Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017


Renal colic is a type of abdomonal pain  commonly caused by kidney stones.
Renal colic typically begins in the abdomen and often radiates to the hypochondrium (the part of the anterior abdominal wall below the costal margins ) or the groin. It is typically colicky (comes in waves) due to ureteric peristalsis  but may be constant. It is often described as one of the strongest pain sensations known
Although this condition can be very painful, kidney stones usually cause no permanent physical damage. The experience is said to be traumatizing due to pain, and the experience of passing blood, blood clots, and pieces of the stone. Depending on the sufferer's situation, nothing more than imbibing significant amounts of water may be called for; in other instances, surgery may be needed. Preventive treatment can be instituted to minimize the likelihood of recurrence
1.    Berberis vulgaris Q—Head remedy for renal colic. Violent sticking pain from the left side and extends and extends from kidney to bladder and urethra. Pain with constant urging to urinate
2.    Lycopodium 3- Pian due to stones in the right kidney . Red sand in abdomen. It expels stones
3.    Nitric acid 30 -For calcium oxalate calculi. Urine feels cold when it passes. Urine smells strong as horse’s urine or offensive
4.    Occimum can Q- A specific remedy. Unbearable agonizing and twisting pain makes the patient scream and groan. Nausea and vomiting with pain
5.    Sarsaparilla 10M- Pain from right kidney downward . Severe pain at the conclusion of urination.
6.    Tabacum 30- Renal colic.left side.Violent pain along ureter. Pain with deadly nausea and cold sweat
7.    Hydrangea Q-- Stone breaking remedy. White amorphous salt deposite in urine . Dribbling of bloody urine

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