I Know The Way You Can Get
I know the way you can get
When you have not had a drink of Love:
Your face hardens, Your sweet muscles cramp.
Children become concerned
About a strange look that appears in your eyes
Which even begins to worry your own mirror
And nose.
Squirrels and birds sense your sadness
And call an important conference in a tall tree.
They decide which secret code to chant
To help your mind and soul.
--Hafiz, excerpt

Mine came on for the first time of the season. I smelled the metallic air when I woke, and I knew to grab socks and a sweater.
There was a misty haze of cold dew along the fields, and a quietness of busy people slightly more withdrawn.
The poetry of the horizon speaks of geese pushing time and of leaves blushing red and setting sail.
There is much work of medicine and magic to be done, still.
I feel the stirring of our ancestors asking more of us, and the longing of the Earth for more response-ability.
I watch the squirrel heed these laws every time he digs to bury a nut.
Nature calls us to heed rhythms.
Are you listening? What do you hear?
Four Keys and Four Herbs for October Transitions:
How is the temperature in your body? Do you wake feeling cold, hot, or uncomfortably mixed? What do you do support your comfort?
Ginger root helps to warm our circulation and regulate our 'triple heater', making temperature adaptation easier for our bodies. Instead of hot cocoa, try a cup of gently simmered fresh ginger root, with a little bit of honey. Or, make ginger root hot cocoa :)
Daylight and Moonlight:
How is your rest & activity feeling? Are you sleepier or more energized than you were in the summer?
Seaweed is mineral rich giving our bodies the ability to be fully awake, and fully asleep, at the appropriate times. Seaweed is also brimming with both lunar and solar energies .... as it is fed by the sun and nourished by the moon and her watery tides. As perhaps the fastest growing vegetation in the world, seaweed feeds our wholeness and ability to be strong during periods of growth and change.
Your muse:
How is your creative self? Engaged, disowned, tired, longing or restless? Your sense of divine connectedness to your life and your daily expressions of self? Your time for self care and reflection, meditation, or nourishing touch?
Cardamom is just sensual. It's sweet and spicy, gentle and strong, loving and clear. Cardamom in my warm milk, on my warm apple compote, or in a spicy soup, cardamom just makes me feel inspired. I often combine it with my other favorite muse herbs like Damiana and Kava Kava, but on her own she can re-awaken the imagination and playful self. When our senses and our mind are both playing, we can experience intense creative satiation.
Your footing:
Do you feel steady, sure footed, and solid? Or frail and precarious? Are you the river, or are you the glass bottle floating down the river, headed for rapids? What is the message in your glass bottle, waiting to be freed, so that you may flow?
Burdock to me is a water root. Dug from the wet earth and cooked in soups we are centered deeply in our water-bone humanness. We become grounded, centered, yet not stagnant. Burdock root nourishes our ability to be stable in our bodies, in our truth-speaking, and in our hearts.

Perhaps you open my newsletter or blog expecting to be more formally taught about herbs.
By now you've probably realized that isn't entirely how I roll.
I could teach you about just herbs, but if you don't have the willingness to listen to your body, herbs aren't going to do much.
I don't teach answers, I teach questions.
I give possibility and options and resources and catalysts .... the answers belong to you. Answers can change over time.
And our bodies are part of nature. In listening to nature, we hear our bodies. In listening to our bodies, we hear nature.
In being honest about our senses, intuitions, impulses, and callings, we access a deep and perhaps ancestral strength that can empower our lives in profound and meaningful ways.
My wish for you is to continually have access to, and connection with, your true source.
May you have a blessed day, dear one.
Ready to embark on an intentional journey of self discovery and pleasure medicine?
Healing wounds and transforming habits does not have to be painful. There are better ways to claim our wholeness and connect to our inner knowing.
Join us - a small, select group of magical women - on a year long spiral journey of enchanted, sensual, intuitive joy!
You deserve it.
To learn more, go HERE
Not sure what it might feel like? Find out what graduating members are saying:
~ The Unburdened Basket ~
"The Lady’s Slipper Ring entered my life during a time of loss and much change. As an older woman, I was confident in my beliefs and values though occasionally struggled with aligning them in all aspects of my life. I have always been a frugal person and seldom indulged in things that I considered unnecessary. And I am a craft-woman’s nightmare: I am the consumer who appreciates the product but then goes home and makes it myself.
I seemed an unlikely candidate for the LSR but with so much change in my life, I felt a bit untethered and felt that I needed to nourish, to care for myself during this difficult time. So I signed up and almost immediately started regretting my indulgence (where do we learn such thinking?)
Until I received the first month’s materials and herbal goodies… The content is thoughtful and challenging; each month I was asked to consider just how empowered I am on the inside. Are my beliefs and actions aligned? What do I truly know to be true about myself? How do I perceive my place in this complex world? How much do I trust myself, my values, my intuition? In addition, multiple resources are offered for future pondering. Working through each month’s topic was just that – work. Some topics were easier than others; all of them contributed to a deeper appreciation of my gifts and me.
My reward each month came in a small box that fit perfectly into my mailbox. Even in my best DIY attempts, I doubt that I could replicate the unique creams, balms, oils, elixirs and perfumes. Ananda’s unique approach to scents and taste delighted me each month. She truly offers an artisan approach to her creations, and I quickly developed a ritual of sitting, sniffing, tasting, and massaging the products immediately upon their arrival.
Ananda’s wisdom and love are expressed throughout the LSR program. I am moving forward with renewed energy and know that I will continue to return to the content on those days when defeat seems to be looming. During this past year of incredible change in my life, the LSR proved to be a very wise investment in myself. A luxury for so many women…self-care is seldom on our To-Do list.
The Lady's Slipper Ring is a wonderful reminder of why it needs to be at the top of our lists.
The Withered Herb

Enroll in the Lady's Slipper Ring HERE!
The Power of Choice, the Power of Decision
"I am not the type to "splurge" on self-care but somehow I just knew from the second I heard about it that Ananda's Lady's Slipper Ring would be a powerful investment for me.
By taking this year long course I have transformed a lot of my self-care habits and shifted my priorities to taking better care of myself. I love the new relationship I have formed with nourishment and self-care and I love the end result of being less stressed and finding more joy in my every day life.
Plus, just getting that incredible package of treasures each month was a beautiful experience within itself. Ananda makes some of the best herbal products I've ever experienced! Self-care and nourishment are some of our most powerful tools for health and longevity, I am really grateful that I prioritized these qualities in my life through the Lady's Slipper Ring."
~Rosalee de la Forȇt
Methow Valley Herbs

Beauty Blessings,
Plant Journeys
Amrita Apothecary
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