Today's post from (see link below) is a notification of a book about neuropathy that may be useful for people living with the disease. You should note that the book is designed for doctors and medical clinicians who are likely to come into contact with the condition and may therefore be technical and not exactly easy-reading for the layman. However, in the interests of arming yourself with knowledge, it may be worth asking your library to order it. Knowledge is definitely power when it comes to nerve damage and this may be a valuable reference book for the patient as well as the doctor. Understanding your disease is a major step forward in learning to live with it.
Textbook of Peripheral Neuropathy
Textbook of Peripheral Neuropathy
Authors Peter Donofrio MD
Publisher : Demos Medical
Textbook of Peripheral Neuropathy is a practical but authoritative reference for clinicians in any medical specialty who are evaluating and treating patients with signs and symptoms of a peripheral neuropathy. Reviewing the full spectrum of clinically significant neuropathies, the book contains chapters on common and rare forms including mononeuropathy in the upper and lower extremities, mononeuritis multiplex, diffuse and symmetric polyneuropathies, brachial and lumbrosacral plexopathies, and spinal root disorders-disorders that can mimic diffuse and/or focal neuropathies, complicating diagnosis and evaluation. Coverage encompasses both inherited and acquired diseases, including neuropathies arising from physical injury, diabetes, alcoholism, toxins, autoimmune responses, nutritional defi ciencies, vascular and metabolic disorders, medication-induced neuropathies, and idiopathic conditions. The textbook provides an evidence-based approach to testing, differential diagnosis, and treatment, and should serve as a trusted resource for healthcare professionals confronting the many manifestations of peripheral neuropathy in clinical practice.
The chapters are written by internationally renowned expert contributors with deep clinical experience and contain numerous tables, fi gures, and algorithms providing clear diagnostic and management guidelines. Boxed Clinical Pearls and Key Points allow for quick access to pertinent information, making evaluation and review easy and rewarding.
Features of Textbook of Peripheral Neuropathy Include:
Practical yet comprehensive-an accessible “go-to” reference for clinicians
Covers all clinically relevant peripheral neuropathies
Clinical Pearls and Key Points are set off from the text for quick reference
Contains clear diagnostic and management guidelines from expert contributors
Structured chapters make it easy to find essential point-of-care information
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