Senin, 19 Juni 2017


Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of your heart (endocardium).
Endocarditis generally occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body, such as your mouth, spread through your bloodstream and attach to damaged areas in your heart. Left untreated, endocarditis can damage or destroy your heart valves and can lead to life-threatening complications. Treatments for endocarditis include antibiotics and, in certain cases, surgery.
Endocarditis is uncommon in people with healthy hearts. People at greatest risk of endocarditis have damaged heart valves, artificial heart valves or other heart defects.
Causes-Endocarditis occurs when germs enter your bloodstream, travel to your heart, and attach to abnormal heart valves or damaged heart tissue. Bacteria cause most cases, but fungi or other microorganisms also may be responsible.
Sometimes the culprit is one of many common bacteria that live in your mouth, throat or other parts of your body. The offending organism may enter your bloodstream through:
Everyday oral activities. Activities such as brushing your teeth or chewing food can allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream — especially if your teeth and gums aren't healthy
 An infection or other medical condition. Bacteria may spread from an infected area, such as a skin sore. Gum disease, a sexually transmitted infection or an intestinal disorder — such as inflammatory bowel disease — also may give bacteria the opportunity to enter your bloodstream.
Catheters or needles. Bacteria can enter your body through a catheter — a thin tube that doctors sometimes use to inject or remove fluid from the body. The bacteria that can cause endocarditis can also enter your bloodstream through the needles used for tattooing or body piercing. Contaminated needles and syringes are a special concern for people who use intravenous (IV) drugs
 Certain dental procedures. Some dental procedures that can cut your gums may allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream.
Usually, your immune system destroys bacteria that make it into your bloodstream. Even if bacteria reach your heart, they may pass through without causing an infection.
Most people who develop endocarditis have a diseased or damaged heart valve — an ideal spot for bacteria to settle. This damaged tissue in the endocardium provides bacteria with the roughened surface they need to attach and multiply. Endocarditis does occasionally occur on previously normal heart valves.
Symptoms-Endocarditis may develop slowly or suddenly — depending on what's causing the infection and whether you have any underlying heart problems. Endocarditis signs and symptoms vary, but may include:-Fever and chills, A new or changed heart murmur — heart sounds made by blood rushing through your heart, Fatigue, Aching joints and muscles, Night sweats, Shortness of breath, Paleness, Persistent cough, Swelling in your feet, legs or abdomen, Unexplained weight loss, Blood in your urine (either visible or found in a doctor's viewing of your urine under a microscope), Tenderness in your spleen — an infection-fighting abdominal organ on your left side, just below your rib cage, Osler's nodes — red, tender spots under the skin of your fingers, Petechiae  — tiny purple or red spots on the skin, whites of your eyes or inside your mouth
ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30- Palpitations with anxiety. Tingling in the fingers. Pain in the left shoulder and fingersRestlessness and fever
ADONIS VERNALIS Q- It is useful for rheumatic endocarditis with pain , palpitation and asthma like dyspnea
ARSENICUM ALB. 30- Endocarditis after suppression of measles or scarlatina . Restlessness and  puffiness of the eyes and swelling of the feet is often present. It better affects the left of heart. Oppression of the chest and breathing
ARSENICUM IODIDE 3X- Puffiness about the eyes and feet. Irregular beats and intermittent pulse
BRYONIA ALB Q- Stitching and tearing pains in the chest worse by motion and better by rest. Difficult quick respiration
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS Q- Feeling of constriction as if  by an iron  hand around the heart. Pain is periodical.Oppressed breathing. Palpitation worse  lying on left side  and at approach of menses. Pulse feeble, irregular and low blood pressure
COLCHICUM 30-Severe pain in the region of the heart. Oppression of breathing  and dyspnea. Pulse is very weak and can hardly be felt. Best suited when the case is chronic
CONVALLARIA MAJALIS Q- Feeling as if heart is beating through out the chest. Feeling  as if heart stopped breathing suddenly and then starting very suddenly. Pulse rapid and irregular. Specially suited to cigarette smokers
DIGITALIS 30- -Inflammation of heart muscle in sudden cases of myocarditis or endocarditis. Swelling of feet and ankles may be present. Disturbed sleep, slow and sighing respiration and dry cough. The least movement causes violent palpitation  and sensation as if the heart would cease beating . Very weak and slow pulse
KALMIA 30--  Endocarditis with rheumatism of joints. Pain shifting much
LACHESIS 200- It suits heart cases specially during menopause. Palpitation and anxiety. Irregular heart beats. Ulcerative pain
NAJA TRIPUDIENCE 30-  Pain in forehead and temples.Great dyspnea, inability to lie on the left side. Feeling of weight on the heart. Pain in the chest extends to the neck, left shoulder and left arm. Pulse irregular. Extremities cold. Damaged heart due to infectious diseases. Affection remaining after acute stage is past
NATRUM IOD. 30—Useful in early stages on the beginning of rheumatic endocarditis
PLUMBUM METALLICUM 200- Chronic endocarditis.. Hypertrophy of aorta  followed by dilatation of left ventricle. Anxiety about heart. Violent palpitation. Dyspnea, threatening suffocation. Pulse  soft and intermittent. Obstinate constipation and difficult micturition
SPIGELIA 30-Inflammation of the double membrane enclosing the heart. Violent palpitation. Hot water relieves pain. Pulse weak and irregular. Rheumatic endocarditis. Must lie on right side with head high
TERMINALIA ARJUNA Q- Palpitation and pain. Give 5-10 drops every hour in acute cases and after 3-4 hours in chronic cases

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