Today's post from (see link below) falls under the category of 'just saying!' posts because it is unlikely that many people will change their habits after reading the warnings below...and yet maybe we should...for the sake of our long-suffering nerves. It's all about neurotoxins, which basically means, common substances in our daily lives that can harm or further damage our neurological systems. Remember also; the word 'toxin' means poison! Well worth a read.

Neurotoxins are substances which can interfere with nerve cells by overstimulating them to death or interrupting the electrical activities of nerves and their communication process, altering the normal function of the nervous system.
Common symptoms associated with the consumption of neurotoxins can manifest immediately after ingestion or they may be delayed. Symptoms include: weakness in the extremities; tingling sensations or numbness; memory loss; loss of vision and/or intellect; uncontrollable obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors; delusions; headaches; cognitive and behavioral issues; and sexual dysfunction. Also, people with certain types of disorders can be more vulnerable to these substances.
Research studies have demonstrated that neurotoxins can shorten the life span of nerve cells. In addition, these substances have been associated with the development of brain disorders, peripheral neuropathy as well as neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s Chorea and Parkinson’s disease.
To make matters worse, the availability of neurotoxins has increased dramatically within the last few decades. A majority of the neurotoxins our bodies absorb are found in the food we eat and the water we drink. Even worse, these can also be found in baby food.
Neurotoxins In Food
If you have children, it’s important to be aware of the following ten neurotoxins listed below. Because kid’s bodies are still developing, they are often the most vulnerable to the effects of consuming these dangerous substances. The majority of food products that contain neurotoxins are listed on their ingredients list. Processed foods, such as chips and candy, are generally supplied with a load of neurotoxins. It’s best to avoid consuming any food or drink containing the following neurotoxins listed below.
10 Neurotoxins To Avoid
Aspartame (best known as Equal, AminoSweet, NutraSweet and Spoonful): This substance is very commonly added to sugar-free products, such as sugar-free gums and drinks. Most aspartame is made from the fecal matter of genetically modified bacteria. Research studies have associated the consumption of aspartame to migraines, obesity, kidney failure, blindness, seizures, neurological disorders, mental illness, brain tumors and diabetes.
Monosodium glutamate (also known as MSG or sodium glutamate): This substance is common in junk food, fast food and most restaurant food, canned food and even in baby food. Independent researchers believe that ingesting MSG, or monosodium glutamate, plays a considerable role in the development of neurodegenerative brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. MSG is frequently disguised on ingredient labels under alternative names like hydrolyzed, or vegetable protein, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, yeast extract, textured protein, TVP, autolyzed yeast, carrageenan, malt extract, malt flavouring, bouillon, seasonings, spices and natural flavoring.
Sucralose (or Splenda): This artificial sweetener alternative is very popular in sugar-free products, especially sugar-free drinks. Sucralose was accidentally discovered during a research focused on creating a new insecticide, which is why some researchers propose that sucralose should be listed in the insecticide category. Sucralose has been identified as a chlorinated compound. When the body breaks down this type of chlorinated compound, it releases toxic chemicals into the bloodstream.
Aluminum: This type of metal can frequently be found in our drinking water as well as in over-the-counter antacids and vaccines. Aluminum is a difficult substance for the body to absorb, however, citrate or citric acid tremendously increases its absorption. Vaccines are some of the highest factors which contribute to aluminum toxicity, primarily because the aluminum is injected directly into the body.
Mercury: This heavy metal is common in fish products, vaccines and amalgam fillings, also referred to as silver fillings. Mercury can be found in our drinking water as well. Mercury has been identified to be one of the most toxic neurotoxins because it destroys brain tissue.
Fluoride (sodium fluoride): This substance is very commonly found in drinking water and conventional toothpaste. Fluoride was utilized to exterminate rats before it was introduced into consumer products. The fluoride used for the products we consume is a mixture of a variety of chemicals which can be hazardous to the body. Not to be confused with the natural calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride can be found listed on the warning labels of fluoridated toothpaste products.
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein: This harmful food ingredient is very common in certain junk foods. Hydrolyzed vegetable protein contains high concentrations of the substances glutamate and aspartate. In high levels, glutamate and aspartate can overstimulate nerve cells.
Calcium caseinate: This substance is frequently found in the ingredient list of many protein supplements, energy bars and junk food. Due to its harmful properties, this neurotoxin can damage the brain and cause other neurological issues.
Sodium caseinate: This type of protein is common in dairy products and junk food. It has been associated to the development of gastrointestinal complications and has even been linked to autism.
Yeast extract: A popular food ingredients in many processed foods, such as canned food. It is also toxic to the brain.
Sugar: The Most Common Neurotoxin
While the above mentioned neurotoxins can be commonly found in higher concentrations on a majority of the foods we eat today, there is one substance that people consume more frequently than all the others: sugar or table sugar. Refined sugar is not as toxic as aspartame but it can be toxic enough to cause considerable harm to the body when it’s consumed on a regular basis.
When you eat a fruit, for instance, you are not just ingesting sugar and water, but also synergistic components, such as mineral activators, enzymes, co-vitamin helpers and fiber. It’s these components that help the body effectively metabolize all the nutrients of the fruit.
Without the help of these synergistic components, sugar cannot be metabolized safely. In fact, certain elements of the sugar are broken down into toxic chemicals instead. When the body metabolizes refined sugar, toxic metabolites are released into the body. These metabolites can then considerably impair the respiration process of the cells.
Other Common Neurotoxins
Other common neurotoxins which can be found in some of the favorite processed foods we consume are chemical food additives, preservatives and sweeteners. Numerous research studies have been conducted on food additives and their toxic, damaging affect on the nerve cells in our body. Brain cells and the peripheral nerves are the most affected by these substances, which can also have a cumulative effect on the body over time.
Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, and artificial sweeteners can gradually cause considerable damage to nerve cells, which may lead to peripheral neuropathy or even worse, Alzheimer’s disease. Yet, these ingredients are found in the foods and beverages we consume daily. The average household has diet beverages, salad dressings, canned soups, condiments, crackers, junk food and many other of these types of foods and drinks. Even baby foods contain many of these neurotoxins.
Whether or not you suffer from any neurological dysfunction, everyone should avoid consuming these harmful chemicals. Over a period of decades, they can cause, not only peripheral neuropathy but, damage to brain cells as well, leading to memory loss, confusion, dementia, including Alzheimer’s and other serious neurological diseases such as Parkinsons.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
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