Today's very useful article from (see link below) gives some realistic advice to people suffering from chronic pain. Remember, chronic pain, is pain that continues longer than two or three months and is a frequent symptom of neuropathic disorders. It's a question of learning to manage your pain so that you can find a place for it in your life. You should still aim for complete removal of pain while at the same time, accepting that it may not go away completely; something that is extremely difficult to do!

Surviving Chronic Pain: What You Must Know Now
By Jo Ann LeQuang: October 2010
More than 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, that is, pain that does not go away. Chronic pain can be caused by a disease, like fibromyalgia, or be the result of an old injury. Sometimes there is no obvious reason for chronic pain. Unlike normal aches and pains, chronic pain can seem like it takes over your life.
No matter whether your persistent pain is mild or excruciating, it can change your life--and not in a good way. Chronic pain patients are at risk for depression and other mental health challenges because of their condition.
There are important steps that people with long-term pain can take to help manage their pain.
First, you need to develop realistic expectations. Many people with pain hope that they can take a pill or rub on a cream and the pain will disappear--permanently. While that is a wonderful thought, it may not be the case. You may have to do more than just take a pill to manage your pain. Many times pain control involves lifestyle changes, and those can be difficult to make. Furthermore, your pain may never go away completely. You may be able to reduce your pain by half, or three-quarters, or even 90% but for many people, some degree of pain may still be something they have to live with.
Second, you have to be willing to do what it takes to manage your pain. This means being open minded about pain management therapies, trying things you thought you would never try, and changing the way you live and do things to help defeat your pain.
There are lots of things that we know help some people cope with some types of pains. You should be willing to give these things a fair try. If they help ease your pain, even a little, keep doing them. Even if something only helps a little bit, say by reducing your pain by 10%, keep doing it because lots of little things can add up. Anything that can help improve your pain by that amount is worth doing--and adding to.
Some things that work on pain include ice packs, heating pads, hot baths, hot showers, massage, acupuncture, essential oils, aromatherapy, music therapy, regular sleep schedule (going to bed and getting up at the same time every day), exercise, better diet, eliminating sugar and artificial sweeteners from your diet, losing weight, taking long walks, spending some quiet time alone every day, getting more rest, becoming active in a cause larger than yourself, and taking vitamins.
Looking at this list, you probably think some of these ideas are goofy. That may be. But every one of them has been used by at least some pain patients to get significant relief. You cannot afford to be too critical of things that might turn out to actually help you. The point is to try things and see what works for you. Give things a fair chance, even if they seem a little silly. And do not give up doing something even if it offers only modest relief.
Third, you have to start playing the percentages. Your goal is to get 100% relief (knowing that may or may not be attainable). Instead of looking for that silver bullet that will give you 100% relief, look for lots of things to provide a portion of your pain relief. For instance, losing weight may reduce your pain by 20%. You may also find that eating a more healthful diet improves your pain about 10%. Then you may find that a weekly massage improves your pain 40%. Add to that an occasional ice pack (10%) and exercise (10%) and you have a "recipe" to eliminate 90% of your pain.
That is just an example, but it is an example that is based on what works for many people with pain. Notice that pain relief does not necessarily require drugs. In fact, you should try to do everything you can without drugs for as long as you can, since drugs are powerful chemicals that can cause side effects.
Of course, many people with chronic pain need to take drugs. You should discuss the best type of medication to take with your doctor, even if it is an over-the-counter medication. Learn all you can about drugs since drugs can interact with other drugs (and even some foods) and some common over-the-counter medications can present serious health risks if not taken as directed.
It is not at all unusual to harbor resentment and anger against your family, friends, and even your physician if they do not understand what is happening to you. To be quite fair to them, people who do not live with constant pain find it hard to grasp what it means to live like you do. Instead of arguing with them or getting annoyed with them, realize that they just do not know.
When it comes to your physician, do tell your physician about your pain. If you think your current physician is not doing all he or she can do to help you, ask for a referral to a pain management specialist. To be fair to your doctor, pain is a very complex subject and specialists are more up-to-date with the latest treatments than general practitioners. A pain specialist can be an important player in your battle against pain. Even if you have to drive a long distance to see one, it may be worth the trouble.
If your doctor prescribes drugs or tells you about over-the-counter drugs to take, make sure you understand how to take them and follow your doctor's instructions. If you experience side effects or if you still have pain, call your doctor before you stop taking the drug or double-up on the dose.
For people who suffer from severe chronic pain, there are potent drugs and other remedies that can be considered. There are implantable devices such as neurostimulators or infusion pumps that can help you manage your pain. You should ask a pain specialist about these things if your pain is unbearable using other strategies.
Last but not least, pain management is a war not a battle. You need to fight that war a little bit every day. Be grateful for good days and enjoy them. Take time to be thankful for all the wonderful people and things in your life. Keep doing the things that help you, even if they are inconvenient or boring (such as exercise, eating healthier, getting more rest). Keep learning all you can about your condition and pain. You may never find a magic cure, but you can find at least some degree of improvement.
Click through to to learn more about chronic pain and to be part of a community of people raising awareness about chronic pain and its effects. This article was written by Jo Ann LeQuang.
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