Kamis, 16 Maret 2017


The mastoid process is a prominent, bony bump located just behind the outside ear, and although the size of the mastoid process varies between individuals, it's typically larger in males than females. The mastoid process is the site of attachment for numerous muscles, and its underlying structures may be susceptible to certain medical conditions or diseases.
Mastoiditis---Mastoiditis is a disease associated with the mastoid. mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid bone. The disease is often caused by a middle ear infection or acute otitis media. The mastoid bone possesses an underlying, honeycomb-like structure, and when the mastoid becomes infected, infected materials fill its pockets or air cells. The  mastoiditis occurs more frequently in children, and that mastoiditis used to be one of the most common causes of death among children. Common symptoms associated with mastoiditis include ear drainage, ear pain or discomfort, fever, headaches, impaired hearing and redness and swelling behind the ear
Mastoid Cancer--Mastoid cancer is a disease of the mastoid.  Malignant or progressive and harmful tumors of the mastoid are rare, but of the tumors that do manifest in the mastoid, most are squamous cell carcinomas.
Cholesteatoma--Cholesteatoma is a disease associated with the mastoid. Cholesteatoma is an ear disease in which a skin cyst invades a person's middle ear and mastoid, and although the cyst is not cancerous, it may erode nearby tissue and permanently damage the ear.  Common symptoms associated with cholesteatoma include gradual hearing loss, ear discharge and a history of ear infections


BELLADONNA 30-Inflammatory stage. The affected part red and hot.
CAPSICUM 30- Pain and swelling with deep  threatening deep seated abscess and caries of mastoid
FLUORIC ACID 30- In diabetic patients. To check destructive process
MERCURIUS BIN IODIDE 3X- In flammation and swelling of left side or starting in left side. Tearing, gnawing pain , worse at night
HEPAR SULPH 30- Painful inflammation. Very sensitive to external impressions , touch and cold air, splinter like pain
SILICEA 200- Swelling which is painful on touch with drawing pain. Sticking on swallowing and cough
SULPHUR 200- Intercurrent remedy

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