Rabu, 21 Juni 2017

The Informed Neuropathy Patient

Today's post from neuropathy.org (see link below) is a short but very important piece of advice from the Neuropathy Association. Basically, it suggests ways of becoming an informed patient regarding your neuropathy and arming yourself with information before and after you go to the doctor with your symptoms. Forearmed is forewarned they say and this is especially true when it comes to neuropathy. It's a disease with endless possibilities and an equal number of uncertainties, so the more you're aware of your situation, the less time will be wasted by your doctor or specialist having to try to explain all the complexities simply. Doing your own research will help you see your problem for what it is and make it less of a fearful mystery.

Dealing with nerve diseases - 10 Steps to Becoming an Informed Patient  
The Neuropathy Association 2014

Becoming an informed patient means embarking on a path of continuous learning when it comes to matters concerning your health and well-being. It also means meeting the challenge of adopting a healthy lifestyle. While there is no "best way" to become better informed about nerve diseases, there are a number of steps everyone should take as part of the process:

Prepare for visits with your doctor

Learn as much as you can about your medical diagnosis

Keep a copy of your medical records

Understand and commit to your treatment plan

Read the fine print of your health insurance plan and understand your policy 

Listen to your body and respect it

Seek a healthy work-life balance

Deal with stress and keep it at a minimum

Accept neuropathy as a part of you

Have a supportive and compassionate "go-to" buddy 

You have to become an active partner in managing your healthcare and take a positive stance regarding your neuropathy. When living with a chronic illness like neuropathy or other nerve diseases, it is important to develop a healthy doctor-patient relationship and a supportive network of friends and family. Just as important is listening to what your body tells you via your symptoms and address the situation when you recognize it. By acknowledging your symptoms and seeking an early diagnosis and treatment, you are taking a proactive approach to dealing with neuropathy and halting its progression. Ultimately, think of becoming an informed patient as an exercise in building your communications skills: we hope you continuously listen, learn, and share your knowledge with others! 


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