Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016


Botanical name- Cephalandra indica Linn
Family- Cucurbitaceae
Common  names – English-Ivy gouard
Distribution – Throughout India at low elevations
Description – A climbing or prostrate perennial herb with much branched luberous roots. Stem grooved slender, glabrous, trndrils slender, triated and simple. Leaves 5-10 cm in length, 5 lobed , cronate, shining and scabtid.Flowers white or yellow, dioecious.Male flowers solitary or subcymose at the apex of a peduncle. Female flowers solitary.Fruit smooth and bright green with strips when immature, becoming bright scarlet red when ripe
Part used– Leaves
Constituents-  Glycosides ,carbohydrates ,fix oils ,proteins ,aminoacids , beta carotene , iron ,calssium ,potassium ,vitamin A ,vitamin C ,saponnins ,tannins ,phytosterol ,alkaloids ,phenolic compounds ,flavonoids ,gum and mucilage 
DIABETES- Profuse urination.Weaknessxhaustion after urination. Dryness of mouth with great thirst for large quantities of water at a time. Burning all over the body. Giddiness after urination
Potency – Q, 1x, 3x

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