Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Being Honest With Yourself Regarding Neuropathy Care Vid

More wise advice from Dr. John Hayes at (see link below). This week he strongly advises patients to take a good look at their strategies for living with neuropathy. He's right that we're all searching for the miracle cure, or supplement to help ease our symptoms. That's understandable: there is no cure, so people naturally go looking for the next best thing. His advice is to be completely honest with yourself and look at your lifestyle and history too and share that honesty with your doctor. There's a much greater chance of improving your condition if you do that.

Episode 50: Learning How To Do First Things First in Neuropathy and Chronic Pain Self Care!

Thursday, March 13th, 2014
Posted by John Hayes Jr

In this video Dr John Hayes Jr continues the last discussion about how important focusing on what we CAN do can have a tremendous impact in managing #Neuropathy, #Fibromyalgia and indeed many forms of #ChronicPain. Please don’t ignore how powerful this can be!

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