For real internal health, good digestion and regular bowel movements/habits are very essential. The bile pigments and other wastages are usually excreted through faeces. So, even during fasting, small quantity of faeces will be passed on indicating the importance of defecation.
Less than 3 bowel movements in a week are considered medically as ‘constipation’. But, generally, ‘normal’ varies from person to person, i.e., some would go for stool once in 3 days and they won’t feel any discomfort or difficulty and would feel that is normal.
Some need coffee or milk or plenty of water or jogging to induce the act of defecation in the
morning. Some need beer, alcohol, cigarette or tobacco or betel nut for free stools. Many people read the newspaper, enjoy music, enjoy smoking and work out the day planner in the toilet. These attitudes have brought about the closet trend to make bathrooms as glamour rooms with sophisticated accessories equal to living rooms. These things should be avoided and one should concentrate on passing the stool and leaving the toilet as early as possible.
Nowadays, people cannot digest food well and evacuate it effectively due to various reasons like bad quality of food, fast foods, drugs, habits, mental strain, etc. Also the tongue is given more importance than the stomach. For constipated people, constipation may be the first failure or upset of the day.
Incidence – Most people suffer from constipation at some time or the other. Old people suffer more commonly. At least 5–10 per cent of the population suffers and lives with constipation. Constipation can occur in all age groups, including newborn. Females suffer more commonly than males. They suffer especially during pregnancy and after delivery and develop fissures or piles. One who deviates more from nature in diet, living & sitting habits will usually suffer from higher incidences of constipation.
Pathophysiology – Easy defecation is close to good digestion. Good digestion starts from the mastication of food in the mouth. Our stomach and duodenum work more with digestion of food particles with gastric acid and bile. Coiled small intestines and large intestines work
more with absorption. Nutrients and water are absorbed in the intestines as food passes slowly through this coiled long route with swaying motion of the intestines. As food loses nutrients and water while passing through these roller-coaster intestines, it becomes solid stool. In case of dehydration or increased absorption of water, the stool becomes dry and hard and gets stuck/impacted to the walls of the intestines to resist further movement, causing constipation. Water absorption from digested particles in the intestines plays a major role in constipation. The longer it remains, the more it becomes hard and dry.
Types of constipation – Constipation can be classified as acute and chronic depending upon the duration of suffering. Acute constipation with severe abdominal pain should be treated immediately to rule out any obstruction or impaction to avoiding
serious consequences. Constipation can be classified into three types in the following manner:
Atonic constipation – Functional constipation occurring commonly due to lesser intake of water, less fibre content and irregular meals, vitamin deficiency, temporary and after effects of laxatives and purgatives.
Spastic constipation – due to irritability of intestines from foods, medicines, stress and strain, nervous disorders, etc.
Spastic constipation – due to irritability of intestines from foods, medicines, stress and strain, nervous disorders, etc.
Obstructive constipation – due to tumours or fecal impaction arresting the pathway
Causes – Human beings are often get constipated due to evolutionary changes, familial constitution and tension in the present world. Most times, the causes for constipation persist as hidden and no obvious reason can be traced and it becomes ‘non-specific’. It may be usually due to
- Failure in developing habits
- Controlling or suppressing the urge for a prolonged time
- Making changes in routines
- Habits of sedentary, being busy, long distance travel and alcohol
- Irregular food habits at irregular time
Food & water
- Low fibre food, highly-refined food, food with more spices and chillies
- Less intake of water and dehydration caused by carbonated drinks and alcohol may cause constipation
- Hereditary – Constipation is often found to run in families.
- Anatomical – Any malformation/abnormality in anus, rectum and intestines
- Physiological – Pregnancy, delivery and heavy exercises can cause constipation.
Digestive tract – Anal fissure, fistula, prolapse, pelvic and rectal tumours/cancer, liver and portal vein disorders, large megacolon, Crohn’s disease, intestinal obstruction / stricture / adhesions, etc., can cause constipation.
- Nervous disorders – Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, spinal cord injuries, sluggish intestines, paralysis, etc.
- Hormonal – diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism
- Psychological – Worries and mental strain can also cause havoc and lead to constipation
- Environmental – Unfamiliar environments and a hot summer can lead to constipation
Medications – Drugs used in irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, painful conditions, psychological conditions (antidepressants) and neurological conditions will often cause constipation. Supplements like iron and calcium, abuse or regular use of antacids and laxatives can also cause constipation.
Associated symptoms of constipation – Constipation as a symptom (not a disease) will not bother anyone in the initial days, but as time goes, it causes loss of appetite with abdominal discomfort/pain and bloating. While straining for passing dry hard stool, it may cause pain in the rectum/anus with occasional bleeding. Constipation usually accompanies belching, burning eructations, gas trouble, nausea, vomiting, headache, bad breath, weight loss, tiredness, lack of concentration, etc.
Preventive measures – The following procedures will surely help prevent/avoid recurrence of constipation
- Move more towards greens and nature.
- Don’t be sedentary and sit idle for a long time.
- Eat fibre-rich diet for good digestion and easy defecation
- Take plenty of water
- Take plenty of fruits/fruit juices
- Follow regular bowel habits and don’t be in a hurry in the toilet
- Always answer the morning call/urge
- Try to lead life without tension
- Indian style closet is always better than Western since squatting is the apt posture to compress the abdomen to increase pressure for easy evacuation
Precautions – Avoid the following things to avoid constipation and complications:
Suppressing bowel movements or urge
- Self-medication with laxatives
- Continuous use of laxatives / stool softeners / enema
- Don’t go for purgatives to clean stomach (if you are cleaning naturally everyday, it is unnecessary for shut down cleaning)
- Straining severely for defecation
- Spicy foods, meat and processed foods which need more time to digest
- Carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking
Self care and management – Taking
- Lemon, honey, guava, grapes will facilitate easy digestion and defecation
- Paraffin oil, olive oil, castor oil will facilitate passing of stool by lubrication
- Vegetables, green leaves, cabbage, carrot, beans, grains, cereals can ease stool
Complications of constipation – One should be very careful with constipation or otherwise it may lead to complications like piles, fissures and prolapsed anus/rectum. Straining at stool may often cause hernia. In case of patients suffering with coronary artery diseases (heart complaints), straining may also cause palpitations, fainting and sweating.
Treatment for constipation – This commonest complaint is very commonly left untreated or self-treated with drugs available across the counter. This attitude leads to recurrence of constipation and complications. Surely, it needs the advice/diagnosis of a doctor, even though self-care, diet care and lifestyle changes works good. Morning results of laxatives and immediate result of enemas often compel every doctor to prescribe it even for the mild constipation of every patient in a hurry. Nowadays different types of laxatives are available in the market like bulk-forming, saline laxative, stimulants, etc. Stool softeners and lubricants are sometimes prescribed, depending upon the causes. Impacted stool can be treated with medicines and stool softeners, but intusseuption (inner riding of intestines into another part of intestine) and obstruction due to growth will often require surgical correction.
Homeopathic approach – Best results are often shown when one reverts to nature in foods and habits rather than treatments. Keeping soft stool is the key to success in the management of constipation. The mode of treatment usually varies depending upon the cause, severity, and duration. Treatment mode / method may also vary according to the doctor and system. In Homeopathy, constipation is well treated with total care for its cause and associated symptoms.
Homeopathy always gives importance to the general symptom
than the disease symptoms. Stool is a general symptom i.e., it affects the person as a whole. So, Homeopathy usually gives importance to stool habit like thirst, sweat, sleep, appetite, urine, menses, etc., while treating any disease. Rediscover of bowel health can be attained earlier compared to the use of laxatives / stool softeners / enemas.
Constipation may be the leader of diseases in some cases. For example, constipated people usually have headache. For this, instead of giving painkillers or vasodilator for headache, clearing constipation gives cure once for all, unlike other temporary managements. Also, every action has its own reaction. If you sleep with sleeping pills today, then tomorrow night will be a sleepless one. Likewise, giving laxative instead of treating the cause will lead to more and more constipation in future. Any supplement or anti-pathy mode of approach will often lead to dependency throughout life. So, to remind our body to function on its own, Homeopathy is the best way.
Homeopathic medicines commonly used in the case of constipation are Acid Nit, Aesculus Hip, Aloes, Alumina, Alumen, Ammon mur, Bryonia, Calc carb, Capsicum, Carboveg, Causticum, Chamomilla, Collinsonia, Conium, Graphites, Hamemelis, Hepasulf, Hydrastis, Hypericum, Ficus.R, Ignatia, kali carb, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mag Phos, Mag Mur, Muriatic acid, Nat Sulp, Nux Vom, Opium, Paeonia, Phosphorus, Plumbum met, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Ratahnia, Ruta, Sanicula, Sulphur, Tarentula, Thuja, etc. These Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.
for new hope
Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001
Tel: +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
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(Disclaimer: The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)
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