Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

Spina Bifida

Spina bifida is the term used to describe a series of birth defects in babies affecting the development of the spine and neural system. The severity of the neural defect can vary and spina bifida is 

Type of Spina Bifida

Spina bifida occulta: the most common and least serious form that usually does not require treatment. In this type there is only a tiny gap between the vertebrae.
Spina bifida meningocele: the rarest type where the bones of the vertebrae develop normally, however the protective membranes of the spinal cord are pushed out. This can be removed surgically and no further treatment is usually required.
Mylomeningocele: this is the most serious form where the spinal column remains open causing the membranes and spinal cord to push out creating a sac that may or may not be covered by skin. In this case there may be extensive damage to the nervous system.

Effects of spina bifida

The effects of spina bifida will vary according to the type, location and amount of nerve damage in the spinal cord. In mylomeningocele there may be:
Partial or complete paralysis of the parts of the body below the spinal level affected, which impacts on development of gross motor skills such as sitting, standing and walking
Altered sensation
Altered bladder and bowel control
Hydrocephalus (excessive fluid in the brain)
Secondary effects of altered muscle control impact on musculoskeletal system (can lead to dislocated joints, scoliosis etc)

Physiotherapy for Spina bifida

The effects of spina bifida can impact enormously on a child’s function and physiotherapy should commence as soon as possible in order to maximise a child’s potential and quality of life. Treatment will vary according to the severity of the condition. Our specialist physiotherapists can provide treatment which may include:
Maximising independence in functional activities such as standing, transferring and walking
Provision of mobility aids and equipment to increase independence
Exercises to maintain or improve muscle strength and length
Anticipating, preventing and minimising secondary effects such as development of contractures
Positioning and postural advice
Teaching wheelchair skills to maximise independence
Provision of appropriate orthotics
Exercises to improve balance and coordination to prevent risk of falls

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