Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Are There Indisputable Predictors For HIV Related Neuropathy

Today's post from (see link below) looks at predictors and co-factors associated with neuropathy linked to HIV. Between 30% and 45% of people living with HIV go on to suffer from some degree of neuropathy and the article looks at why this may be and the historical factors involved. However, the truth is, that the rising numbers of neuropathy patients who also have HIV both defy and confuse many of the earlier assumptions about the relationship between the two conditions. As recently as ten years ago, most doctors believed that HIV-related neuropathy was solely the result of the older forms of HIV medication. Then it was assumed that the virus itself was a strong co-factor and then reasons were found in all the areas where people without HIV suffer nerve damage (diabetes, alcohol abuse and many others). The truth may lie somewhere in combinations of all of these indicators but neuropathy amongst HIV positive patients remains a big problem. The fact is that neuropathy tends to defy patterns and profiles and it may turn out that it is an auto-immune disease that affects people both prone to auto-immune diseases and susceptible to them because of outside factors like the HIV virus itself. The article does possibly over-emphasise the role of opioids as a cause of neuropathy - many patients need opioids to suppress the pain - it's not a chicken and egg situation.

Predictors of HIV-related peripheral neuropathy in the modern era
Sean R. Hosein Catie News 31 March 2015
HIV infection can cause many problems, including some that affect the nerves. The nervous system that permeates the vast majority of the body outside of the brain is called the peripheral nervous system. As early as 1983, doctors in Manhattan noted the strange appearance of injury to the nerves in the feet and legs of people with HIV. This type of injury is called peripheral neuropathy (PN). Neurologists have found that PN generally first appears in the toes and feet and can result in numbness, intermittent sensations and pain. In one study, doctors have documented the severe nature of the pain associated with PN and found that affected patients used strong words such as the following to describe it: “stabbing,” “burning” and “aching.” 

Possible causes of peripheral neuropathy

The causes of PN among HIV-positive people can vary. For instance, in the early 1980s when no effective treatment was available, PN was likely a consequence of untreated HIV disease. In the 1990s, a group of anti-HIV drugs commonly called “d-drugs” was often used:
d4T (stavudine, Zerit)
ddI (didanosine, Videx)
ddC (zalcitabine, Hivid)

Although the use of ddC quickly fell out of favour because of its toxicity and weak antiviral effect, ddI and d4T continued to be used into the early 21st century as part of potent combination anti-HIV therapy (commonly called ART or HAART). These d-drugs could be toxic for nerve cells, and even in the early 1990s doctors found that they could cause PN.

However, today the use of d-drugs is strongly discouraged by treatment guidelines in high-income countries, so their use is unlikely to be the cause of new cases of PN. 

Peripheral neuropathy today

Researchers at major clinical centres in the U.S. have collaborated to study potential causes of PN among HIV-positive people in the modern era. They recruited about 500 people who were free from PN and monitored them for an average of two years, performing extensive assessments. Taking into account many issues, statistical analysis found that there were several factors associated with an increased risk for PN. In this CATIE News bulletin we explore some of those findings and what they mean. 

Study details

Researchers recruited 1,583 HIV-positive people between 2003 and 2010 for a large study about HIV and neurological issues. A subset of this group—493 people—who did not have PN when they entered the study comprised participants for the current analysis.

Doctors and nurses were trained by neurologists to interview, examine and assess participants for any signs and symptoms of PN. Participants were also screened for depressive illness. Blood samples were collected and additional information was obtained from medical records.

The average profile of the 493 participants when they entered the study was as follows:
81% men, 19% women
age – 42 years
68% (335 people) were taking ART, of whom 201 (61%) had an undetectable viral load
Nearly one-third of participants were previously exposed to d4T or ddI
14% of participants were taking d4T or ddI when they entered the study
doctors diagnosed 73% of participants with a "substance use disorder;" commonly used substances were alcohol (55%), cocaine (40%), crystal meth (18%) and opioids (17%) 


After an average of two years of monitoring, 131 participants (27%), all of whom were free from PN at the start of the study, subsequently developed PN. 

Possible risk factors

Taking many factors into account, researchers found statistical links between a number of factors and the subsequent development of PN. Here are some of those factors:
age (50 years or more) – This finding is important because as HIV-positive people age, they may need screening for PN.
detectable HIV viral load – Untreated or poorly managed HIV results in a greater degree of inflammation. HIV-infected cells also produce viral proteins that injure nerve cells. Therefore, it is not surprising that the researchers found that participants with detectable HIV viral load were more likely to develop PN than people whose viral loads were undetectable. 

Treatment and its relationship to PN

Researchers found that “HIV disease and treatment status significantly affected [rates of new cases of PN] in this study.” For instance, they discovered that the “highest rate of PN occurred in a relatively small group of individuals (50 people) who had [previously used ART but discontinued it].” The reasons for discontinuation were not revealed. These participants had very low CD4+ cell counts because they were not on treatment. In part, new cases of PN in this group of people could have been due to untreated HIV infection. Thus the research team issued the following warning:

“Because 30% to 40% of HIV-infected persons on ART in the U.S. do not maintain durable virologic suppression because of transfer of care, poor adherence and other factors, our findings suggest that [PN] will be a persistent or increasing problem.”

Researchers noticed that participants who had never taken ART and who had relatively high CD4+ counts were least likely to develop PN. This is probably because their immune systems had experienced minimal degradation.

The researchers also found that the following factors put participants at a higher risk of developing PN:
substance use – People with a history of opioid use were more likely to subsequently develop PN.
depressive illness – Participants whose depressive illness became more severe over the course of the study were more likely to develop PN.
gender – Women were more likely to develop PN than men. This finding needs to be explored in another analysis but could be related to biological factors—genetics, hormones—or social and psychological factors such as substance use and possibly depression.

Pain and depression

The researchers were struck by the intersection of opioid use, worsening depression and the development of PN. They suspect that the pathways used by brain cells to communicate with each other are affected by addiction and overlap with the pathways that deal with pain. They noted that previous research has found that “regardless of the cause of the underlying pain…pain and depression reinforce each other.” They also pointed out that depression alters the brain, and stimulation that is not normally painful may be experienced as pain by depressed people. It is possible that in people with a history of addiction or substance use, pathways in the brain change and such people become more vulnerable to experiencing pain, particularly when the brain receives and tries to process signals from nerves that are dysfunctional because of PN.

The modern era

The findings from the current era are important and underscore PN-related risk factors that are different from previous eras. For instance, in the past, height and the presence of type 2 diabetes among HIV-positive people were co-factors in the development of PN. However, in the present study, no link was found with these factors. Part of the reason for this is that only a small proportion of participants had type 2 diabetes (8%).

Also, in previous eras the use of d-drugs was a major factor in the development of PN. However, today d-drugs are seldom used, and even in the cases where they were taken by participants in the present study, their use was not linked to the development of PN.

In general, alcohol addiction is a major co-factor for the development of PN. This occurs in part because alcohol can be toxic to nerves and also because it depletes the body of nutrients (such as B-complex vitamins) that are needed by nerve cells. However, researchers did not find alcohol use linked to PN in the present study. 

Future research

PN can cause distress, disability and a reduction in quality of life. The researchers stated that “neuropathic pain can wax and wane in severity”; also, sometimes PN can resolve or go into remission “either spontaneously or as a result of treatment and might even recur at a later time.” This underscores the importance of studying PN.

The researchers suggest that future studies are needed to address strategies to help prevent PN, particularly among people at high risk for this complication, such as people who use opioids or who have depression.


Nerve pain and numbness – Practical Guide to HIV Drug Side Effects

Ask the Experts: Peripheral Neuropathy – The Positive Side

Snider WD, Simpson DM, Nielsen S, et al. Neurological complications of acquired immune deficiency syndrome: analysis of 50 patients. Annals of Neurology. 1983 Oct;14(4):403-18.
Malvar J, Vaida F, Sanders CF, et al. Predictors of new-onset distal neuropathic pain in HIV-infected individuals in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy. Pain. 2015 Apr;156(4):731-9.
Keltner JR, Fennema-Notestine C, Vaida F, et al. HIV-associated distal neuropathic pain is associated with smaller total cerebral cortical gray matter. Journal of Neurovirology. 2014 Jun;20(3):209-18.
Keltner JR, Vaida F, Ellis RJ, et al. Health-related quality of life “well-being” in HIV distal neuropathic pain is more strongly associated with depression severity than with pain intensity. Psychosomatics. 2012 Jul-Aug;53(4):380-6.
Ellis RJ, Rosario D, Clifford DB, et al. Continued high prevalence and adverse clinical impact of human immunodeficiency virus-associated sensory neuropathy in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy: the CHARTER Study. Archives of Neurology. 2010 May;67(5):552-8.
Kallianpur AR, Jia P, Ellis RJ, et al. Genetic variation in iron metabolism is associated with neuropathic pain and pain severity in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 21;9(8):e103123.
Badiee J, Moore DJ, Atkinson JH, et al. Lifetime suicidal ideation and attempt are common among HIV-positive individuals. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2012 Feb;136(3):993-9.

Health supplements

GENERAL TOPIC – Health supplements
Are they really useful?
Health supplements are useful – but not always. Nowadays they are supplements clip image002 Health Supplements replacing regular foods. This is 100 per cent not good.
Natural Foods are the real health providers
Hippocrates – Father of Medicine – says that there are some illnesses which can only be treated with nutrition. Undoubtedly, nutrition plays a major role in health. In many cases, food heals diseases and yields good health. Altogether, the entire thing is related to digestion. If you have a proper functioning digestive tract and utilise the food intakes by a good digestive process, you will be benefited or otherwise food will simply go waste. A good digestive process will make the intestines absorb whatever is important and needed. Also they eliminate many secretions, excretory products and others considered a waste, through faeces.
Digestion is a complex phenomenon which is not understood properly. If you consume more, you may make its absorption rate and process slow and this would cut short excess absorption. Also, supplements clip image003 Health Supplements each part of the intestine is specially designed to absorb selective vitamins or minerals. If that part of the intestine is in trouble then you may not get those vitamins or minerals, even if the food intake or supplements provide these in huge quantities.
Nature produces and provides everything indirectly. It will be automatically got into the required form. Nature cares and undertakes everything on its own. So, only natural food is very useful for good health. It is a good combination of all the required nutrients in natural form.
If we boycott natural foods with the help of health drinks or artificial synthetic tablets or syrup, then we are hindering the natural digestion and elimination process which may make our health collapse slowly. In ancient days, people used to take fruits, vegetables and spices for their healing properties. They felt that food itself could heal them. For example, garlic, onion, pepper, honey, apple, lemon, grains, nuts, seeds, etc., have good nutritional value and medicinal properties also.
Nowadays people are not aware of the value of food. They simply go by the label about the contents of the packed foods. Even though tin packed food shows good value, it cannot be attained in full if the digestive process is defective. In general, for healthy living,
  • Natural foods
  • Well balanced diet
  • Do regular exercises or work to burn calories to increase the body metabolism, to strengthen your circulation, health, immune mechanism, etc.
  • Vitamins or minerals or health tonics or health drinks only when required, that too with the advice of a doctor or dietician
  • Multi vitamins or tonics or drugs for a prolonged time
  • Overeating
  • Soft drinks
  • Fast foods
  • Tin-packed foods
  • Smoking
  • supplements clip image004 Health Supplements Alcohol
  • Doctor’s advice – Don’t self-medicate or take vitamins or tonics
  • Dietician’s prescription
A supplement is considered as a dietary medicine or direct processed food, ready to be absorbed and so they are concentrated. There are lots of health drinks in the market which claim to provide extra calcium, extra iron, extra vitamins and minerals, etc., etc., for complete nutrition. Likewise, in pharmaceuticals, there are lots of vitamins, many combinations of health tonics, antioxidants, iron tablets and calcium tablets.
supplements clip image005 Health Supplements People concentrate more on health and add supplements to their diet almost after every meal. Also parents are wrongly guided by the media, which feature robust, active and intelligent children. With overwhelming love for their children, parents buy whatever they see or hear. They keep on giving their children all sorts of tonics, minerals and vitamin syrups, making the children flabby. Usually, a flabby child looks like it is robust. But it is not real health. An active child is a healthy child. It is not really good for the child’s health to go on taking these tablets or syrup or gel near future. It may not be too long before take some capsules as breakfast, some more as lunch and some other capsules as dinner.
In this Modern Era, Modern doctors add multi-vitamins and minerals to their prescription. Sometimes doctors prescribe only multi-vitamins or zinc (minerals) as medicines. They substantiate supplements as substitutes. Due to this, from childhood human beings are made dependent upon supplements for vitamins or minerals. People also go on taking this for years together. Some people do this on their own without consulting doctors, and B complex tablets, iron tonics and calcium tablets regularly for tiredness, anaemia and arthritic problems respectively.
What is given in nutrition publications and dietician’s prescription cannot be easily followed in day-to-day life. But if followed, the health benefits will be priceless. While taking supplements, people think they are providing more to the body than it really needs. Yes, it is so. The usual vitamin or mineral tablets are 10-15 times more concentrated than the actual requirement of the body. During the digestive process, only 15-20 per cent of the vitamins are absorbed in the intestines from the vitamin- or mineral-rich food. So, to fulfil our bodily needs, tablets provide about 10-20 per cent more. Is this useful? No. Constant use of this excess amount will cause toxicity and diseases.
People using supplements of vitamins/minerals or tonics/health drinks usually quote various reasons for their constant use. They are
  • Energy giving
  • Improves health
  • Prevents infection due to good health
  • Recovery from disease or healing properties improves well
    Other reasons are
  • There is a lot of pollution nowadays
  • Fruits and vegetables are grown in chemically fertilised soil
  • Pesticides are sprayed on fruits and vegetables
  • Food is not qualitative
  • Life is filled with tension leaving no time to take selective nutrients
  • The busy schedule leaves no time to spend time on cooking
  • Hotels are more fond of fast foods than natural foods
People’s notions are true. But the fact is that all these work only in the initial period. Later on, even readymade vitamins will not be properly absorbed in the intestines since each vitamin is better absorbed in the presence of some other vitamins or minerals. They also work interacting with each other. This process is less understood. For example calcium is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin D.
So, you cannot make a synthetic formula to absorb all that you require as done by natural foods. Defective absorption or digestion may lead to deficiency disorders. Also, sometimes excess and constant usage of artificial vitamins or minerals will bring rebound sickness. At that time cure can be attained only by stopping those vitamins or minerals. Finally, improper digestion is responsible for the deficiency if the food is from a good source.
Nature reveals itself to us like a blind man’s imagination of an elephant. In order to maintain our health, we have used our knowledge of two centuries to invent synthetic artificial supplements with the use of machines in the form of tablet, powder or jelly in place of natural foods. Due to our mechanical lifestyle, we have started supplements clip image006 Health Supplements making duplicates and imitations of nature. Duplicates are needed only when one cannot get the original. Also, in no way can it match all the properties of the natural food. We cannot buy health like we buy supplements. So to reap a good harvest in health we should take natural foods and nutrients which contain vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, oils, etc. Artificial supplements are full of some or other vitamins or minerals, but they never get absorbed properly in our intestines. So, eating a healthy diet, low in fat, high in fibre, as in fruits and vegetables is good.
Natural nutrients are:
Vitamins are catalysts for our bodily functions. They work with enzymes in helping all body chemical reactions (named as co-enzymes). Vitamins are not synthesised in our body and so they have to be obtained from our foods. They are required in small amounts only, supplements clip image007 Health Supplements so a well-balanced or good diet usually meets all the needs in surplus. Liver plays a major role in digestion and works as a warehouse or reservoir of vitamins.
Vitamins are mainly classified as fat-soluble (Vit – A, D, E & K) & water-soluble (Vit – B & C). Fat-soluble vitamins are mostly stored in the liver (if in excess, they are excreted in the faeces), whereas water-soluble vitamins are used for the time being and excreted in the urine. Vitamin deficiency usually leads to specific disorders. Digestion plays a major role in absorption of these vitamins. If there is improper digestion or the intestine is diseased, the vitamins will not be properly absorbed. The uses of vitamins are exhaustive: their role in growth, defence mechanism and healthy living are often found to be excellent but the process is not understood fully. The vitamins which are often found to be useful are:
A) Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with dietary fats.
1.Vitamin A (A1 – Retinol) – Everyone knows this vitamin since it take cares of the eye. It helps in perfect vision like accommodation reflex and visual acuity. So, people often take vitamin A for any eye disorder. The rich sources of this vitamin are cod liver oil, liver, egg, cheese, butter, ghee, milk, carrot, spinach, etc. Its deficiency leads to night blindness, dryness of eyes, spots on eyes, etc.
2.Vitamin D (D3 -Cholecalciferol) is chiefly helpful in calcium absorption for forming or maintaining bones and teeth. The rich sources are from sunlight (through skin), cod liver oil, milk, etc. The deficiency will lead to bone disorders (rickets) or teeth disorders due to lack of absorption of the calcium.
3.Vitamin E (Tocoferol) works mainly for good health by acting as a biological antioxidant. It prevents cell damage. So old people show great interest in taking it and doctors, in prescribing it. Vitamin E in degenerative disorders helps in maintaining cell integrity. The rich sources are vegetable oils, egg, wheat, etc.
4.Vitamin K helps in synthesis of prothrombin which protects us by arresting bleeding and forming clots. The rich sources of vitamin K are spinach and green vegetables. The deficiency leads to prolongation of clotting time and promoting bleeding.
supplements clip image008 Health Supplements B) Water-soluble vitamins (Vitamin B and vitamin C) are not stored in the body except B12 which is stored in the liver. They are used then and there and remaining is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. So, water-soluble vitamins need to be taken daily. Also, since they are water-soluble, they get lost during the process of washing and cooking. The important water-soluble vitamins are:
1.Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) plays a vital role in appetite, digestion and utilisation of carbohydrates, brain development and its maintenance. The rich sources are un-milled cereals, pulses, nuts, oil seeds, yeast, egg, liver, meat, etc. Its deficiency leads to poor appetite, pain in calf muscles, tiredness, beri-beri (complaints of poly neuritis, cardiac pathology & odematous swelling), encephalopathy, etc. This is more prevalent in people using polished rice.
2.Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is mainly helpful in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. The good sources of riboflavin are liver, meat, eggs, milk, leafy vegetables and fruits. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to dermatitis, sore tongue and cracks in the corners of the mouth.
3.Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) plays a major role in amino acid metabolism in the brain and its development. Rich sources of this vitamin are liver, meat, fish, cereals, etc. Its deficiency leads to sore tongue, convulsions, dizziness, etc.
4.Niacin is essential for nerves, skin and digestion. The rich sources are germinating pulses, cereals, groundnut, meat, fish, etc. The deficiency leads to sore tongue, mouth ulcers and diarrhoea.
5.Folates or folic acids are essential for synthesis of DNA. Natural sources of folic acid include green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans and citrus fruits. They play an important role in brain and nervous system development and fertility.
6.Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is mainly helpful in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Also, it is very useful in the synthesis of red blood cells and DNA. Rich sources of the vitamin are liver, meat, milk, egg and fish. The vitamin is stored in the liver and its deficiency leads to anaemia, neurological problems, etc.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is essential for the body’s immune mechanism. The vitamin is found in abundance in green vegetables and citrus fruits, especially lemon, orange, etc. It is essential for metabolism of connective tissue, wound healing, iron absorption and immune responses. Its deficiency leads to scurvy (gums swelling and bleeding, anaemia, weakness, etc).
Minerals are substances which are very useful for our body in the formation of bones, teeth, blood, hormones, etc. They are absorbed in the cells or plasma with the difference in the osmotic pressure. They are helpful in utilising energy from foods. Some minerals are called trace elements, named so for their requirement in micro quantities. They are zinc, iron, iodine, supplements clip image009 Health Supplements copper, cobalt, selenium, etc. Mineral-rich foods are leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, eggs and fish. Minerals are widely distributed in our daily foods. The important minerals are calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc, etc. The body absorbs only small amounts of minerals from our food. Mineral-rich foods also decrease the mineral absorption rate, since too much absorption of any mineral or trace element will be harmful.
Calcium is the main constituent of bones. It plays a major role in nerve conduction, muscular contraction and coagulation of blood. It also helps in enzyme reaction and in all metabolic processes. Rich sources of calcium are milk, vegetables, fish, fruits and cereals. The mineral is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin D. The deficiency leads to bony disorders and nervous complaints.
Sodium is very important to the body. It helps in exchange of the substances between the cells and extra-cellular tissues. It works with water in maintaining the body fluids. It is excreted in the urine and sweat. Depletion of sodium will bring exhaustion. Sodium chloride salts hold more water and maintain more volume of the body fluids. It is present in all foods.
Potassium is helpful in cellular functions. This is also present in all foods.
Magnesium is useful in strengthening the bones and enzyme reactions.
Phosphorous is useful in the formation of bones and teeth. It helps in all tissue metabolisms. It is also distributed widely in foods.
Iron is very helpful in the synthesis of haemoglobulin and for its oxygen-carrying property. It is also useful in cellular respiration and enzyme reactions. Rich sources of iron are liver, meat, egg, fish, cereals, pulses, leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, peas, nuts, dates, etc. Iron is seen to be better absorbed in the presence of vitamin C. The deficiency leads to anaemia and a weakened defence mechanism. Usually women suffer from this due to menses and pregnancy.
Iodine plays a major role in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The rich sources of this mineral are fish, meat, spinach, milk, water, etc. Generally, cabbage and cauliflower suppress the absorption of iodine. In the hilly areas, where soil and water is less in iodine content, thyroid problems are more. The government has taken steps to make iodised salt to be dispersed throughout the country.
Flourine is useful in the formation and maintanence of teeth and bones. The source of flourine is derived from drinking water and foods. Its overdose leads to flourosis which includes losing the enamel of the teeth, strength of the teeth and bones.
Zinc is used widely nowadays for early recovery from diseases and maintaining good health. It is commonly distributed in all foods. Rich sources of this mineral are meat, milk and fish. Its deficiency leads to growth failure, weakened immune response, delayed recovery, sexual weakness, etc.
Selenium has gained importance recently due to excellent results in maintaining cell integrity and fertility. The rich sources of this mineral are corn, wheat and soya bean.
Proteins are essential for the formation of tissues and their maintenance. They also help in the synthesis of haemoglobin, enzymes and hormones which are very essential for bodily functions. supplements clip image010 Health Supplements Deficiency of proteins leads to loss of weight, anaemia and weakened defence mechanism. The rich sources are meat, egg, milk, fish, pulses, cereals, nuts and soya beans.
Carbohydrates are essential for oxidation of fats since it contains oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. The rich sources of carbohydrates are flour, sugar and cellulose. Even though we take plenty of carbohydrates in the diet, it is not stored well and so it is regularly needed in day-to-day life.
Fibre content of vegetables and fruits are very helpful in normal bowel movement. Recent research has not show any nutritional or energy value in these fibres. But obese, constipated, hypertensive and diabetic people get more benefits from this type of food.
Fat and oils are concentrated sources of energy by the combustion of their contents, carbon, oxygen and fatty acids. They are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Rich sources of fats and oils are meat, fish, egg, milk, ghee, butter, cereals, pulses, groundnut and coconut oil. After being stored in the body, they help the body by acting as a reservoir of energy. They are rich sources of essential fatty acids (EFA) which can reduce blood cholesterol. Fat help the body by giving shape and thermal insulation to avoid losing body heat.
All these nutrients work well if they are sourced from natural foods only. If these are artificially substituted, the result may not be up to the expectations and may sometimes result in side-effects. For example – for stomatitis or gum bleeding or swelling, people take vitamin C & B complex tablets. Anyone suffering can notice that even though they keep taking these tablets, the apthae or stomatitis does not go off completely. But the condition will respond very well when they people take citrus fruits which are good natural sources of vitamin C & Bs. Likewise, scurvy cannot be treated with supplements.
Also taking vitamin and mineral tablets often can cause hypervitaminosis and become toxic in nature. Even though their benefits are endless in the case of lack of energy, it is not at all a substitute for natural foods. Requirements of vitamins or minerals or fats depend upon the person’s age, constitution and nature of work.
If you supplement what the body requires from artificial synthetic compounds, it is just like giving a poor man money instead of giving him a job or extracting work from him. What you gave will be enough for him for only one day. You will have to give him again the next day. You, in fact, form the habit of making him dependent on you. Likewise, routine supplement therapy spoils our digestion and our body by leading to dependency.
Nowadays, people even go for IV (intravenous) drips for simple supplements clip image011 Health Supplements tiredness. Does this help in the long run? No, it won’t work for more than eight hours. This short route of adding glucose to the blood can be preferred and used when there is digestive problem or when one cannot take food orally. If you can take oral fluids, simply going for healthy natural drinks can help more than IV drips. Likewise, children are now forced to take appetizer, tonics of iron, zinc and calcium for anaemia and growth. Does this cure them of anaemia? No, it works very temporarily. If you discard the course of tonics, they will surely recur again. Do menopause women or aged people taking calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin e always benefit from them? No, they are continue to suffer from osteoporosis, flushes, etc.
supplements clip image013 Health SupplementsYou may wonder why these supplements don’t work, even though they are provided artificially. There are lots of differences between man-made and nature-made vitamins and minerals, in its absorption, action and quality. Supplements can also be harmful since they are highly concentrated and the intake is selective. So, for natural good health, the deficit should be attained from natural foods only. You can easily get all the needed nutrients from right food, if your digestion and absorption are normal. You can take artificial supplements for a short duration, when you are extremely tired or for immediate or instant energy. Instant energy is becoming fashionable like instant coffee or tea. But for being and staying healthy, be and stay natural. Also, utilise the food by work i.e. work for food and take food for work. Everyone should cultivate a regular habit of taking a good diet and good exercise.
People mostly do not need vitamin supplements at all, but continue to take them because they are health conscious. This may sometimes lead to their getting distressed on getting recurrent complaints, even after taking vitamins and minerals in large doses. In large and continued doses, supplemented vitamins, minerals, etc. may act as toxic agents. Too much or too less of any vitamin or mineral will be harmful. Anything in excess is not good for health. For example, glucose is absolutely needed for our energy and life. But, if its level rises in our blood, it becomes diabetes and can cause diabetic coma. Likewise, white blood cells (WBCs) are necessary for our immune reaction. But if it becomes more, it reacts to every small or trivial discomfort and even leads to supplements clip image012 Health Supplements death like in the case of cancer.
If food contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals, either in natural or artificial supplementation, initially the body prevents itself from its toxic damage by decreasing its rate of absorption. Due to this, the body will not be able to get other important nutrients which are really needed for day-to-day living. Finally, the depleted condition leads to increased absorption to compensate for the low value, where toxaemia develops.
Toxicity of vitamins can develop as side-effects, when vitamin tablets are often used without doctor’s advice or otherwise used continuously for a long time, after prescribed by a doctor. The fat-soluble vitamins are more toxic than water-soluble vitamins, since they are stored in our body (in the liver). The water-soluble vitamins can also become toxic if taken in very large doses. Also, rebound sickness can also appear due to reduction in absorption in the intestines.
In large doses or continued doses,
  • Vitamin A may lead to weight loss, dry itchy skin, nausea, headache, diarrhoea, bone and liver disorders
  • Vitamin D may lead to bone deformation, arteriosclerosis, cardiac disorders, renal stones and failure
  • Vitamin E can cause bleeding in the abdomen or brain, poor immune system and diarrhoea
  • Vitamin K can make healthy cells deteriorate
  • Vitamin C can enhance tumours and decreases vitamin B12 level and cause tiredness
  • Vitamin B may lead to reduced iron absorption, leading to anaemia.
Toxicity of minerals. Like vitamins, minerals can also cause side-effects.
In large doses or continued doses,
  • supplements clip image014 Health Supplements Calcium may lead to osteoporosis, renal stones and arteriosclerosis. It also suppresses the absorption of vitamin D and magnesium
  • Sodium may lead to vomiting and ulceration of the gastro-intestinal mucosa
  • Iodine may lead to thyroid problems (hyperthyroidism)
  • Fluorine may lead to dental flourosis (loss of shining of teeth, pitting and discoloration of teeth) and skeletal flourosis and also formation of new bones
  • Iron can cause a deficiency in zinc. It can also cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, dark or black coloured stools and abdominal disorders
  • Selenium can produce selenosis which includes symptoms of abdominal disorders, hair loss, white blotchy nails, garlic breath odour, fatigue, irritability and nervous disorders
So, to end the hot debate, whether vitamins and minerals are beneficial, the right answer is that they are beneficial in natural supplements and less beneficial in artificial supplements and not at all beneficial either in natural or artificial supplementation in case of diseased intestines or conditions where medicines are compulsorily needed to correct it. Homeopathy can answer very well completely and naturally by correcting the inner balance in any such diseased case. The diseases of the cells are a reflection of the diseases. The cause and nature of a disease will depend upon the activity of the cells. Physiological-chemical process is important for cellular function. Vitamins, minerals (salts: sodium, potassium, phosphate, magnesium sulphate and sugar) and essential fatty acids in the organisms play a major and vital role in cellular function. Normal activities of the cells depend upon the standard, normal intake of these essentials. Any deficiency or lack can cause the diseases or favour the condition for the diseases. Even though substituted, if the cell activity is not capable of absorbing it the substituted vitamin/mineral will be a waste and the cell will be less active or diseased. We need stimulation for good activity rather than substitutes. Let us fight the disease with our own force and not with the force of drugs which may cause dependency. The basic principle of Homeopathy is to correct the disease by stimulating the natural defence mechanism to work against the disease so that, in future, the natural defence mechanism will be able to or capable of protecting us from recurrences.
If you have difficulty in breathing, it means your lung is in trouble. If you have difficulty with your heartbeats, it means your heart is in trouble. Likewise, if you feel tired, you as a whole are in trouble. So prescribing multi-vitamins for those feeling tired is wrong. It is best to correct our body and make our body absorb vitamins and minerals directly from food rather than from a little pill: don’t fill your plate with pills. The apt method to correct it is with Homeopathy medicines. Complete cure reflects in every dimension of Homeopathy.
When all hope is given up, Homeopathy can open up a new avenue for cure. There may be many avenues for cure. One which is straight and short is Homeopathy.
Homeopathic Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.

for new hope

Dr. S. Chidambaranathan, BHMS, MD (Homeo)
Laxmi Homeo Clinic
24 E. New Mahalipatti Road
Madurai, TN 625 001

Tel:  +91-452-233-8833 | +91-984-319-1011 (Mob)
Fax: +91-452-233-0196
E-mail: /

(Disclaimer: The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)
pf print icon Health Supplements

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Neuropathy Whats That Ask The Doctor

Today’s post from (see link below) is a simple question and answer article from a patient to a doctor. However, the doctor's answer is both thorough and easy to understand (a rarity in itself when writing about neuropathy). It will be helpful to people new to neuropathy who just want to understand what it generally entails. Of course, you could devote pages to information about the disease and its treatments but this doctor provides just enough information to properly educate the patient without losing him or her in the science. Worth a read, even for seasoned neuropathy sufferers (you never know, there may be something you've missed along the way.)

Ask the Doctor – Peripheral Neuropathy
by Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, MD, M.Sc. Nov.2015

If peripheral neuropathy is the result of heavy metals, detoxification is recommended

Dear Dr. Rona,

I have been diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy – would you be good enough to tell me if there is a natural cure for it. Thank you. – Karl Kostoff, Scarborough, ON

Dear Karl,
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that results from damage to peripheral nerves, usually in the hands and feet. Numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the affected areas are the usual symptoms. This kind of neuropathy can be caused by physical trauma (e.g. car accident, frostbite), carpal tunnel syndrome, chemical trauma (acid burns, cancer chemotherapy) and diabetes (damage by chronically high blood sugar levels). Other causes are long periods of pressure on the nerves, sitting for extended periods of time, atherosclerosis, autoimmune disorders, kidney disease, hypothyroidism, toxic heavy metals (mercury lead, arsenic) and some drugs.

The following diseases can all be associated with peripheral neuropathy and should be ruled out by your doctor: AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, HIV, Lyme disease, polyarteritis nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, lupus, and amyloidosis.

After ruling out and treating the underlying causes of the symptoms, conventional medicine treats the condition with antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine) and anti-seizure drugs (phenytoin, carbamazepine, gabapentin). Unfortunately, some of these drugs themselves cause neuropathy as a side effect. If diabetes is the cause, better control of blood sugar is the appropriate treatment.

Before trying any treatment for neuropathy, see your doctor for lab testing to rule out treatable conditions. Some doctors will refer you to a neurologist who might want to do some special tests on your nervous system to rule out tumours and other rare causes.

If no explanation for your neuropathy has been found and you have exhausted conventional sources without success, I suggest you look into some other potential causes of your symptoms and consider Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) treatments.

Other Potential Causes and Treatments

Additional causes and treatments of diabetic neuropathy can include:

1) Side effects of certain drugs, especially antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline) and cholesterol-lowering drugs (e.g. statins) can cause nerve damage. If any of these are involved and the drugs are not absolutely necessary, find alternatives with the help of your doctor.

2) Toxin exposure (e.g. benzene, fluoride, chlorine, lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, ammonia, arsenic, etc.). If you suspect that you are contaminated with these or other toxins, start to look for sources of exposure in the home and office, and begin eliminating them (ie. tap water contains both fluoride and chlorine), and sources of heavy metals can be found in many household products (see EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” posted at: While eliminating toxic contaminants from your environment, it’s also smart to begin detoxification protocols – sauna treatment or chelation therapy may be able to help you (see Resource List at end).

3) Chronic Inflammation in the lower back (sciatica, piriformis muscle entrapment) can reduce blood flow to the nerves in the spinal column. Chiropractic, osteopathic treatment, massage, and acupuncture treatments may be of help in such cases.

4) Nutritional deficiencies, especially vitamin B-12, folate, and omega 3 fatty acids. High doses of a good B complex (100 – 500 mg daily) may be of considerable help. These can be taken orally as well as injected for a more direct and powerful result.

5) Excessive alcohol use can damage nerves anywhere in the body by depleting the system of B vitamins.

6) Food toxins like aspartame have been documented to cause nerve damage. Use natural sweeteners like coconut sugar, if you must. Also, food additives, dyes, GMO foods and other adulterated foods can be involved. Follow an organic diet as much as possible.

7) Use Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), a very effective antioxidant proven to help peripheral neuropathy, especially if associated with diabetes. The usual effective dose is between 600 and 1200 mg daily taken with food. ALA is also effective in the natural treatment of high blood sugar. This supplement should be taken for at least six weeks but may be taken continuously for years without significant side effects.

8) Use capsaicin (the active ingredient in cayenne pepper). It can be applied topically mixed in a cream to reduce pain and discomfort from peripheral neuropathy several times a day. It can also be swallowed in capsule form (500 mg, 3 times daily with food) for relief.

9) Use Magnesium Bisglycinate – 400 mg. twice daily, and use Magnesium Chloride gel topically several times daily. Both are important to nourish damaged nerves and relieve symptoms. Magnesium supplementation is especially important for diabetics to reduce complications of that disease.

10) Glutathione (Setria version) – 1000 mg daily can work wonders for just about any neurological condition. (Furthermore, the results of glutathione administered intravenously have been quite impressive.)

One or more of these natural remedies may work for you. In some cases, especially in seniors, intravenous vitamins and minerals may work better than the oral equivalents. I recommend that you work with a natural health practitioner to get a personalized treatment plan.

Nuptial Flight

Beauty the Herbal Way .......
This week I've been a busy bee, making very special gifts for my Niece and her Bridal Party. These have to have the best of the best ingredients ... and ones that will please any woman since I don't know any of the ladies there (she lives far away). So, here's what I've done. A very seductive "Lakshme Bath Crystals", with Rose petal powder to give it a pink hue. It smells amazing, my infamous Cocoa-spice blend that makes you smell like a mug of Chai. Plus, it's great for both sexes .... so go on! Preserve water - bathe together! (now, I may have to go back and re-do these labels. Most people spell Lakshme with an "i".... we'll see.)
The little vials are my all-time favorite perfume blend. Simple, yet complex and utterly perfect, it's Turkish Rose Otto and Indian dark patchouli. There's nothing like it in the world I'm convinced. So the bride and all her ladies should have some.
What's a lifetime ahead of luscious smooching without a Ruby pout? So of course I had to make up a special batch of my Crushed Rubies Lip and Cheek Glow - which I've been making for near ten years now and it's still a classic must have. I think I have one in every room and every bag, it's just yummy stuff.
Then there's the beauty cream, a French Lavender recipe with extra cocoa butter of the unrefined kind. Soothing and feminine.

The Bride gets extras. She gets the bigger size of the perfume and bath salts, and she also gets a beautiful body oil and a Nuptial Flight Sacred Yoni Balm. Happy Honey Moon :)
I took special joy in this order, since it's my most favorite to make the really sensual, seductive herbals, but also because of the nature of the order I could opt-out of writing ANYthing on the label other than the name and a pretty picture. This alone makes the product look way more elegant. The struggle of forcing an ingredient list much less business info or user instructions/disclaimer stuff onto little bitty labels from a stone age computer program is NO FUN. So I like these prettier, more mysterious labels. They all know I spare no expense on ingredients - natural and best!

What Is Neuropathy A Growing Problem

Today's post comes from (see link below) and marks the start of twelve daily posts from The Body regarding neuropathy and HIV. Even if your neuropathy is not related to HIV, you may find a great deal of the information interesting because irrespective of the cause, the symptoms of neuropathy are common to most people with nerve damage. This post talks in general terms about what neuropathy is and in the next two days will expand to include the link between neuropathy and HIV and the ways in which neuropathy is currently treated.

What Is Neuropathy? A Growing Problem

By Dave R. December 17, 2011

Let's keep it simple here. If you've had neuropathy for some time, you'll already know what we're dealing with but if you're just beginning to encounter strange sensations in your feet or hands, or numbness which makes it feel like you've got wet sand in your socks when you walk, you may be wondering what on earth's happening to you. You may also be concerned that it's something that may happen to you in the future, or maybe already know a family member or friend with neuropathy and want to understand what's involved to be more supportive.

Basically, neuropathy is nerve damage. You can equate it to an electrical short circuit, which causes a breakdown of normal service in the nervous system. It's a highly complex condition with many causes and equally many variations and although the symptoms are like no other disease, it can be very difficult to diagnose. Once diagnosed, a prognosis is almost impossible because its progress is dependent on your personal situation. It's another auto-immune disease, where in this case, the immune system more or less attacks the nervous system.

Our nervous system is made up of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system comprises the brain and the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system concerns the nerves which spread out from the central nervous system. Confused already? Hopefully not yet.

In general there are two types of neuropathy. If we're talking about damage to a single nerve, then we would call it mono-neuropathy; if several or more nerves are damaged then it is called poly-neuropathy. The peripheral nerves (extensions growing out of a nerve cell or neuron) are also called neurites and they can be compared to electricity cables because neurites also have an external insulating material called myelin. Myelin protects the neurites against both physical damage and electrical impulse damage to the tissue. Neuropathy occurs if the nerve cells or myelin are damaged or destroyed. That's why you can compare it to a domestic short circuit, which makes it easier to visualize.

Most people have one or another form of peripheral neuropathy: nerve damage in the longest nerve channels, furthest away from the brain and spinal cord. This is characterized by the well-known symptoms found in the extremities (the hands, arms, legs and feet) but can also be seen in the internal organs. The symptoms can vary, with amongst others, tingling or loss of feeling; a burning feeling (especially on the feet and hands); itching, chronic pain, or combinations of some or all of them.

Unfortunately, the potential problems don't end there.

Neuropathy can also attack the so-called Autonomic Nervous System, a term for the part of the nervous system that works involuntarily -- we have no control over it. This system controls things like heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion, certain muscular and lung functions, liver and kidney operations, sexual activity and so on: to put it simply, things which work in the body without us being consciously aware of them.

If neuropathy begins to affect the autonomous nervous system, then a whole range of activities may cease to function normally. Blood pressure problems, (dizziness on standing upright); drying up of sweat, saliva and tear glands; urine retention (not being able to empty the bladder completely); impotence, constipation, stomach contents retention (not being able to clear the bowels); heart rhythm problems; breathing difficulties and so on.

Most people on the street have never heard of neuropathy and certainly most HIV-positive people are unaware that it's a real possibility in their lives; which is strange considering that is generally accepted that around twenty million Americans (and therefore a proportionate number in other countries in the world) suffer from neuropathy in one form or another. Most of them have neuropathy as a result of diabetes, or chemotherapy treatment, or alcoholism, or physical trauma, (up to a hundred causes in all) but the disease still remains relatively unknown; why?

As you know all publicity costs; and because there is no cure and therefore, no world-beating medication for the drug companies to compete over, there is no new money to be made, so few pharmaceutical companies are going to promote neuropathy as a cause. Instead, they boost their older pain killers, anti-depressants, or epilepsy drugs, which work for some people in suppressing the discomfort -- no cash to lose there. Apart from that, there are very few high-profile role models (Angela Lansbury and Johnny Cash are hardly likely to bring in the big bucks!) and the media doesn't find images of neuropathy patients to compare with the AIDS orphans in Africa.

That's another major problem for neuropathy campaigners: neuropathy is a disease which, if you stand still, doesn't usually have any outward signs: no rashes, lumps, or malformed limbs, or swelling, or wasting; you can look the picture of health and yet still be in agony from neuropathy. It can be a major issue convincing people, from doctors to family members and loved ones, that you've really got a problem. Little wonder that the anti-depressants are sometimes more useful for the depression resulting from the disease, than helping the symptoms!

The longer you live with the disease, the more you grow to understand what's happening to you but in the beginning, it's like sifting through mud trying to find answers and solutions. Many doctors will still just shrug their shoulders, sympathize and tell you that you'll just have to learn to live with it; which for a patient already living with HIV, is the most negative and depressing thing they could hear. Why don't doctors realize that?

The problem is that patients living with HIV need doctors who will look at their situation holistically because every side effect, medication, or virus-related problem is linked to another medical area. Luckily, most HIV specialists are fully aware of that and have become "Jacks of all trades" in the medical world. You don't just treat the virus HIV; you treat everything that comes with it and for some people that's like the contents of a small medical dictionary! Neuropathy, in whatever form, is the unexpected sniper that hits you just when you thought everything was settling down in your medical life. It doesn't come with the virus, or when you begin the drug regimes, but appears later, as a result of the medication, the virus itself, or a host of other reasons. It's a mean, life-changing disease that has different causes and is different for everyone and that's precisely what makes it so difficult to treat and why doctors are just as frustrated as we are.

That said; neuropathy doesn't affect everyone with HIV. Current estimates and statistics show that at least a third of HIV-positive people will encounter neuropathic problems but that means that two thirds won't! Still, one in three, or four is pretty significant and the longer people survive with HIV, the more cases of neuropathy (amongst other things) are appearing. Then, if you do have neuropathic symptoms, they may begin with as little as numbness in one toe ... and stay that way; or tingling in the feet and hands, combined with numbness and paradoxically, pain which eventually lead to muscle weakness and some form of permanent disability. It's just that sort of disease; it ranges from mild to wild, with everything in between. The doctors try to treat the symptoms with a variety of drugs and/or supplements and alternative therapies and what works for one person, doesn't work for another with exactly the same symptoms -- are you getting the picture? Unfortunately, however much the many symptoms can be helped or not, the disease itself is, in 2011, still incurable.

This article is not meant to depress people but it is meant to be realistic. If you know what you're dealing with, then it's much easier to find a place for it in your life. Moreover, worst-case scenarios are just that: you will probably be able to find something to help your own neuropathy experience become more bearable. It may take a while, as you try this, that or the other treatment but most people will findsome relief amongst the many options available. It's very important to learn as much as possible about your condition and if your doctor tells you there is nothing he or she can do, that may be strictly true in terms of curing the problem but that is never an acceptable approach in terms of living with the disease; change doctor and find someone who will support you in your efforts to control the worst aspects of neuropathy -- with a bit of luck, your HIV specialist may be the very person. Armed with facts, you can work with the medical specialists, rather than passively accept a one-sided relationship. However, most first-port-of-call doctors are not neurologists and may have a limited experience of neuropathy. Plus, busy as they are and under the burden of time restrictions, their very human instinct may be to usher you out as quickly as possible, to try to clear the day's backlog of patients. If you can save them some time by doing your own research beforehand and maybe setting your symptoms down on paper, you'll earn respect and establish a constructive treatment program much more quickly.

After all, you're already living with HIV; you deserve some acknowledgement for what you've already gone through but as Sir Francis Bacon said in 1597, "Knowledge is power."

A Day In Court For Medical Cannabis

Today's post from (see link below) will be of particular interest for people living in or near Washington DC but the ramifications of the outcome will be of interest world-wide. In October 2012, the US Court of Appeals is finally going to hear arguments about the benefits of medical cannabis, especially in relation to chronic pain. Many neuropathy patients already know how cannabis/marijuana can reduce their pain levels but many more find legal access almost impossible. Different countries across the world have different laws and expert opinions on the subject but if the USA officially backs it as a valid treatment, the rest of the world tends to sit up and take notice. Unfortunately, the powers that be in the States are hampered by hysterical overreaction to the very name cannabis and it will take sound scientific arguments for them to turn against public opinion.

Want to Join ASA for Medical Cannabis Patients’ Day in Federal Court?
September 6th, 2012 Posted by Mike Liszewsk

After a full decade of waiting, medical cannabis patients will finally have theirday in federal court on October 16, 2012when the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit agreed to hear oral arguments in Americans for Safe Access v. Drug Enforcement Administration. The hearing will be a historic day in the medical cannabis movement and ASA’s staff have been fielding a great many inquiries from our members about how they can get a “front row seat” to history. Well, not everyone will be so lucky as to sit in the front row seat in the courtroom, but many of our members will be able to watch the hearing live. Below are details on how you can join ASA in the courtroom that day, but first, some brief background on the case.
The Legal Battle to Reschedule Cannabis, 10 Years in the Making

The history of this case begins in 2002 when Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC) filed its petition, the courts will finally review the scientific evidence regarding the medical value of marijuana. Since “marijuana” (cannabis) was originally placed and has since remained in Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act, the U.S. Government holds the position that the plant has no accepted medical value and is unsafe to use for medical purposes. The appeal case on Oct. 16 with challeng the July 2011 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) denial of the CRC petition, which was filed in 2002. ASA’s Chief Counsel, Joe Elford, summarizes the case as,
“…a rare opportunity for patients to confront politically motivated decision-making with scientific evidence of marijuana’s medical efficacy. What’s at stake in this case is nothing less than our country’s scientific integrity and the imminent needs of millions of patients.”

While a decision in the case will not come for several weeks after oral arguments, many medical cannabis patients and their loved ones will no doubt want to join Elford in the courtroom as he presents ASA’s argument before the court.

How to Attend Your Day in Federal Court

The Oct. 16th oral argument hearing will be held E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse, however, those planning to attend should take note that there is very limited seating, and ASA cannot reserve seating for the public. The hearing is currently scheduled for 9:30am in Courtroom 11 (4th floor), which has a maximum capacity of only 80 members of the public. While there is a chance that the hearing may be moved to a larger courtroom, the largest courtroom available has a maximum capacity of 200 members of the public.

Those wishing to be in the courtroom that day should be prepared to wake up early and wait in line, as seating is first come, first served. The courthouse opens at 8am, and the line to view the hearing begins right outside the Courtroom 11 doors. Typically the courtroom begins seating members of the public at 9:10am, with the hearing beginning at 9:30am. It appears as though ASA vs. DEA will be the second hearing held in Courtroom 11 that morning, so safe access advocates packing the courtroom may end up sitting through the case unrelated to medical cannabis, Gang Luan vs. US.

What to Bring, and What Not to Bring

Security at the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse is higher than most federal buildings in DC, and many items are not allowed in the courthouse, much less the courtroom. Nobody is permitted in the courthouse without presenting a valid government-issued photo ID card. Backpacks, briefcases and purses are permitted in the courthouse, but electronic devices are only by attorneys who can practice federal court and credentialed members of the media. Technically, certain kinds of electronic devices are permitted, but since nearly every device is capable of recording audio and/or video, it applies to most electronic devices. The court does have lockers where electronic devices capable of recording may be stored while attending a hearing. Traditional film cameras are strictly forbidden as well. Additionally, visitors are forbidden from bringing in “all liquids, aerosols, and gels in excess of 3.4 ounces (100 ml).”
Getting to the Courthouse

The courthouse is located at 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. Both locals and those coming in from out of town to attend the hearing are highly encouraged to take public transportation. TheDC Metro system has two stops that are short walks to the hearing on the Red line at Judiciary Square, and Green/Yellow lines at Archives.There are a handful of public parking lots nearby, but they are not cheap, nor are they closer to the courthouse than the Metro stations.
Although there are 4 entrances to the courthouse, individuals with physical disabilities should use either the 3rd ST entrance or John Marshall Park entrance.
ASA looks forward to seeing you on YOUR day in federal court to watch history unfold before our eyes!



Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

Neuropathy A Quick Description

Today's post from (see link below) is a very simple but useful description of what neuropathy basically entails. It will help people new to the disease, or people with friends or family who are affected, better understand what's going on. After reading this, you will undoubtedly want to know more and the alphabetical list to the right of this blog should provide you with plenty of information to increase your knowledge, even before visiting the doctor or specialist again. You should remember that the more you know yourself, the easier your doctor's job will be because believe me, neuropathy causes them plenty of headaches because of the nature of the disease, its causes and its symptoms. Worth a read over a cup of coffee.

Neuropathy Are You Standing 
Added by Zondra Mae on November 13, 2013.

This is neither the website of, nor affiliated in any way with, Guardian News and Media.

Neuropathy known in the medical word as Peripheral Neuropathy. Not a single condition, but a multiple array of different underlying conditions, causing nerve pain. In layman’s terms it means damaged nerves. Three types of nerves: Autonomic; regulates all your the automatic functions in your body. Heart beat, breathing just to name a couple. Motor nerves; control of the muscles and Sensory nerves; the pathways to the brain.

The main cause the researchers have found for Neuropathy is Diabetes about 70%. People with a high glucose have what they refer to as Diabetic Neuropathy. Causing nerve damage, so the patient always feels pain or the lack there of. This why diabetics go undiagnosed because of “insensate” trauma to their feet. Becoming the leading cases for diabetic foot issues.

By visiting your Doctor and having him/she properly diagnose you with a full medical history and physical examination. During your physical exam the Doctor will certain tests to begin to find which Peripheral Neuropathy for have. There two types of main tests they will put you through. First; A vibration test and a monofilament test. These tests are very accurate in diagnosing people with Diabetes large fiber peripheral neuropathy. They will as run a blood test to check it for exposure to any types of toxins. They will also run what they call a nerve condition study (NCS) an electrical test to follow nerve impulses as it runs down the nerve or a electromyelography (EMG) which records the electrical activity in the muscles.

Feet are not the only area Neuropathy can harm. It can also affect your heart, lungs, and even your eyes. Making you unaware of inflicted spots. A few symptoms to look out for are: A pin and needle feeling in one or both of your feet. You have open sores on your feet or even your legs that heal slowly. Your feet and legs hurt at night causing you to lose sleep. Seek medical attention right away if it persists. As you grow older, the risks become greater to develop Neuropathy or nerve damage due to diabetes.

You cannot correct any type of nerve damage. You will have it for the rest of your life. Being diabetic your chances are higher. There is no cure for Neuropathy. You need to slow the progress of the Neuropathy and then you need to get the pain under control to a manageable level. One sure fire way to help manage Neuropathy is by getting your glucose levels down to a normal percentage. Diet and exercises can really help, along with medications. Such as antidepressants, pain medication and topical agents; like foot creme. Keep watch for the side affects for most medications. Dizziness, headache, tiredness, vomiting just to name a few.

Controlling your Neuropathy can be easy if you: Eat healthy; Do not skip meals; Ask your Doctor about gluten, vitamins, and lipoic acid; Do not drink to much alcohol; Stay away from refined grain; always eat your omega-6 fatty acids; and always, always ask your medical team for advice on your diet.

By Zondra Mae

Tired of being tired?


Tiredness is a state of weariness with increased discomfort and decreased efficiency. It may be either due to excessive or prolonged physical or mental stress or of both or due to any illnesses. It is otherwise called as exhaustion, lassitude, lethargy, debility, etc.
Causative factors - Everyone might have felt tiredness by one or other time, i.e. commonly after
  • Overstrain with lack of rest / sleep
  • Any illness (fever, diarrhoea, indigestion, Anaemia, diabetes, spermatorrhoea, etc)
  • Loss of vital fluids (blood loss, excessive sweat, excessive sexual activity, during lactation period, during periods, during pregnancy, dehydration due to lack of water intake, poor eating habits, sunstroke, etc)
  • Depression with worries or lack of interest  with bored job
  • Excessive smoking, alcohol, coffee and tea
  • In elderly age with lack of strength

These are all common, but if someone happened to get tiredness with least exertion or felt tiredness in persistent manner (irrespective of nutritious food / drink, good sleep / rest and even after getting treatment) it means that they need to get treated aptly analyzing the causative factor in-depth. Commonly other causes are low blood cells / volume, low iron / calcium and other minerals, lack of adequate oxygen supply (due to environmental factors or respiratory disorders), abnormal levels in thyroid and pituitary hormones, sugar level, sedentary job and sometimes even some medication too.  

Symptoms of tiredness
  • Wants to be alone
  • Feels no strength at all to accomplish any work and desire to lie down all the time
  • Drowsiness / dizziness / headache with nausea and vomiting
  • Decreased concentration & memory loss
  • Muscle cramps / aches
  • Intermittent yawning / stretching outs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in body / joints

Management and prevention - Normally everyone goes for some rest or good sleep with health drinks or multivitamins to come out of tiredness. In case of any maintaining causes, i.e., night duty, untimely diet, insomnia, improper treatment for depression and anxiety, etc, they need to have life style changes and should have some therapy / exercises to get rid off the tiredness. Further one should aware that even though tiredness is not a serious disorder, it may be sometime due to any serious ailments (like leukemia, autoimmune disorders, myasthenia, multiple sclerosis, etc). So, one need to approach health professional for persistent tiredness especially if their sleep / rest is not refreshing them and their energy is not recharging after foods or drinks.

Homeopathic Approach on Tiredness Homeopathy deals more with patient’s symptoms and feelings than with the disease or its symptoms. Anyhow, as being tiredness can be caused by various factors, one needs to get investigated with blood and other required parameters according to the presentation of the complaints to rule out complications. Also one needs to express all their complaints / feelings with tried medications (if any) to the doctor to help him to select apt medicine. Even though taking health supplements / multivitamin tablets can work for time being, it is better to stimulate our body with homeopathy medicines (to have good body function) rather than providing it just substitutes or supplements. For example, in homeopathy, the minute doses of medicines will stimulate the body’s own system to absorb / secrete required amount of nutrients / hormones for the need to have better body functions and briskness.
The Homeopathic medicines commonly used for tiredness are Acid phos, Alfalfa, Arnica, Ars alb, Ars iod, Avena sativa, Bryonia, Carbo veg, Calc carb, China, Coccus, Gelsemium, Ginseng, Ipecac, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Naja, Nat mur, Picric acid, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Selenium, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Ver Alb, etc. These Homeopathy medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homoeopath.

(Disclaimer: The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.)

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

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