Today's post from (see link below) is an impassioned plea from a home doctor who is seeing the consequences of long-term gabapentin and pregabalin (Lyrica) use in his surgery. Finally, a doctor who stands up to the hype that the pharmaceutical companies use to promote their drugs! Many, many neuropathy patients across the world have been prescribed either gabapentin or pregabalin for their nerve pain and other symptoms. This blog has long warned of the dangers of Lyrica (pregabalin) and advised patient to have serious discussions with their doctors if they are being prescribed these drugs. This article explains why and in terms you can't ignore. These drugs aren't the first and they won't be the last to display dangerous side effects years after the profit on them has been made. As Dr Spence says: "If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then it’s a ducking duck"!

Posted by: Dr Des Spence 9 September 2016
The establishment ignores GPs. It prefers the advice and glamour of ‘expert’ or media doctors. But the deference shown to the ‘expert’ is creating overtreatment, medicalisation and iatrogenic harm.
GPs have to ignore this advice. We won’t prescribe statins to everyone because it is irrational and stupid. We don’t accept that ‘pain is what the patient says it is’, because common sense dictates that it isn’t.
And we have seen the damage when experts have free rein. Diazepam was peddled as a safe and effective treatment for anxiety by companies and experts alike. When I started work in the early 1990s the consequence of this advice was evident everywhere. Herds of middle-aged patients zonked out and dependent on benzodiazepines. And benzodiazepines were being widely abused by a younger generation. My surgeries were spent dealing with drug-seeking behaviours, lies, confrontation, rebound agitation, insomnia and withdrawal seizures. It took the establishment decades to realise the harms we caused. Even today, we are still dealing with it.
GPs are first to notice the danger posed by psychoactive drugs. In the past five years my sensor has been off the scale with the gabapentinoids (gabapentin and pregabalin). Patients are seeking them using the crude acting skills that I used to witness with benzodiazepines: anger, tears and threats; constant requests for dose increases; stories of lost scripts; and a tag-team approach with friends who ‘corroborate’ stories.
If you google ‘gabapentinoids’, it is clear they are being widely abused. Large quantities are taken as single doses. Users describe them as the ‘ideal psychotropic drug’ with effects of ‘great euphoria’, ‘disassociation’ and an ‘opiate buzz’ as they boost the effects of these drugs.[1,2]
I wrote an article in the BMJ in 2013[3] highlighting these concerns. Since then, prescriptions have nearly doubled in three years to 10 million scripts and more than £300m in costs.[4] Such rapid increases are the signature of inappropriate prescribing and iatrogenic harm. Many practices started prescribing gabapentinoids on the back of specialist endorsement, despite the existence of effective and less harmful alternatives.[5,6] But requests from pain clinics and psychiatry come thick and fast. We decline many, then weather the storm of protest.
Do we have a problem with gabapentinoid abuse? If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then it’s a ducking duck. Pregabalin is already a controlled medication in the US and there is debate about controls in the UK. The research base for the benefits of gabapentinoids is of short duration and in a small, defined population where as few as one in 10 benefits.[7] We need to change our prescribing policy now and limit the use of gabapentinoids.[2]
We know the pattern: GPs will be blamed even if we just follow orders. I get tired that no one listens to generalists. This is déjà vu. Do we want another benzodiazepines disaster?
Dr Des Spence is a GP in Maryhill, Glasgow, and a tutor at the University of Glasgow
References Schifano F, D’Offizi S, et al. Is there a recreational misuse potential for pregabalin? Analysis of anecdotal online reports in comparison with related gabapentin and clonazepam data. Psychother Psychosom 2011;80:118-22
Advice for prescribers on the risk of the misuse of pregabalin and gabapentin. Public Health England, 2014
Spence D. Bad medicine: gabapentin and pregabalin BMJ 2013; 347 08 November 2013
NHS Prescription Cost Analysis data. NHS Business Services Authority, 2016
Wiffen P, Derry S, et al. Antiepileptic drugs for neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia - an overview of Cochrane reviews Cochrane Database Syst Rev 11 November 2013; (11):CD010567
Moore R, Derry S, et al. Amitriptyline for neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012 Dec 12;12:CD008242
Advice on the anticonvulsant drugs pregabalin and gabapentin. Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, 2106
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