Jumat, 05 Mei 2017


Rubella, also called German measles or three-day measles, is a contagious viral infection best known by its distinctive red rash.
Rubella is not the same as measles (rubeola), though the two illnesses do share some characteristics, including the red rash. However, rubella is caused by a different virus than measles, and is neither as infectious nor usually as severe as measles.
Cause- The cause of rubella is a virus that's passed from person to person. It can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or it can spread by direct contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions, such as mucus. It can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her unborn child via the bloodstream.
A person with rubella is contagious from 10 days before the onset of the rash until about one or two weeks after the rash disappears. An infected person can spread the illness before the person realizes he or she has it.
 Symptoms-The signs and symptoms of rubella are often so mild they're difficult to notice, especially in children. If signs and symptoms do occur, they generally appear between two and three weeks after exposure to the virus.
 They typically last about two to three days and may include:Mild fever of 102 F (38.9 C) or lower, Headache, Stuffy or runny nose, Inflamed, red eyes, Enlarged, tender lymph nodes at the base of the skull, the back of the neck and behind the ears, A fine, pink rash that begins on the face and quickly spreads to the trunk and then the arms and legs, before disappearing in the same sequence, Aching joints, especially in young women
ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30-  In the beginning , on appearance of the catarrhal symptoms , the patient demands water at night though he has seldom done so in the past. He is chilly and restless
BELLADONNA 30- If Aconitum fails , there is sore throat , headache, cough and swollen face give this remedy
BRYONIA ALBA 30- It is a very useful remedy when the patient is quitw and does not want to be disturbed
GELSEMIUM 30- When the patient is drowsy and indifferent . Face ouffed and flushed. No thirst . Pulse full and soft but slow
EUPHRASIA 30-Inflammation of the mucus membrane of eyes and nose. Sneezing with bland discharge from the nose and acrid discharge from the eyes
MERCURUIS SOL 30- If after the fever cough remains use this remedy
HYDRASTIS CAN 30- For weakness after the disease
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30- Soreness all over the body. Restlessness and pain
RUBEOLINUM 1000- It is given as an intercurrent remedy and also a preventive medicine

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