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Usually, as a doctor, I respect patient privacy and assure 100 per cent confidentiality in consultation. Sometimes, some patients may ask whether I have ever cured any such similar, difficult case. Some may go further and ask for testimonials/proof and patients’ address/phone number to get clarifications and gain reliability about the treatment. For them, I used to explain that nowadays testimonials are often cooked up and posted as advertisements to attract patients. Even then, they would not be satisfied until they see improvement in their treatment. According to me, patients should have confidence in the doctor with their qualification and experience. Anyhow, since most of my patients come through referrals from cured patients and they speak for the doctor. Even though result of treatment, course of treatment and nature of treatment differs from patient to patient, patient-referred patients follow the medicines sincerely and get benefitted more than those who just come for treatment as an alternative trial. Here patient’s hope and confidence also supports the treatment. Here I wish to share some clinical experiences (respecting patient privacy) for the sake of suffering humanity:
Let us start with my clinical experience starting from the top i.e. HAIR Gaining Minor – losing Major Here’s a real story that reveals how unnecessary or improper treatment can worsen the status than the disease itself. Recently, one fine evening, Mr S, aged 29 years, approached me for treatment of his anxiety and suicidal mania. He is a software engineer from a reputed institution and newly-married - just 2 months. He complained that he developed fear and aversion towards life after marriage. On probing, he revealed that he did not have erection to satisfy his partner. Because of that, he felt ashamed and even thought of suicide but fear of death stopped him. As he loathed life, he had even resigned his high-profile job. I started enquiring whether he had any other health issue. He replied that he was perfectly healthy and always maintained his good health with regular workouts for at least 45 minutes a day. Probing further, I enquired whether he was getting morning erection. He replied that he used to get good morning erection previously i.e. before four months, but not recently. He also felt that his penis was shrinking due to lack of erection. Then I enquired whether he was stressful recently – during the problem period. He denied being stressful and said, instead, he had returned from America four months ago in a happy mood for the marriage. He added that he got back here only after completing a challenging project very successfully. I tried to find out whether he was interest in his partner and sex. He immediately replied that even though his was an arranged marriage, he loves the girl and has good interest in sex. He added that in spite of her cooperation, he could not succeed to satisfy her and feels ashamed. He even tried to get Viagra tablets from nearby medical shops twice, but was too bashful to do so. So he would end up buying some other common medicines. Though he finally succeeded in buying it online, now he was worried about its reliability, quality and side-effects. He concluded by saying he wanted some powerful medicines to cure him immediately or else he might go crazy or commit suicide. I started enquiring again about his hair treatment and medicines. The medicine was prescribed by a dermatologist for hair loss after he returned from USA. As hair fall stopped immediately, he wished to continue the medication. Somehow I convinced him to stop all (hair medicines and supplement) for some time and told him that I will be changing my prescription to stop hair fall and give him his nutritional requirement too. I gave him two types of medicines which needed to be taken twice a day and asked him to come for a review after 15 days. But he had a complaint: homeopathic medicine given to check hair fall was not working and so he wished to start his previous hair medicine again! Now I had to explain: Discussion
for new hope Dr S.CHIDAMBARANATHAN. M.D (Hom) Website - Email - (Disclaimer - The contents of this column are for informational purpose only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of healthcare professional for any health problem or medical condition.) |
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016
Hair fall
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