Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016


Coronary thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel of the heart. This blood clot restricts blood flow within the heart. It is associated with narrowing of blood vessels subsequent to clotting. The condition is considered as a type of ischaemic heart disease.
Thrombosis in the heart can lead to a myocardial infarction Coronary thrombosis and myocardial infarction are sometimes used as synonyms, although this is technically inaccurate as the thrombosis refers to the blocking of blood vessels, while the infarction refers to the tissue death due to the consequent loss of blood flow to the heart tissue. The heart contains many connecting blood vessels, and depending upon the location of the thrombosis, the infarction may cause no symptoms.
Coronary thrombosis can be a complication associated with drug-eluting stent
ARNICA MONTANA 200-An excellent remedy for coronary thrombosis . Bruised pain and tightness in chest. Stitches in the heart . Pulse irregular and feeble.
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS Q—Constriction in the region of the heart as if squeezed with an iron band . Difficulty in breathing.
COLOCYNTHIS 30- When the disease is due to the effect of anger
LACHESIS 200—There is threatened paralysis of the left arm and left leg accompanied by numbness. Patient cannot bear tight clothes con the neck and abdomen
SPIGELIA 30—Violent palpitation. Praecordial pain and great aggravation from movement. Dyspnoea, must lie on right side with head high
CROTALUS HOR. 30- Fullness behind the sternum. Trembling feeling of heart
CENCHRIS CON. 6X—Heart feels distended , fills whole chest as if it fell down in abdomen. Sharp stitches, fluttering under left scapula
PITUITORY GLAND 30  or  200—High blood pressure. Will check hemorrhage and add absorption of clot

NAJA TRIPUDIANS 30- Feeling of weight in heart . With heart symptoms pain forehead and temples.Pulse irregular in force. Threatened paralysis of heart, body cold, pulse slow, irregular tremulous 

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