a feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear. In most cases, Meniere's disease affects only one ear.
Meniere's disease can occur at any age, but it usually starts between the ages of 20 and 50. It's considered a chronic condition, but various treatments can help relieve symptoms and minimize the long-term impact on your life.
Cause--The cause of Meniere's disease isn't understood. One popular theory that hasn't been proved is that Meniere's disease appears to be the result of the abnormal amount of fluid (endolymph) in the inner ear. This often shows on autopsies, but it's not clear that it causes the episodes.
Factors that affect the fluid, which might contribute to Meniere's disease, include:-Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality, Abnormal immune response,Allergies, Viral infection, Genetic predisposition,Head trauma,Migraines
Because no single cause has been identified, it's likely that Meniere's disease results from a combination of factors.
Symptoms--Signs and symptoms of Meniere's disease include:
·         Recurring episodes of vertigo. You have a spinning sensation that starts and stops spontaneously. Episodes of vertigo occur without warning and usually last 20 minutes to several hours, but not more than 24 hours. Severe vertigo can cause nausea and vomiting.
·         Hearing loss. Hearing loss in Meniere's disease may come and go, particularly early on. Eventually, most people have some permanent hearing loss.
·         Ringing in the ear (tinnitus). Tinnitus is the perception of a ringing, buzzing, roaring, whistling or hissing sound in your ear.
·         Feeling of fullness in the ear. People with Meniere's disease often feel pressure in the affected ears (aural fullness) or on the side of their heads.
After an episode, signs and symptoms improve and might disappear entirely. Episodes can occur weeks to years apart.
CHININUM SULPH 30- :- Chinimum sulph is one of the best indicated remedies for Meniere’s disease when periodicity of the attacks is marked.It is considered a specific for this condition.   The leading symptom for this medicine in most of the cases is tinnitus. There is an unusual sensation of roaring in the ears and it is invariably associated with vertigo. People in whom Chinimum sulph may be indicated generally have complaints of postural vertigo and heaviness in the ears. Vertigo could be very sudden in onset and in severe cases the person may fall down due to loss of balance. Generally, they may feel uncomfortable in standing posture. Chinimum sulph gives desired results when there is a considerable degree of hearing loss and affect the left ear
PHOSPHOROUS 200-:- Phosphorous is one of the top ranking drug in Meniere’s disease associated with echoing sounds in the ears.I have given Phosphorous in Meniere’s disease with equally good results. The unique feature for Phosphorous in these cases is the hearing impairment to human voices. Phosphorous may be indicated in lean, thin and stoop shouldered persons. Though there is no satisfactory evidence, but these complaints may be related to attack of typhoid fever. When asked in detail, the person may reveal that the first episode of vertigo and tinnitus had manifested just after typhoid fever. Phosphorous may be indicated in people who have a gradual hearing impairment. Vertigo may be felt on an attempt to rise from the bed. In severe cases, the person may faint during an attack of vertigo. People who need Phosphorous are generally restless physically and mentally. They may be easily affected by external stimuli like sharp noises, bright lights and this may trigger sudden attacks of vertigo. Tinnitus may be of echoing type, that is, all the sounds may have an echoing effect.
THERIDION 30- :- It is one of the most indicated remedies in Meniere’s disease with marked vertigo that comes on least motion and is associated with extreme nausea and vomiting .Theridion are generally sensitive to noises and may feel a sudden discomfort when they hear loud and unpleasant noises. The guiding symptom for Theridion to be prescribed is that, vertigo comes when the person closes the eyes. Theridion may be indicated in people who detest travelling because it triggers attacks of vertigo. There may be an uneasy sensation in the ears with fullness or heaviness in one or both ears.
AMMONIUM IODIDE 30- In younger people. Dull headache and vertigo
CHENOPODIUM 30- Deaf to the human voice. , but grat sensitivity to for other sounds and better for high pitched sounds. Buzzing in the ear
CHIN. SAL. 30- Deafness and tinnitus
NATRUM SAL. 200- Vertigo and deafness with noises in the ear. It is a good remedy if there is progressive deafness

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