Dietary restriction – Some people say you have to cut down on coffee, tea, spicy food, pepper, onion, garlic, smoking, drinks, flowers, scents, cream, etc., while taking Homeopathy. This is not true. These are things you cannot avoid in day-to-day life. If the medicine is correct, it will work to cure the condition in any kind of situation. But you cannot take sweets if you have diabetes, cigarettes if you have

Can Homeopathy cure all diseases completely – Yes, but within its limitations. Each system has its own advantage and scope and Homeopathy is no exception. Within its limits, its performance is often remarkable. Irreversible or degenerative conditions where structural damages are more marked cannot be cured completely by Homeopathy. However, Homeopathy can play an important role in such cases by providing physical as well as psychological support which will aid the body in defending itself against the disease and further degeneration.
Diagnosis – Cure and comfort can be felt only by the patient and cannot be examined or diagnosed by doctor or lab findings. Homeopathy treats the patient’s symptoms in all ways, always. For selecting the right drug, it gives importance to the character of onset of symptoms, its aggravating or precipitating factors and characteristic symptoms of patient, exciting cause, thirst, sweat, shivering, appetite, sleep, stool habit, mental restlessness, relieving factors and associated symptoms.
Every patient has his/her own pattern of falling ill and will experience different sets of symptoms even for the same illness as per diagnosis. For example, some patients suffering from jaundice will have fever, vomiting, nausea, body itching, etc., but some others will have a different set of symptoms like loss of appetite, thirst, profuse sweating, weakness, constipation, etc. Here the selection of Homeopathic medicines will be different for the patients even though they suffer from jaundice. A well-selected remedy quickly supports the body mechanism and clears the complaints at the earliest.
Regarding investigations – No one can deny the importance of laboratory investigations in diagnosis and assessment of prognosis. It also helps in monitoring the betterment. Homeopathy doctors also use thermometer, stethoscope and BP apparatus, etc., which are all invention of physics and not a treasure to a particular system of medicine. Also a Homeopathy doctor will go in for ECG, EEG, ultrasound scanning, CT scan, MRI scan, and all blood and urine reports for diagnosing the complaints. Also blood values and other investigations, the elevated levels or structural changes found while scanning are only the effects of the diseases and not the disease itself. For example – An elevated level of total blood Eosinophil count and serum-Immunoglobulin, IgE, in blood are effects of the allergy conditions and they are not the cause for sneezing. Most people think that Eosinophilia is the ultimate cause of sneezing, but in real, it is not so.
Regarding prevention – Prevention is better than cure. Homeopathy has a greater advantage over other systems by treating the patient (not disease). It has the ability to prevent and control the progress of a disease. The earlier you treat, the better your chance of complete recovery. Since Homeopathy deals with improving immunity for eliminating the diseases, there won’t be any recurrences of the complaints.
Regarding side-effects – One of the most common reasons why people seek Homeopathic care, is the “cure will be permanent without side-effects” since it is very much refined. According to Newton’s universal law, every action has its own reaction. If it is true, if there is action, there should be reaction. Here in Homeopathy, since the medicines are administered in very minimal doses, we do not notice the reaction or adverse reactions which are also very minimal and unnoticeable.
For example, nowadays, in Allopathy medicines, people are often advised to use sleeping pills for sleeplessness. This sleeping pill will create artificial sleep on the drug day and produce sleeplessness the next day as its adverse action, obliging the universal law. Since people take pills at night regularly, the adverse action may not be noticed but its other adverse actions like depression and lack of concentration will be found in due course, after prolonged use. In contrast, in Homeopathy, substances which induce sleeplessness in large doses will be given to the patient in minute doses to sleep naturally, without any noticeable side-effects.
Regarding surgery – In advanced conditions, surgery is the only way. Homeopathy is not against surgery, if that is the case. But it can be avoided in many cases like piles, uterine masses, breast tumours, pleurisy, gallstones, kidneystones, etc, if it is properly diagnosed and treated before complications arise. For example, tonsillitis is not a pure surgical complaint which can be cured in 70-80 per cent of cases. Homoeopathy follows Nature’s rule, so it never admits removal as a cure. It takes healing as making healthy, not removing. Likewise piles, nasal polyp, kidney stones, etc., can be noticed to recur even after surgical manipulation. This is because surgery treats the effects of the disease rather than the disease itself.

In total, Homoeopathy is the fingerpost on the crossroads of healing which directs the way to SAFEST PERMANENT CURE.
for new hope
Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001
Tel: +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
E-mail: drcheena@yahoo.com
www.drcheena.com / www.drcheena.in
(Disclaimer: The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)
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