Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017

New Explanation For Diabetes Related Neuropathic Pain

Today's post from (see link below) brings a dilemma with it. A study has shown that changes in 'dendritic spines' in the brain may play an important part in explaining neuropathic pain in diabetes-related cases! Yet nowhere does it say that this is exclusively a diabetes-related occurence. The article states that the reason why diabetes can cause neuropathy is still a mystery, so there is really no reason to assume that these changes in the nerve endings in the brain only occur in diabetes patients. We need the study to include HIV-related neuropathy and many other forms too, If the dendritic spines are not altered in other forms of neuropathy, then they have some important information but at the moment, to a layman like me, it's just not clear.
 Many people with HIV looking for information on neuropathy, may skip over articles about diabetic neuropathy because they think it doesn't apply. This is generally just not true. Most of the information about diabetic neuropathy applies to all neuropathies; it's just that diabetic neuropathy is by far the most common form amongst the general population. If you ask 99 out of a 100 diabetic neuropathy patients what their symptoms are, you'll find that they are exactly the same as your own. What the researchers mean to say is that they don't really understand the processes behind why neuropathy occurs in most of its forms and tying it to one disease depends on who their target readership is. If there are any experts out there who can explain (in relatively simple terms)  the real differences in disease-based neuropathies, please let us know - very many people are interested.

Unexpected Source for Diabetic Neuropathy Pain

ScienceDaily (May 15, 2012)

Normal dendritic spines — microscopic projections on the receiving branches of nerve cells — are shown at top compared to those of diabetic rat. At bottom, spines after receiving treatment. Yale study suggests that neuropathic pain associated with diabetes may be caused by reshaping of these spines in nerve cells, and might be treated by drugs. (Credit: Image courtesy of Yale University)
Nearly half of all diabetics suffer from neuropathic pain, an intractable, agonizing and still mysterious companion of the disease. Now Yale researchers have identified an unexpected source of the pain and a potential target to alleviate it.

A team of researchers from Yale and the West Haven Veterans Affairs Medical Center describes in the May 15 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience how changes in the structure of dendritic spines -- microscopic projections on the receiving branches of nerve cells -- are associated with pain in laboratory rats with diabetes.

"How diabetes leads to neuropathic pain is still a mystery," said Andrew Tan, an associate research scientist in neurology at the Yale School of Medicine and lead author of the study. "An interesting line of study is based on the idea that neuropathic pain is due to faulty 'rewiring' of pain circuitry."
With a growing number of diabetics, the condition represents a huge unmet medical need. Once neuropathic pain is established, it is a lifelong condition.

"Here we reveal that these dendritic spines, first studied in memory circuit processing, also contribute to the sensation of pain in diabetes," Tan said. A single neuron may contain hundreds to thousands of dendritic spines.

The Yale team led by Tan and senior author Dr. Stephen G. Waxman, the Bridget Marie Flaherty Professor of Neurology, professor of neurobiology and pharmacology,found abnormal dendritic spines were associated with the onset and maintenance of pain. They also found that a drug that interferes with formation of these spines reduced pain in lab animals, suggesting that targeting abnormal spines could be a therapeutic strategy.

Tan said that these dendritic spines in nerve cells seem to store memory of pain, just as they are crucial in memory and learning in the human brain.

"We have identified a single, key molecule that controls structural changes in these spines and hopefully we can develop therapeutic approaches that target that molecule and reduce diabetic pain," Waxman said.

Other authors on the paper are Omar A. Samad, Tanya Z. Fischer, Peng Zhao and Anna-Karin Persson,
The research was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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