Dry Skin
SKIN- Dry Skin
Treating dry skin externally – worthy?
Whether this approach is correct????
Here, one need to aware that the disappearance of the scaly skin / itching doesn’t mean that the disease is waning or getting cured, i.e., skin rash can be easily made to disappear with steroidal external applications which will usually mask the complaint very temporarily. This palliative type of treatment usually drives the disease inner or deeper. Also, if suppression type of treatment is followed for quite a long time, then it is not only tough to cure the case but also difficult to treat or manage its side-effects which may endanger life, i.e., sufferer will be more prone for skin cancer. Since external treatment can’t cure dryness of skin, it is better to avoid topical medicinal applications other than moisturizer to soothe the skin.
Dry Skin
Dryness of skin is a very common skin problem and everyone might have experienced it in one or other time. It is medically termed as “Xeroderma”. This annoying dry skin may occur temporarily as a reaction to environment / irritants or in persistent manner with various systemic illness or skin complaints.
Incidences – it is most common with babies and elderly peoples. Dry skin is usually felt more in extremities (legs and hands) and face / head.
Symptoms – dryness of skin usually leads to scaling, itching, redness, cracks and infection. In course of time, skin will turn rough and ugly.
Causes – are innumerous starting from simple dehydration.
- Climatic variation – winter and windy seasons can trigger or aggravate dry skin. Also, extreme temperature variation (hot / cold) can cause dryness of skin.
- Irritants – soaps, shampoos, perfumes, facial make-ups, chlorinated water, diapers, woolen & tight clothing’s, etc.
- Drugs – diuretics (which increases urine output) and antihistamines (anti allergic)
- Diseases – Vitamin A & D deficiencies, liver disorders, kidney disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes, skin disorders (sun allergy, allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoea, scleroderma) etc can cause dryness of skin. In addition, It can also be genetic where sebaceous glands are less or absent
Complications – skin will lose luster and get infected often with bacteria’s or fungus.
- Take good amount of water and juice to hydrate our body / skin
- Take balanced diet (especially vitamin A & D rich foods – eggs, fish, nuts, rice, carrots, peas, beans, spinach, oranges, tomatoes, and other green vegetables)
- Keep cleanliness and maintain personal hygiene
- Care for skin with appropriate clothing’s with respect to environment and temperature
- Hot sun, hot places & hot water
- Concentrated soaps / shampoos or any irritants found to trigger dry skin
- Alcohol & Unnecessary medications
Homeopathic approach – usually, treating any skin disorder is very tough, since it is the outermost part of the body and also often gets exposed to irritants or pollutants or frictions, which hinder the curative action of the drugs. Also, recurrence of complaints in skin disorders is common (no exception for dryness of skin too) as it is mostly suppressed due to improper (external) treatment. Just applying moisturizers / ointments will have effect / betterment for that day only. Also, it is like treating only the effects of internal disease(s) and not the disease itself, so with forethought it is of no value.
Homoeopathic treatment believes in internal treatment and can give permanent cure to dryness of skin. In Homeopathy, dryness of skin is considered as an outburst of an internal disease, which should be treated internally. So, the internal Homoeopathy medicine is often the best natural option to stop persistent dryness of skin (i.e., not in temporary dryness which is caused by environments where external applications can soothe skin in better way just like using umbrella for hot sun) by raising natural resistance and treating dry skin without any side-effects. This way of approach will root out the cause and disease (if there is any). The right drug selected constitutionally may take some time to act, but once it has started its action, it rides in smooth top gear in the right direction of cure, for resolving the dryness of skin and to avoid recurrence.
Homeopathic medicines commonly used for eczema are Acid nit, Apis mel, Ars alb, Bacillinum, Cantharis, Causticum, Clematis, Crab apple, Dulcamara, Graphites, Hepar sulph, Hydrocotyle, Kali ars, Kali Brom, Merc sol, Mezereum, Nat mur, Petroleum, Psorinum, Radium Brom, Sarasaparilla, Sepia, Silicea, Skookum chuk, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Tellurium, Thyroidinum, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens, etc. These medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a Qualified Homoeopath.
for new hope
Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001
Tel: +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
E-mail: drcheena@yahoo.com
www.drcheena.com / www.drcheena.in
(Disclaimer - The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)
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