Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy A Rose By Any Other Name

Today's post from health.nytimes.com (see link below) is a useful description of neuropathy as a medical condition. The article is entitled 'Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy' which may confuse many people but it's basically a description of the disease we all know and hate and the information is handy for everybody with any form of neuropathy with standard symptoms. One of the problems for ordinary patients trying to learn about their condition, is the number of terms used to describe it! You can easily be baffled by the terminology alone. 'Sensorimotor' is another word for 'sensory' neuropathy which may be more familiar but if you think in terms of polyneuropathy in its many forms and with its many causes, this article may be of value to you.

Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy
New York Times Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sensorimotor polyneuropathy is a condition that causes a decreased ability to move or feel (sensation) due to nerve damage.

Alternative Names

Polyneuropathy - sensorimotor


Neuropathy means a disease of, or damage to nerves. When it occurs outside of the brain or spinal cord, it is called a peripheral neuropathy. Mononeuropathy means one nerve is involved. Polyneuropathy means that many nerves in different parts of the body are involved.

Neuropathy can affect nerves that provide feeling (sensory neuropathy) or cause movement (motor neuropathy). It can also affect both, in which case it is called a sensorimotor neuropathy.

Sensorimotor polyneuropathy is a body-wide (systemic) process that damages nerve cells, nerve fibers (axons), and nerve coverings (myelin sheath). Damage to the covering of the nerve cell causes nerve signals to slow down. Damage to the nerve fiber or entire nerve cell can make the nerve stop working.

Nerve damage can be caused by:
Autoimmune (body-wide) disorders
Conditions that put pressure on nerves
Decreased blood flow to the nerve
Diseases that destroy the glue (connective tissue) that holds cells and tissues together
Swelling (inflammation) of the nerves

Some diseases lead to polyneuropathy that is mainly sensory or mainly motor. Possible causes of sensorimotor polyneuropathy include:
Alcoholic neuropathy
Cancer (called a paraneoplastic neuropathy)
Chronic inflammatory neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy
Drug-related neuropathy
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Hereditary neuropathy
Vitamin deficiency (vitamins B12, B1, and E)

Decreased feeling in any area of the body
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty using the arms or hands
Difficulty using the legs or feet
Difficulty walking
Pain, burning, tingling, or abnormal feeling in any area of the body (called neuralgia)
Weakness of the face, arms, or legs, or any area of the body

Symptoms may develop quickly (as in Guillain-Barre syndrome) or slowly over weeks to years. Symptoms usually occur on both sides of the body. Most often, they start at the ends of the toes first.

Exams and Tests

An exam may show:
Decreased feeling (may affect touch, pain, vibration, or position sensation)
Diminished reflexes (ankle most commonly)
Muscle atrophy
Muscle twitches (fasciculations)
Muscle weakness

Tests may include:
Blood tests
Electrical test of the muscles (EMG)
Electrical test of nerve conduction
X-rays or other imaging tests


Goals of treatment include:
Finding the cause
Controlling the symptoms
Promoting a patient's self-care and independence

Depending on the cause, treatment may include:
Changing medicines, if they are causing the problem
Controlling blood sugar level
Not drinking alcohol
Taking daily nutritional supplements


Exercises and retraining to maximize function of the damaged nerves
Job (vocational) therapy
Occupational therapy
Orthopedic treatments
Physical therapy
Wheelchairs, braces, or splints


Safety is important for people with neuropathy. Lack of muscle control and decreased sensation can increase the risk of falls or other injuries.

If you have movement difficulties, these measures can help keep you safe:
Leave lights on.
Remove obstacles (such as loose rugs that may slip on the floor).
Test water temperature before bathing.
Use railings.
Wear protective shoes (such as those with closed toes and low heels).
Wear shoes that have non-slippery soles.

Other tips include:

Check your feet (or other affected area) daily for bruises, open skin areas, or other injuries, which you may not notice and can become infected.
Check the inside of shoes often for grit or rough spots that may injure your feet.
Visit a foot doctor (podiatrist) to assess and reduce the risk of injury to your feet.
Avoid leaning on your elbows, crossing your knees, or being in other positions that put prolonged pressure on certain body areas.

Medicines used to treat this condition:
Over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers to reduce stabbing pain (neuralgia) Anticonvulsants or antidepressant
Lotions, creams, or medicated patches

Avoid pain medicine whenever possible, or use it only when necessary. Keeping your body in the proper position or keeping bed linens off a tender body part may help control pain.

Support Groups

For additional information and support, see: www.neuropathy.org.

Outlook (Prognosis)

You can fully recover from peripheral neuropathy if your health care provider can find the cause and successfully treat it, and if the damage does not affect the entire nerve cell.

The amount of disability varies. Some people have no disability. Others have partial or complete loss of movement, function, or feeling. Nerve pain may be uncomfortable and may last for a long time.

Occasionally sensorimotor polyneuropathy causes severe, life-threatening symptoms.

Possible Complications

Injury to feet (caused by bad shoes or hot water when stepping into the bathtub)
Trouble walking

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your health care provider if you have loss of movement or feeling in a part of your body. Early diagnosis and treatment increase the chance of controlling the symptoms.


Katitji B, Koontz D. Disorders of the peripheral nerves. In: Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic J, Mazziotta JC. Bradley’s Neurology in Clinical Practice. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA:Elsevier Saunders; 2012:chap 76.

Shy ME. Peripheral neuropathies. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman's Cecil Medicine . 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 428.


Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Popular Sciatica pain acupuncture treatment

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Those who experience persistent sleep problems after a divorce stand to suffer from more than just dark circles. They might also be at risk for potentially harmful increases in blood pressure, a new study finds

A growing body of research links divorce to significant negative health effects and even early death, yet few studies have looked at why that connection may exist.
Divorce-related sleep troubles may be partly to blame, suggest the authors of a new study to be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal Health Psychology.

"In the initial few months after a separation, sleep problems are probably pretty normal, and this is an adjustment process that people can typically cope with well," said UA associate professor of psychology David Sbarra, who co-authored the paper with two of his former students -- lead author Kendra Krietsh and Ashley Mason.

"But sleep problems that persist for an extended period may mean something different. It may mean that people are potentially becoming depressed, that they're struggling with getting their life going again, and it is these people that are particularly susceptible to health problems," Sbarra said.
The study looked at 138 people who had physically separated from or divorced their partner about 16 weeks before the start of the study.

Participants were asked to report on their quality of sleep during three lab visits over a seven-and-a-half-month period, using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, which takes into consideration sleep issues ranging from tossing and turning to snoring to difficulty falling and staying asleep. Participants' blood pressure also was measured at each of the three lab visits.

Although researchers did not observe a relationship between sleep complaints and blood pressure levels at the participants' first lab visits, they did observe a delayed effect, with participants showing increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in later visits as a function of earlier sleep problems.
"We saw changes in resting blood pressure were associated with sleep problems three months earlier. Earlier sleep problems predicted increases in resting blood pressure over time," Sbarra said.
In addition, the researchers found that the longer peoples' sleep problems persisted after their separation, the more likely those problems were to have an adverse effect on blood pressure.
"What we found was if you're having sleep problems up to about 10 weeks after your separation, they don't appear to be associated with your future increase in blood pressure," Sbarra said. "However, after 10 or so weeks -- after some sustained period of time -- there seems to be a cumulative bad effect."
For people who have high blood pressure to begin with, the increase is not to be taken lightly, Sbarra noted.

"Each standard deviation increase in sleep complaints corresponded to a roughly six unit increase in subsequent systolic blood pressure," Sbarra said. "If you're starting at the high average or low hypertensive range, this is a nontrivial bump."
Systolic is the top blood pressure number and measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats; diastolic is the bottom number and measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats. Normal blood pressure is around 120/80.

Lead study author Krietsh -- who began exploring the link between divorce, sleep and blood pressure as part of her honors thesis as a UA undergraduate -- suggests that people who have persistent difficulties sleeping after a divorce address the issue by seeking out cognitive behavioral therapy, making daily schedule adjustments that promote healthy sleep, or finding new ways to relax at bedtime.
"If somebody is going through a divorce and unable to sleep, they really need to get some help or it could lead to problems," said Krietsh, who earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from the UA in 2012 and is now pursuing her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Florida.
"We are all going to go through something stressful in our lives, whether it's a divorce or something else, Krietsh said, "and this shows how important it is for all of to value sleep and take care of ourselves."


Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses like bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine.
Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the removal of old bone.
Osteoporosis affects men and women of all races. But white and Asian women — especially older women who are past menopause — are at highest risk. Medications, healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise can help prevent bone loss or strengthen already weak bones.
Your bones are in a constant state of renewal — new bone is made and old bone is broken down. When you're young, your body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone and your bone mass increases. Most people reach their peak bone mass by their early 20s. As people age, bone mass is lost faster than it's created.
How likely you are to develop osteoporosis depends partly on how much bone mass you attained in your youth. The higher your peak bone mass, the more bone you have "in the bank" and the less likely you are to develop osteoporosis as you age
There typically are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss. But once bones have been weakened by osteoporosis , you may have signs and symptoms that include-back pain, caused by fractured or collapsed vertebra. Loss of height over time, a stooped posture, a bone fracture that occurs much more easily than expected.

CALCAREA PHOS 30- Calcarea phos is one of the top homoeopathic medicines in curing osteoporosis. Here the bones are delicate and easily breakable.The bones of the head are deficient in quality and quantity. This will promote the absorption of calcium from the food that the patient takes. The bones of the neck are too small and weak to support the head which is normally large. The bones of the extremities are also weak and fragile.
Calcarea phosphorica is an excellent  medicine for treating curvature of spine in osteoporosis patients.  It is mainly given to those patients of osteoporosis who  have weak spine and soft bones which lead to curvature of spine .Such patients are unable to support their body. This homeopathic medicine is also used if anaemia is present along with curvature of spine in osteoporosis patients.  Calcarea phosphorica is also prescribed in curvature of spine when associated backache which is worse in cold weather and from exertion . Stools green, undigested and offensive. No appetite, it is a bone builder and creates new blood cells. It gives general tone to the entire organism.

CALCAREA CARB.30-Calcarea carb. is often helpful to individuals who are easily tired by exertion and tend to feel anxious and overwhelmed from work or stress. The person may be chilly, flabby or overweight, and feel worse from cold and dampness. Back pain, swollen joints, and a sweaty head at night are often seen. People who need this remedy often have strong cravings for both eggs and sweets.

CACAREA FLOUR. 30—Calcarea flour. Is prescribed when cracking in the joints is present. Easy joint dislocation . Swelling and indurated enlargements  haing their seat in the tissue and ligaments, tendons of joints. Chronic lumbago. Lumbago worse on beginning to move and ameliorated on continued motion.Better from rubbing, warm applications

SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE 30—Symphytum officinale is the top  remedy for treating fractures in osteoporosis.  Symphytum officinale is commonly known as ‘knit bone’ and as the name represents it helps in knitting/uniting the fractured bone by increasing the callous production. This  remedy helps in union of fractured bone very efficiently. Fractures where patients complain of pricking type of pain at fractured site can be greatly relieved by this  medicine. Symphytum  can also help in reducing the irritability at the site of fracture .

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-  Ruta Graveolens is another effective remedy employed in the treatment of fractures in osteoporosis.Whenever a bone gets fractured the surrounding tendons and ligaments of bones also get damaged.  This  medicine  helps in healing  torn tendons and ligaments. It also helps in repairing the damaged bone. This homeopathic remedy  helps in decreasing the pain, soreness and stiffness around fractured area mainly wrist fracture.

HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 30--Hypericum perforatum is the another useful Homeopathic medicine that can be used with confidence for the excessive pain in back due to crushing of nerves in between damaged vertebral bones.  The excessive pains and sensitiveness in  back after fracture of vertebral bones that are worse by slight motion of neck or arms ,can be efficiently controlled by Hypericum .

SILICEA 200-Silicea is another excellent  that can  cure of fracture in osteoporosis patients. Silicea  is usually prescribed in those patients of osteoporosis in which the disease is due to defective assimilation of calcium . In such cases Silicea is of considerable use and it helps by enhancing the assimilation power of digestive system.  Silicea is also very helpful where pus  or fistula formation has occurred at the site of fracture.  Silicea helps in efficient union of broken bone and it also held in removing bone splinters.

PHOSPHORUS 30- Phosphorus can also give best results in curvature of spine in patients of osteoporosis if burning sensation in spine is present along with curvature. Phosphorus  is also useful for pain and weakness of spine. The patient feels intense pain in spine , as if the spine was broken.

SULPHUR 200-Sulphur  is utilised in those patients of osteoporosis who develop curvature of spine and walk and sit in a stooping position. Curvature of spine when associated with backache is effectively treated with this natural remedy. Another marked feature   Sulphur is excessive heat sensation in body especially soles of feet alongwith pain and curvature of spine .

FLUORIC AICD 30-Fluoric acid is effective when stabbing pain in bone is present which is worse at night

AURUM METALLICUM 30- Osteoporosis with pain worse at night. Pain mainly in the skull, nose or palate .       

Senin, 29 Mei 2017


Scientists used pluripotent stem cells to generate functional, three-dimensional human stomach tissue in a laboratory -- creating an unprecedented tool for researching the development and diseases of an organ central to several public health crises, ranging from cancer to diabetes.
Scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center report Oct. 29 in Nature they used human pluripotent stem cells -- which can become any cell type in the body -- to grow a miniature version of the stomach. In collaboration with researchers at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, they used laboratory generated mini-stomachs (called gastric organoids) to study infection by H. pylori bacteria, a major cause of peptic ulcer disease and stomach cancer.
This first-time molecular generation of 3D human gastric organoids (hGOs) presents new opportunities for drug discovery, modeling early stages of stomach cancer and studying some of the underpinnings of obesity related diabetes, according to Jim Wells, PhD, principal investigator and a scientist in the divisions of Developmental Biology and Endocrinology at Cincinnati Children's.
It also is the first time researchers have produced 3D human embryonic foregut -- a promising starting point for generating other foregut organ tissues like the lungs and pancreas, he said.
"Until this study, no one had generated gastric cells from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs)," Wells said. "In addition, we discovered how to promote formation of three-dimensional gastric tissue with complex architecture and cellular composition."
This is important because differences between species in the embryonic development and architecture of the adult stomach make mouse models less than optimal for studying human stomach development and disease, Wells added.
Researchers can use human gastric organoids as a new discovery tool to help unlock other secrets of the stomach, such as identifying biochemical processes in the gut that allow gastric-bypass patients to become diabetes-free soon after surgery before losing significant weight. Obesity fueled diabetes and metabolic syndrome are an exploding public health epidemic. Until now, a major challenge to addressing these and other medical conditions involving the stomach has been a relative lack of reliable laboratory modeling systems to accurately simulate human biology, Wells explained.
The key to growing human gastric organoids was to identify the steps involved in normal stomach formation during embryonic development. By manipulating these normal processes in a petri dish, the scientists were able to coax pluripotent stem cells toward becoming stomach. Over the course of a month, these steps resulted in the formation of 3D human gastric organoids that were about 3mm (1/10th of an inch) in diameter. Wells and his colleagues also used this approach to identify what drives normal stomach formation in humans with the goal of understanding what goes wrong when the stomach does not form correctly.
Along with study first author Kyle McCracken, an MD/PhD graduate student working in Wells' laboratory, and Yana Zavros, PhD, a researcher at UC's Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, the authors report they were impressed by how rapidly H. pylori bacteria infected stomach epithelial tissues.
Within 24 hours, the bacteria had triggered biochemical changes to the organ, according to McCracken. The human gastric organoids faithfully mimicked the early stages of gastric disease caused by the bacteria, including the activation of a cancer gene called c-Met and the rapid spread of infection in epithelial tissues.
Another significant part of the team's challenge has been the relative lack of previous research literature on how the human stomach develops, the authors said. Wells said the scientists had to use a combination of published work, as well as studies from his own lab, to answer a number of basic developmental questions about how the stomach forms. Over the course of two years, this approach of experimenting with different factors to drive the formation of the stomach eventually resulted in the formation of 3D human gastric tissues in the petri dish.
Wells emphasized importance of basic research for the eventual success of this project, adding, "This milestone would not have been possible if it hadn't been for previous studies from many other basic researchers on understanding embryonic organ development."


 Experiments in mice with a bone disorder similar to that in women after menopause show that a scientifically overlooked group of cells are likely crucial to the process of bone loss caused by the disorder, according to Johns Hopkins researchers. Their discovery, they say, not only raises the research profile of the cells, called preosteoclasts, but also explains the success and activity of an experimental osteoporosis drug with promising results in phase III clinical trials

A summary of their work will be published on Oct. 5 in the journal Nature Medicine.
"We didn't know that the drug affects preosteoclasts, nor did we understand how important preosteoclasts are in maintaining healthy bones," says Xu Cao, Ph.D., the Lee H. Riley Jr., M.D., Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery. "Now drug companies hoping to reverse osteoporosis can look for even more drugs that make use of and target these interesting cells."
The bones of mice, people and all land animals are not only necessary for strength and structure, but also as warehouses for calcium, which cells throughout the body use continuously for everyday tasks like cell-to-cell communication, muscle strength, and even embryo fertilization and hormone balance.
Calcium is taken from digested food and stored in the semihollow space inside bones. To access the stored calcium, the inner bone goes through a process called resorption, in which cells called osteoclasts attach to the bone and dissolve the calcium and other stored minerals. Nearby, specialized blood vessels pick up the calcium and send it throughout the body. They also bring in nutrients needed for new bone formation.
Under normal conditions, bone resorption is carefully balanced with bone rebuilding to maintain bone strength. But in women who have entered menopause, decreases in estrogen can cause bone resorption to overcome bone rebuilding, leading to osteoporosis and frequent bone breaks. In the U.S., an estimated 25 million women have osteoporosis.
"Most osteoporosis drugs on the market slow down bone resorption but do nothing to encourage bone rebuilding," says Cao. Previous data, including that from early clinical trials in humans, indicated that the drug odanacatib decreases bone resorption by hobbling CTSK, one of the enzymes used to resorb bone. What came as a pleasant surprise was that the same drug also increased bone rebuilding, but the question was how it did so, Cao says.
To learn more, Cao and his team studied mice genetically engineered to have neither bone-dissolving osteoclasts nor their precursors, preosteoclasts. Though the inner bones of the mice were abnormal, as expected, the team also found that the outside layers of the bones were thin. Moreover, the specialized blood vessels needed to transport bone-building supplies were in scarce supply, suggesting overall that osteoclasts and their precursors regulate bone building and bone resorption.
The team grew the two cell types separately in the laboratory and collected the liquid around them to test for proteins released by the cells. They found that preosteoclasts -- but not mature osteoclasts -- secrete a protein called PDGF-BB, which is a powerful attracter both of cells that make bone-building cells and those that make the specialized blood vessels. As expected, when the preosteoclasts of mice were prevented from making PDGF-BB, the mice had weak bones.
"Before a new building is constructed, the roads have to be in place so that the materials and equipment can be brought in," says Cao. "In a similar way, preosteoclasts call blood vessels into an area before bone-building cells begin to make new bone."
When mice were given L-235, the animal form of odanacatib, the numbers of their preosteoclasts and osteoclasts increased, and they secreted more PDGF-BB. The increased PDGF-BB brought in more cells for making blood vessels and bone, which led to more of the specialized blood vessels and thicker bones.
To see if the drug could help reverse the increased bone resorption and decreased blood vessel formation of postmenopausal osteoporosis, the researchers simulated menopause in female mice by removing their ovaries. At first, the mice had thinner bones and fewer blood vessels, but treatment with the drug increased the concentration of PDGF-BB in the blood, the number of specialized blood vessels both inside and outside of the bones, and the overall thickness and density of the bone.
According to Cao, in addition to slowing bone resorption by blocking CTSK, an osteoclast "weapon," the drug also appears to slow down the maturation of preosteoclasts, lengthening the amount of time they secrete PDGF-BB before becoming osteoclasts. With increased PDGF-BB, more specialized blood vessels are made and more bone-building cells arrive, restoring the balance between bone resorption and bone rebuilding.
Odanacatib is produced by Merck & Co. Inc. and has already gone through phase III clinical trials with good results, according to Cao. "It is unusual to see a single drug that decreases bone resorption and increases bone rebuilding at the same time," says Cao. "Beyond that, we now know just how important preosteoclasts and PDGF-BB are to bone building, which is information we can use in designing future studies."


Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is abnormal genital tract bleeding based in the uterus and found in the absence of demonstrable structural or organic pathology. It is usually due to hormonal disturbances: reduced levels of progesterone causes low levels of prostaglandin F2alpha and causes menorrhagia; increased levels of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) (a fibrinolytic enzyme) leads to more fibrinolysis.
Diagnosis must be made by exclusion, since organic pathology must first be ruled out.
It can be classified as ovulatory or anovulatory, depending on whether ovulation is occurring or not.
Some sources state that the term implies a hormonal mechanism Use of the term "dysfunctional uterine bleeding" is currently discouraged in favor of the term "abnormal uterine bleeding."
SABINA 30- Homeopathic medicine Sabina is very beneficial in treating abnormal vaginal bleeding occurring in between the menstrual cycle. Sabina is prescribed when the blood is partly fluid and partly clotted. Homeopathic medicine Sabina is also the best natural remedy for Inter Menstrua bleeding that occurs as a result of fibroids in uterus and during meopause. For use of Sabina, the character of blood — fluid blood mixed with clots — should also match with the causative factor, either fibroid or menopause. The women needing Homeopathic medicine Sabina mostly suffer from increase in bleeding from the slightest motion. The bleeding is also very excessive in addition to its occurrence at an unusual time.
THLASPI BURSA PASRORIS 3X--Thlaspi is the top  Homeopathic medicine when a woman experiences bleeding in between periods that is accompanied by violent uterine pains that are colicky (start and stop abruptly) or cramping in nature. The cause can vary in different women like fibroid in uterus, menopause or cancer of uterus. Large clots may pass along with the blood. The bleeding may also be accompanied by backache.
TRILLIUM PENDULUM  Q-- Trillium Pendulum is another  Homeopathic medicine of great help in treating bleeding that occurs in between periods. The foremost symptom for using Trillium Pendulum is severe pain in hips and back along with Inter Menstrual Vaginal Bleeding. The pains are so severe that the woman feels that the hips and back will break into pieces. Another symptom that calls for the use of Trillium Pendulum is that the bleeding is bright red in colour. Homeopathic remedy Trillium Pendulum is also very beneficial in the treatment of Inter Menstrual Bleeding due to fibroid or menopausal concerns, but that is when the symptoms of pain and bright red colour bleeding stand out prominently.
CHINA  30-Homeopathic medicine China is the best remedy when bleeding in between the normal menstural cycle is accompanied by exhaustion, weakness or even faintness. Homeopathic medicine China helps in putting a halt to the bleeding as well removing the weakness.
CALCAREA CARB  30-Calcarea Carb is the ideal  Homeopathic medicine when Inter Menstrual Bleeding occurs due to uterine polyps and fibroid.  The bleeding occurs very frequently and is profuse. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is of great help in stopping vaginal bleeding occurring from the slightest mental excitement. The woman may also complain of excessive chilliness, especially cold feet, during the bleeding episodes.
PHOSPHORUS 200--Phosphorus is considered the top Homeopathic medicine when the woman experiences slight vaginal bleeding in between periods. Uterine haemorrhage in between periods due to fibroids, polypus and cancer of uterus is also very effectively treated by Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus. The blood is bright red in most cases


Common warts are small, grainy skin growths that occur most often on your fingers or hands. Rough to the touch, warts also often feature a pattern of tiny black dots — sometimes called seeds — which are small, clotted blood vessels.
Common warts are caused by a virus and are transmitted by touch. Children and young adults are more likely to develop common warts, as are people who have weakened immune systems. Warts usually disappear on their own, but many people choose to remove them because they find them bothersome or embarrassing.
Causes-- Common warts are caused by an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). More than 100 types of HPV exist, but only a few cause warts on your hands. Other types of HPV are more likely to cause warts on your feet and other areas of your skin and mucous membranes. Most types of HPV cause relatively harmless conditions such as common warts, while others may cause serious disease such as cancer of the cervix.
You can get warts from skin-to-skin contact with people who have warts. If you have warts, you can spread the virus to other places on your own body. You can also get the wart virus indirectly by touching something that another person's wart touched, such as a towel or exercise equipment. The virus usually spreads through breaks in your skin, such as a hangnail or a scrape. Biting your nails also can cause warts to spread on your fingertips and around your nails.
Each person's immune system responds to the HPV virus differently, so not everyone who comes in contact with HPV develops warts.
Symptoms- Warts usually occur on your fingers or hands and may be:
·        Small, fleshy, grainy bumps
·        Flesh-colored, white, pink or tan
·        Rough to the touch
Sprinkled with black pinpoints, which are small, clotted blood vessels
Risk factors-- People at higher risk of developing common warts include:
·        Children and young adults
·        People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or people who've had organ transplants
Prevention- To reduce your risk of common warts:
·         Avoid direct contact with warts. This includes your own warts.
·         Don't pick at warts. Picking may spread the virus.
·         Don't use the same emery board, pumice stone or nail clipper on your warts as you use on your healthy skin and nails.
·         Don't bite your fingernails. Warts occur more often in skin that has been broken. Nibbling the skin around your fingernails opens the door for the virus.
·         Groom with care. Use a disposable emery board. And avoid brushing, clipping or shaving areas that have warts. If you must shave, use an electric razor.
·         Wash your hands carefully after touching your warts or surfaces such as shared exercise equipment.
Homoeopathic medicines are best for treating warts and medicinal treatment are available only in Homoeopathy. They are removed permanently by Homoeopathic medicines. Some of the important remedies are given below-

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200-When thinking of warts Thuja is the first remedy coming in mind. Thuja occ. is useful for treating nearly all kids of warts on skin ,mucous membrane, genitals  and even anus. It is effective in Cauliflower like warts and pedunculated warts. Warts in crops , sometimes oozing moisture or blood. Thuja mother tincture can be applied externally for better cure.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30-Antimonium  Crudum is  one of the top remedies for treating warts that are very hard  . Thy are  often found on soles and hands . The person may also overeat and have various digestive complaints.

DULCAMARA 30-Dulcamara is another effective medicine for warts. It is prescribed for large for large, smooth, warts on face and palmar surface of hands. When Thuja fails to act Dulcamara completes the cure. Dulcamara is suitable for  people with rheumatic complaints that are worse in cold, damp weather or humidity.

CAUSTICUM 200- Causticum is an effective remedy for warts on face, eyelids, hands , tip of the nose and fingers. Warts have a soft base and horny on surface. It is suitable to many small warts.

ANAGALLIS 1X- Anagallis possess the power to soften flesh and destroy warts.

FERRUM MET. 30- Ferrum met is effective for treating warts on left hand.

STAPHYSARIA 30-Staphysaria is suitable to fig warts that rae pedunculated. Along with this other symptoms like feeling deep guilt and shame, sensitiveness , suppressed etc are found.

ARSENIC ALBUM 30- Arsenic album is effective for warts on back of the hand , especially right hand.

SARASPARILLA 30-Sarasparilla is effective for treating warts around the joints of fingers.

AURUM MURIATICUM 30- Aurum muriaticum is for treating warts on genitals and tongue.

CARBO ANIMALIS 30-Carbo animalis is for treating warts on hands face of old people.

CASTOR EQUI 30- Castor equi is used for treating warts on the breasts

CASTOREUM CAN. 30- Castoreum can is for warts on forehead.

CALCAREA CARBONICA 30-Calcare carb is for treating warts on face and hands. Here the warts are  round, hard and solitary . It is also  useful for endophytic warts that have a horny wall surrounding a central depression.Calcarea carb is suitable to fat, flabby persons  with clammy hands and feet  and profuse sweat in scalp especially at night. They have a peculiar craving for eggs. They have the tendency of catching cold easily.

FERRUM PICRICUM 30- Ferrum picricum is suitable to small pointed pedunculated warts appearing in large groups. Hands covered with warts. It is also useful for flat or plane warts with irregular borders that grow on the face, neck, wrists, hands and knees. In Ferrum Picricum men may have prostatic enlargement.

NITRIC ACID 30-Ntric acid is an excellent remedy for treating warts of  large, fissured or gold-yellow that bleed on touch or wash.There may be sticking pain and moist oozing. Nitric acid  is also indicated for people who are anxious about health and worry about cancer.

SABINA 30-Sabina is effective for treating figwarts with intolerable itching and burning . There is exuberant granulations. Black warts.

MAGNESIA SULH 30-Magnesia sulph is for treating warts covering on entire face.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30-Natrum mur. is an important remedy for warts on palms of hands. Along with this other prescribing symptoms like those who are depressed and introverted , reserved and sensitive are seen.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30- Ruta graveolens is a leading remedy for plantar warts, especially on the palms of the hand.It is flat or smooth with sore pain. People needing Ruta graveolens are prone to injuries of tendons and periosteum of bone.

NATRUM CARBONICUM 30-Natrum carb is effective for treating warts on palms of hands which is sore to touch.

SEPIA 30-Sepia is effective for treating warts on margin of prepuce and on the body. Here the warts are large , hard and black.

PHOSPHORIC ACID 30-Phosphoric acid is for treating warts on prepuce. It is suitable for black warts.

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

Will Massage Therapy Help Your Neuropathy

Today's post from foundationforpn.org (see link below) looks at massage as a viable therapy for nerve pain. You'd be surprised how many people contact this blog regarding the benefits or not of massage. Then again, if you've tried almost everything else, including strong medication and nothing helps, then you're going to start exploring other options aren't you! It may be wise to avoid amateur masseurs (especially if you're paying good money) because of the potential for making things worse but that doesn't preclude your partner or close friend from helping you out because then you can set your own limits. This very useful article sets out the various massage therapies and explains how they work. This sort of information is helpful in making choices of what's best for you. Given that most people enjoy a massage anyway, irrespective of the medical benefits, why not give it a go but keep close control over the effects on your body. Even if a comfortable massage does very little to alleviate your nerve pain, it should make you feel better anyway if only because that's the nature of the beast. For many people the biggest hurdle is getting over the physical contact and the fact that someone else is exploring your body on an intimate level. However, if you don't try you'll never know and even if only your muscles and mind are relaxed, doesn't that make it worthwhile in itself? Maybe time to overcome your prejudgements and let your body make its own mind up!

Massage for Neuropathy
No date or author given but the source is reliable

Massage or massage therapy is a sytem of structured palpations or movements of the soft tissues of the body. The massage system may include, but is not limited to, such techniques as, stroking, kneading, gliding, percussion, friction, vibration, compression, passive or active stretching within the normal anatomical range of movement; effleurage (either firm or light soothing, stroking movement, without dragging the skin, using either padded parts of fingertips or palms); petrissage (lifting or picking up muscles and rolling the folds of skin); or tapotement (striking with the side of the hand, usually with partly flexed fingers, rhythmic movements with fingers or short rapid movements of sides of the hand).

These techniques may be applied with or without the aid of lubricants, salt or herbal preparations, hydromassage, thermal massage or a massage device that mimics or enhances the actions possible by human hands. The purpose of the practice of massage is to enhance the general health and well-being of the recipient. Massage does not include the diagnosis of a specific pathology, the prescription of drugs or controlled substances, spinal manipulation or those acts of physical therapy that are outside the scope of massage therapy.

Today, people use many different types of massage therapy for a variety of health-related purposes, such as pain management, prevent injuries, restore a healthy immune system, reduce stress, increase relaxation, address anxiety and depression, and facilitate overall wellness.

The benefits of neuropathy massage therapy

In the United States, massage therapy is often considered part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), although it does have some conventional uses. It is increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found neuropathy massage treatement may also be helpful for:
Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
Lessen depression and anxiety
Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural defense system
Sports injuries
Improve the condition of the body’s largest organ—the skin
Increase joint flexibility
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation
Paresthesia and nerve pain
Reduce spasms and cramping
Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller
Relieve migraine pain

Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for:
Decreased anxiety
Enhanced sleep quality
Greater energy
Improved concentration
Increased circulation
Reduced fatigue
Types of massage

There are many different types of massage, those that are for comfort and or those for specific conditions or diseases. Here are a few types:


Many essential oils that are derived from plants, herbs, flowers, and roots have beneficial therapeutic qualities. Aromatherapy involves the “burning” of essential oils to elicit a desired effect; for example, lavendar is known to induce calmness and relaxation. When combined with bodywork, aromatherapy can enrich the massage experience immensely. A few drops of essential oil can be added to massage cream or oil and applied to the skin. Professionally trained aromatherapists also blend oils to treat specific conditions. Only experienced professionals and/or those knowledable in the properties of aromatherapy should attempt to blend oils or utilize them in practice, as some oil combinations can be toxic, while others can burn the skin.

Connective Tissue Massage

Connective tissue massage is similar to myofascial release in that it involves working with the body’s fascia, or soft tissue, to relieve pain, tightness, and discomfort. The idea behind connective tissue massage is that restriction in one area of the body negatively affects other areas of the body. Practitioners of this technique “hook” their fingers into the connective tissue and utilize pulling strokes to lengthen the area. Benefits include pain reduction, tension relief, improved mobility and stress reduction.

Deep-Tissue Massage

Deep-tissue massage utilizes slow strokes, direct pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles with the fingers, thumbs or elbows. Deep-tissue massage works deeply into the muscles and connective tissue to release chronic aches and pains; its purpose is to reach the fascia beneath the surface muscles.

Practitioners must have a thorough understanding of the human body and have been trained to administer deep-tissue massage, as injury can occur if the technique is not performed properly. This technique is useful in treating chronic pain, inflammation and injury.

Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage involves treating the elderly, often in resident-care facilities, and addressing their needs related to aging, depression and illness. Geriatric massage is usually shorter in duration, and involves the application of gentle techniques to facilitate pain relief, relaxation, and an overall feeling of wellness.

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)

Developed by French physician Bruno Chikly, this technique involves the application of light, rhythmic strokes to help alleviate various conditions related to the body’s lymph system. Among other things, the lymph system is responsible for flushing out toxins and draining fluid, which supports a healthy immune system. When lymph circulation stagnates, however, fluid can build up and cause physical problems, such as inflammation, edemas and neuropathies.

LDT enables practitioners to restore proper lymph flow by using a “mapping” system to assess congested areas in the body, then apply gentle, pressure using the fingers and hands on these areas to reactivate proper circulation.


Massotherapy involves working primarily with the muscles. Practitioners of massotherapy have a background in science, but often incorporate other modalities into their treatments when working with the muscle groups. Benefits of massotherapy include improved circulation and blood flow, as well as pain management.

Medical Massage

Practitioners of medical massage have a strong background in pathology, disease, illness and injury, and the contraindications of specific massage techniques related to various medical conditions. Medical massage therapists frequently work under the direction of or at the request of physicians.

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)

NMT is massage applied to specific muscles, often used to increase blood flow, release knots of muscle tension, or release pain/pressure on nerves. This therapy is also known as trigger-point therapy in that concentrated finger pressure is applied to “trigger points” to alleviate muscular pain.


This technique is based on a system of points on the hands, feet and ears that correspond, or “reflex,” to other areas of the body. Similar in theory to acupressure, reflexologists believe that applying appropriate pressure to these points stimulates the flow of energy, thus helping to relieve pain or blockages throughout the entire body. A very pleasurable form of bodywork, reflexology is also used to ease stress and promote relaxation.

Sports Massage

Sports massage therapies are both preventative and therapeutic, and used for athletes during warm ups, training and competition to treat and/or aid in the prevention of injuries; help improve flexibility, range of motion, and performance; and aid in mental clarity. Virtually every professional sports team employs professional sports massage therapists, and are often privately employed by professional athletes.

Swedish Massage

Generally regarded as the most common form of massage, Swedish massage involves a combination of five basic strokes and concentrates on the muscles and connective tissues of the body for improved circulation, relaxation, pain relief, and overall health maintenance and well-being. Swedish massage is also one of the less demanding techniques for massage therapists to practice as it usually does not involve deep-tissue work.

Talk to your healthcare providers about massage for peripheral neuropathy.

Despite its benefits, massage isn’t meant as a replacement for regular medical care. Let your doctor know you’re trying massage therapy and be sure to follow any standard treatment plans you have. Also ask about the number of treatments that might be needed, the cost, and insurance coverage. If a massage therapist suggests using other CAM practices (for example, herbs or other supplements, or a special diet), discuss it first with your regular health care provider. 

Risks of massage

Most people can benefit from massage for neuropathy. Massage therapy appears to have few serious risks — if it is performed by a properly trained therapist and if appropriate cautions are followed. Some forms of massage can leave you feeling a bit sore the next day. But ordinarily it shouldn’t be painful or uncomfortable. If any part of your massage doesn’t feel right or is painful, let your therapist know right away. Most serious problems come from too much pressure during massage or sensitivity or allergy to massage oils.

Cautions about massage therapy include the following:

Vigorous massage should be avoided by people with bleeding disorders or low blood platelet counts, and by people taking blood-thinning medications
Massage should not be done in any area of the body with blood clots, fractures, open or healing wounds, skin infections, or weakened bones (such as from osteoporosis or cancer), or where there has been a recent surgery.
Although massage therapy appears to be generally safe for cancer patients, they should consult their oncologist before having a massage that involves deep or intense pressure. Any direct pressure over a tumor usually is discouraged. Cancer patients should discuss any concerns about massage therapy with their oncologist.
Pregnant women should consult their health care provider before using massage therapy.
Licenses and certifications

Some common licenses or certifications for massage therapists include:

LMT Licensed Massage Therapist
LMP Licensed Massage Practitioner
CMT Certified Massage Therapist
NCTMB Has met the credentialing requirements (including passing an exam) of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, for practicing therapeutic massage and bodywork
NCTM Has met the credentialing requirements (including passing an exam) of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, for practicing therapeutic massage


American Massage Therapy Association Consumer Survey Facts
75% of individuals surveyed claim their primary reason for receiving a massage in the past 12 months was medical (43%) and stress (32%) related.
87% of individuals view massage as being beneficial to overall health and wellness
61% of respondents said their physician has recommended they get a massage.


National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

American Massage Therapy Association: definition of massage therapy and basic massage therapy terms. www.amtamassage.org

Complementary and alternative methods: types of bodywork. Available at www.cancer.org

MassageTherapy.com. www.massagetherapy.com
