Kamis, 18 Mei 2017


Uterus, also called womb, an inverted pear-shaped muscular organ   of the female reproductive system, located between the bladder and rectum . It functions to nourish and house the fertilized egg until the unborn child, or offspring, is ready to be delivered.
The uterus has four major regions: the fundus is the broad, curved upper area in which the  fallopian tubes  connect to the uterus; the body, the main part of the uterus, starts directly below the level of the fallopian tubes and continues downward until the uterine walls and cavity begin to narrow; the isthmus is the lower, narrow neck region; and the lowest section, the cervix, extends downward from the isthmus until it opens into the vagina. The uterus is 6 to 8 cm (2.4 to 3.1 inches) long; its wall thickness is approximately 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 inches). The width of the organ varies; it is generally about 6 cm wide at the fundus and only half this distance at the isthmus. The uterine cavity opens into the vaginal cavity, and the two make up what is commonly known as the birth canal.

Lining the uterine cavity is a moist mucous membrane known as the endometrium . The lining changes in thickness during the menstrual cycle, being thickest during the period of egg release from the ovaries If the egg is fertilized, it attaches to the thick endometrial wall of the uterus and begins developing. If the egg is unfertilized, the endometrial wall sheds its outer layer of cells; the egg and excess tissue are then passed from the body during menstrual bleeding  The endometrium also produces secretions that help keep both the egg and the sperm cells alive. The components of the endometrial fluid include water, iron, potassium, sodium, chloride, glucose (a sugar), and proteins. Glucose is a nutrient to the reproductive cells, while proteins aid with implantation of the fertilized egg. The other constituents provide a suitable environment for the egg and sperm cells.

The uterine wall is made up of three layers of muscle tissue. The muscle fibres run longitudinally, circularly, and obliquely, entwined between connective tissue of blood vessels, elastic fibres, and collagen fibres. This strong muscle wall expands and becomes thinner as a child develops inside the uterus. After birth, the expanded uterus returns to its normal size in about six to eight weeks; its dimensions, however, are about 1 cm (0.4 inch) larger in all directions than before childbearing. The uterus is also slightly heavier and the uterine cavity remains larger.
The uterus of a female child is small until puberty, when it rapidly grows to its adult size and shape. After menopause, when the female is no longer capable of having children, the uterus becomes smaller, more fibrous, and paler. Some afflictions that may affect the uterus include infections; benign and malignant tumours; malformations, such as a double uterus; and prolapsed , in which part of the uterus becomes displaced and protrudes from the vaginal opening

ARNICA MONTANA 30--Bruised pain in the uterus after scraping the vagina and dilatation of the uterus, to cause surgical operation or to remove unnecessary growth
ARSENICUM ALBUM 30-Inflammation of the uterus due to excessive loss of blood from the uterus. Restlessness and weakness
AURUM IODIDE 30-Inoperable fibroma or myoma of the uterus with very offensive discharge.For ovarian cysts and pathological lesions
AURUM MUR. NIT 3X- FRAXINUS A Q- CALCAREA IODIDE 3X- All the three medicines are to be given one day after a gap of four hours. Aur-m-n. in the morning, Cali-I at noon and Fraxinus q 10-15 drops at bed time for the cure of uterine fibroma
AURUM ARS 30- Cancer with increased sexual desire
BELLADONNA 30-Inflammation of the uterus after abortion.Face red. Sensitive to motion
BROMIUM 30- Loud emission of flatus from the uterus and vagina
CADMIUM SULPH CM- After radium and other treatments for cancer, if the disease still persists, give this remedy, There may be persistent vomiting
CACAREA ARS 30- Cancer of the uterus
CALCAREA PHOS 30- Polypus of the uterus
CANTHARIS 30-Inflammation of the uterus with cystitis. Burning pain and swelling
CIMICIFUGA 30- Pain travels from side to side
COLOCYNTHIS 200- Severe pain. The patient doubles up by drawing limbs to the chest. Warmth and pressure relieves
CONIUM MACULATUM 200-Firm and hard fibroma  in old maids or women who have been deprived of sexual pleasure
EUPONIUM 3-Hemorrhage from the uterus. Blood is thin. Gushing leucorrhea. Uterus is tilted
FICUS REL. Q- Hemorrhage from the uterus due to any cause, even cancer
HYDROCOTYLE A. Q- Pain due to cervical cancer and ulceration of the womb
KALI CARB 30- Cancer with severe pain in the legs and from hips to knees in cervical cancer
KREOSOTUM 30- Fibroids, cancerous tumors in the uterus specially of cervix with fetid discharge. Ulcer on the neck of the uterus or bleeding after sexual intercourse
LACHESIS 200-Pain on account of uterine displacement. Pain is more before menses but decreases after the flow
LAPIS ALBUS 30-Hemorrhage from cancer of the uterus. Patient is debilitated. Cancer with severe burning pain
PHOSPHORUS 200- Hemorrhage from the uterus. Blood is bright red. The patient is anemic
PYROGENIUM 200- Septic hemorrhage of the uterus after child birth
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30- Prolapse after child birth or straining
SABINA 30-Pain from sacrum to pubes, travelling upwards to the vagina after abortion. Inflammation
SEMPERVIVUM TECT. 2X- Cancerous tumor of the uterus. The vagina becomes very irritable and dry with tender ovaries
SEPIA 1000- Ulceration of the uterus with prolapsed
THLASPI BURSA Q- Hemorrhage with violent uterine colic. Leucorrhea before and after menses. Recovers from one period when the other starts . Cancer or fibroma, hemorrhage with craps and clots . Severe pain in the womb on rising
TILIA EUROPEA 30-Inflammation of the uterus after child birth. Intense feeling about the uterus with bearing down sensation
TRILLIUM PEND. Q- Hemorrhage on accout of fibroids
VIBERINUM PRUN Q- KALI PHOS 6X- CALCAREA FLOUR 6X- ASOKA Q- Uterine tonic and for displacement of the uterus

VIOLA ODORATA Q- Headache due to uterine fibroids 

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