I wonder if the reason
we - artists-writers-herbalists-soft underbelly mamas -
don't get the work in the world
we wish for
is because we are so damn busy waiting for
waiting for the right business to hire us
for the right school to say you graduated
(it's official!)
for the right business partner
(I can't do it without a scapegoat)
or whatEVER
and we keep getting only some of what we need.
MAYBE we keep waiting for that special validation
with the right hours and perfect situation
because we are to damn scared to say
I'm good at what I do
I take responsibility for my learning curve
I have the right to make my hours,
create the structure right for me,
to be unique
and excellent
and at the mercy of no one else's
besides my own.
Maybe we would prosper if we decided
we were so passionate at what we did that we were
learning more
and maybe we would prosper
if we had the guts
to shamelessly
self promote.
We wouldn't want to be confident, now would we?
That would be arrogant, presumptuous.
How can you have any objectivity towards yourself?
I am good at what I do.
I love what I do.
I care about my work.
I can make my own hours,
meet my own needs and those of my family,
take care of my home and the land I love,
and I deserve to make good money for it.
Without overworking.
Without extremism.
Without selling my ideas
or pride
or leaking out my well of energy.
There is room in this world for good people to prosper.
We are good at what we do.