Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017


A decreased appetite is when your desire to eat is reduced. The medical term for a loss of appetite is anorexia.Any illness can reduce appetite. If the illness is treatable, the appetite should return when the condition is cured.
Causes - A decreased appetite is almost always seen among elderly adults, and no physical cause may be found. But emotions such as sadness, depression, or grief can lead to a loss of appetite.
Cancer can also cause decreased appetite. You may lose weight without trying. Cancers that may cause you to lose your appetite include-:Colon cancer, Ovarian cancer, Stomach cancer, Pancreatic cancer
Other causes of decreased appetite include:--Chronic liver disease, Chronic kidney failure, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Dementia, Heart failure, Hepatitis, HIV, Hypothyroidism, Pregnancy (first trimester), Use of certain medications, including antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, codeine, and morphine, Use of street drugs, including amphetamines (speed), cocaine, and heroin
ALFALFA Q and GENTIANA LUTEA Q --  A mixture of both in equal quantities and a ten drops dose is a good appetizer
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30- Loss of appetite. Desire for pickles and acidic things. Eructation taste of ingesta. Tongue thickly coated white
AURUM ARS 30—It causes rapid increase of appetite specially in anemia and chlorosis
GENTIANA LUTEA Q- Simple loss of appetite .Acts  as a tonic and  increases appetite. Loss of appetite after illness. Give 5 drops after each meal
LECITHINUM 3X—Loss of appetite with craving for wine and coffee
NUX VOMICA 200—Bitter taste. Tongue coated yellow at the back with loss of appetite.
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200- Complete loss of appetite. Dislike for fresh meat, potatoes, and onions. Rancid eructation’s after fat food

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